“Tell me what you drink and I’ll tell you who you are!” Women's alcohol preferences Which strong alcoholic drinks do women prefer?

Some character traits of a woman can be understood by the fact that she likes to drink. What is the temperament of a woman who prefers champagne, vodka, cognac, whiskey, tequila, wine or liqueurs?

Did you know that a woman's character can be determined based on what kind of alcoholic drinks she prefers? Everything secret someday becomes clear.

Champagne is preferred by coquettes and gigglers. Such women are not averse to marrying a man who is much older than them. They sometimes cheat on their husbands and get drunk almost instantly.

Vodka is drunk by women with a strong character, strong, and strong-willed. They do not hide their desires and get drunk very slowly.

Cognac is a drink for middle-aged women who need warmth, care and affection. Pay more attention to her, try to understand her soul, and she will love you forever. She gets drunk quickly, but at the same time remains damn attractive.

Whiskey is drunk by confident women without complexes. After drinking, they can show extravagance and be unpredictable. They get drunk quickly, and the next morning they don’t like to remember yesterday, since they can do a lot of things...

Tequila is for extravagant, “explosive” young ladies. They can be violent and dangerous at the moment of extreme intoxication, although after several servings of alcohol they instantly “pass out.”

Rum-Cola is a favorite drink of women who love experiments in everything. They sober up before they get drunk, and often disappear in English. In a word, complete unpredictability! - you won't get bored.

Gin and tonic - women who prefer this drink love to “put on a smart face” and talk about things they have no idea about. They get drunk quickly, and the next morning they cannot remember what happened to them.

Red wine is preferred by emotional, passionate people. On the surface, a woman may be restrained, but inside there are hurricanes raging. They get drunk slowly, with sense, taste, and arrangement. In a state of slight intoxication they are inimitably beautiful...

White wine is preferred by reserved, self-aware, cold and calculating socialites. They always remain sober and extremely careful in their actions. These ladies are excellent conversationalists, but they frighten off the stronger sex with their outward coldness, which sometimes hides a hot temperament.

Liqueurs are for “sweet” women who prefer to lead a home lifestyle. They cook and run the house well. They love expensive gifts and are as affectionate as cats.

Beer is for women “without pretensions.” These women are great “guys.” It is good to consult with them. They are irreplaceable workmates. As they say, it’s not scary to go on reconnaissance with this one, your rear will be provided.

In this article, we’ll talk about drinking girls, relationships with such individuals and much more...

Let's start with the fact that it is not possible to call a drinking creature a “girl/woman”.

This is a woman. Heifer. But not a girl/woman. We'll talk more about this later.

Absolutely all girls, girls, women should absolutely not drink alcohol.

Even in small doses (quantities), a glass there, for example, even rarely (for example, once a year, on some holidays, etc.). Because absolutely any alcoholic drink (even that same woman’s favorite wine, as they call it; I’m generally silent about whiskey, cognac, champagne, beer, etc.) in any quantity (even the smallest) can harm a girl because it can injure her genitalia cells (eggs) that are given to all girls at birth, all at once, and they are not renewed...

By the way, for example, for men, alcohol in this context is not so critical, because our germ cells (sperm) are RENEWED (over time). Women don't have this. That's all.

Accordingly, look, the woman drinks her wine or something else, and let her take one sip, not even a glass, and this sip injures this girl’s own reproductive cell(s), then later, when she gives birth, prolong kind, it could be 5-10 years after that sip (glass), it doesn’t matter, she may not have a healthy child, but a handicapped, mentally retarded, disabled, freak, etc. Do you understand this, no? Would you like some more wine? Or is there something else there? A?

It’s clear that most girls don’t even know about this. And there are those who know, but they just don’t care. Still they drink. ALL. And nothing, everything is fine. So no need to la-la. I'm like everyone else. A herd, what can I say.

In general, there is eternal misinformation in the media, they come up with some kind of norms for alcohol consumption and other nonsense..

I am not surprised. It's all business. It's all money. That's why they don't talk about it. I understand.

But. I always tell it like it really is. Without lies and falsehood. Someone hates me for this, someone “loves” me, I don’t really care. Natural selection. The fittest win.

By the way, this is the answer to where such a huge number (millions and this number is constantly growing) of sick children have accumulated in our countries... And I guarantee that the more alcohol is produced and sold, the more women drink this alcohol (and no matter what/how rarely /in what quantities) = the more children are born who are disabled, handicapped, with deformities, mental disabilities, etc. and so on.

And then they run around on TV channels, help me raise money for an operation or something else.

Briefly speaking. Drinking alcohol = female = not allowed at all. A girl/woman who wants to become a HAPPY MOTHER and give birth to a healthy child should not drink ALCOHOL AT ALL, NOT A DROP! All. Dot.

This is the first. What I wanted to tell you. To a girl. And accordingly, from this information, advice to a man.

Drinking woman = healthy child = won't give it to you. Your offspring will be weak (not fit). These are huge risks. Yes, it may carry through, but maybe not. There are no guarantees here at all.

Question: do you need it, these hemorrhoids? Why invest a lot of resources into a woman (and the birth of a child) in order to then have the opportunity to have a lot of problems... it’s better not to build a relationship with such...

This is the first point. The second is that when a woman drinks, her rational, conscious human component stupidly turns off (as if on a click), and the unconscious (roughly speaking, an animal) comes out. This is why a creature cannot be called a girl/woman = a drinker.

Actually, this is why the vast majority of “adventures” happen while drunk (i.e., under alcohol) ... there may be all these TREASONS on her part, there may be ten of them staring at her, and she won’t even remember it, or will, but Of course, she won’t tell you, the worst thing is that she could get pregnant from just anyone, there will be abortions, or you will be raising someone else’s child (he’ll arrange everything like that)…

In short, this whole nightmare = with alcohol and women = a worthy man doesn’t need anything.

With a drinking woman = you will have no confidence in absolutely anything. You can't build relationships here.

Doesn't fit. CLOSED HERE. The main female quality is fidelity. And the purpose of a relationship (marriage) is to create a family, family, children, offspring. I already told you how alcohol affects all this. Draw conclusions. You can only stare at such women. Have some fun and that's it. If you want, of course, by the way...

Advice to girls: if you see that a guy wants to get you drunk or offers you a drink, he is not considering you for a long-term relationship. He doesn't care about you. At all. I have already explained why in the article. Just take my word for it. He needs you to spread you know what and you understand this is a one-time event...

And vice versa, if a guy is against all this = it’s completely the opposite.

In general, advice to men: don’t “drag” a girl along with you. This is her life. Wants to drink = let him drink. And so on. This is just not your girl. That's all. Your girlfriend will understand everything perfectly herself.

Congratulations, administrator.

First observe, then strip and conquer!

Girls are not men. If men try to pour more drinks containing fire water into themselves, then the choice of girls is determined by many factors, mainly her internal emotional state. Some need affection and attention, while others expect an assertive knight.

How to determine what a girl wants by choosing alcohol OFFICEPLANKTON presented below:


Basically, champagne is preferred by girls who love bright parties, coquettes, and laughter. Such girls can marry a man much older than them in age, but in marriage they are prone to cheating. They get drunk quickly.

Champagne makes everyone drunk quickly, but if you want your friend to feel relaxed faster and not guess about your insidious plans, feel free to order these from the bartender.


Which girl prefers a strong and strong drink? That's right, girls with the same character. Since among the entire planet, vodka is mainly preferred by Russian women, which is not surprising; there is no doubt about their strong and strong-willed character.

Women who drink vodka get drunk very slowly and prefer not to hide their desires, acting directly.


Cognac is preferred by middle-aged girls. The effect of cognac is very pleasant, despite the fact that many people do not like this drink. After the first shot, the warmth envelops the throat and goes down into the stomach. It is warmth, care and affection that women who prefer this aromatic drink need.

Do you want to win her? Start paying attention to her, understand her soul and in the end she will love you herself. Such girls get drunk quickly.


This wonderful drink, pleasant in taste and smell, is loved by confident girls. Often without complexes at all. When intoxicated, they can be unpredictable.

As a result, when you wake up in the morning, you may not remember what happened yesterday, and yesterday you could have done a lot of things.


Since tequila appeared in a very hot and crazy Mexico, and the most “explosive” young ladies like this drink. After a couple of drinks they can become violent and dangerous, but they will soon pass out.

Red wine.

Red wine is a drink for emotional and very passionate people. On the surface, the ladies with a glass of red are quite reserved, but inside there is a real hurricane raging. They get drunk slowly, and when they are drunk, they are simply inimitable.

White wine.

White wine is the favorite drink of socialites. Such ladies are very reserved, cold and calculating. They are careful in their actions and almost always remain sober.


A sweet drink for sweet women who take on all the responsibilities in the house. Housekeeping and excellent cooking skills are the main qualities of girls who love this sweet alcoholic drink. Such women should be given expensive gifts.


Beer is the drink of girls who don’t bother with any reason and without unnecessary pretensions. It’s good to consult with such girls, and at work they are real comrades.

Have you met? Pay attention to what she prefers from the alcoholic menu, mount your horse and go ahead - win her heart!

Girls drink cocktails because cocktails are beautiful, you can hardly feel the alcohol in them, and they are served in elegant glasses that don’t look like nightmarish beer mugs. We selected 8 of the most fashionable and most spring cocktails and learned from an expert how to determine a girl’s character by her cocktail.

French Kiss, Honey Cosmo, Emporio Champagne

1. French kiss
(strawberries, bourbon, grenadine, lemon juice, coconut syrup)180 rub.

The cocktail with a frivolous name reflects what is happening at Paris. “French Kiss” with a strawberry and cream flavor inspires both provocative dancing and romantic get-togethers with a hookah.

The average bill is 40 USD. e.
Tel. 247 0912,
Zubovsky blvd., 13, building 2, metro station Park Kultury,
around the clock

2. Honey Cosmo
(honey, rum, tea, nutmeg, cinnamon, orange, lemon, apple),290 rub.

A hot and aromatic cocktail from a fashionable bar in the slush of March is especially suitable for girls who wrap themselves in a scarf from head to toe all winter and still catch a cold. Honey Cosmo, although not related to the Cosmopolitan, the favorite cocktail of the Sex and the City girlfriends, is just as much the perfect drink for a bachelorette party. A ridiculous dose of alcohol, skillfully disguised with tea and enriched with fruit, will not interfere with discussing pressing problems, boasting about a new boyfriend or, at worst, a cool blouse.

Version 1.5
The average bill is 50 USD. e.
Tel. 647 1303,
Varvarka, 3, metro Kitay-Gorod,
Mon-Thu 12.00–0.00,
Fri, Sat, Sun 12.00–6.00

3. Emporio Champagne
(Galliano, prosecco, grappa, lemon juice, lemon jam) 450 rub.

A cocktail for sophisticated fashionistas who go to shows and shopping in Milan and wear now what everyone will wear in six months. The famous bartender took the once trendy Cosmopolitan cocktail, replaced the cranberry flavor with lemon, and vodka with grappa, added Italian sparkling wine and a stylish lemon “twist” - and got a mix that was ahead of fashion.

Having played enough with catchy colors and exotic combinations in the spring, in the fall we all want the same minimalism - both light and intellectual.

Emporio Cafe
The average bill is from 100 USD. e.
Tel. 251 5145,
1st Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane, 18/3, metro station Mayakovskaya,
around the clock

4. Ruby
(pomegranate berries, champagne, grenadine, ice),220 rub.

The pomegranate looks discreet, but inside it hides surprises and treasures - just like connoisseurs of the Ruby cocktail. When talking about such pseudo-modest women, they usually remember the “quiet pool”. Ruby, made with fresh pomegranate and champagne, may also seem modest and restrained, but in reality it turns out to be sophisticated and dizzying. This cocktail is also suitable for girls who are on a diet: pomegranate berries have few calories, but more than enough energy. The boost of energy will come in handy on the dance floor - and the next day you can sleep through your workout at the fitness club with a clear conscience.

The average bill is 40 USD. e.
Tel. 238 5848,
Kaluzhskaya sq., 1, Oktyabrskaya metro station,
around the clock

5. Sweet poison
(gin, vodka, tequila, triple sec, Malibu coconut rum, champagne, cherry syrup),350 rub.

This explosive mixture can cause overly playful and relaxed behavior. A heavy dose of alcohol is flavored with cherry syrup and served with plenty of ice - to at least somewhat cool down the ardor of the adventurer. Compared to most “lady’s” drinks, “Sweet Poison” is unusually strong, therefore it is recommended for emotional girls who are not afraid of change. According to the observations of the bartenders of the Papa’s club, after a couple of drinks, visitors actively take part in the “Wet T-shirt” competition. Such competitions are not uncommon here.

The average bill is 40 USD. e.
Tel. 755 9554,
Myasnitskaya, 22, metro Turgenevskaya, Chistye Prudy,
Mon-Sun 18.00–6.00

Golden Cuba, Sweet, Lychee Royal

6. Golden Cube
(pineapple, orange and lemon juice, liqueurCointreau, white rumBacardiSuperior, passion fruit syrup),400 rub.

Sipping this soft tropical cocktail, you can imagine yourself on a lounge chair on the ocean. A mix of freshly squeezed juices, orange liqueur and rum with creamy notes that come from nowhere, like melting ice cream, gives a sweet feeling of freedom. Try it once - and consider yourself in slavery to this memorable range. After the second serving you want to dance samba with a sultry Latino, after the third you want to wave
to the airport and buy a one-way ticket to Cuba.

Polly garden
The average bill is 40 USD. e.
Tel. 250 2530,
1st Brestskaya, 41, building 2, Belorusskaya metro station,
Mon-Thu, Sun 12.00–0.00,
Fri, Sat 12.00–1.00

7. Sweetie
(peach, banana, strawberry liqueur, Veda vodka, whipped cream, chocolate chips),299 rub.

It is with this cocktail that you need to bring your girlfriend back to her senses after the next man of her dreams turned out to be another “March cat.” The bartenders at 1171 know their stuff. When vodka is mixed with liqueurs, the sweeter and heavier liqueurs settle to the bottom and the vodka ends up on top. As a decoration - a hefty portion of whipped cream with chocolate chips. If the situation requires radical measures, you can force your friend to drink a cocktail in layers: wash down the vodka with liqueurs and snack on cream. An option for a long, soul-saving conversation in the “all men are bastards” genre: stir before drinking so that the vodka disperses evenly throughout the cocktail. A contrasting mixture of strong alcohol and cream plus a hefty dose of sweets can overcome any blues. As for calories... There are more important problems than diets!

The average bill is 60 USD. e.
Tel. 764 9275, Savvinskaya embankment, 21, Kyiv metro station, Sportivnaya,
Thu-Sat 15.00–6.00,
Tue, Wed 15.00–0.00

8. Lychee Royal
(champagne, lychee berries, lychee puree and liqueur),450 rub.

Lychees are called both “Chinese cherries” and “paradise grapes,” although this overseas fruit has nothing in common with either one or the other. Cocktails with lychees are loved by young progressive young ladies who are greedy for the exotic and who try to catch all the fashion trends on the fly. And the soft twilight of Vision literally provokes experiments with new tastes. In “Lychee Royal” you can feel some painfully familiar and unbearably pleasant notes. Trying to understand what exactly this taste is like, you resolutely ask to repeat it - again and again. And suddenly, when it seems that the experiment is on the verge of failure, an insight comes: maybe canned apples from compote?

The average bill is 40 USD. e.
Tel. 228 2616,
B. Yakimanka, 22, metro Oktyabrskaya, Polyanka,
Thu-Sat 11.00–6.00,
Sun-Wed 11.00–2.00;

Tel. 727 3230,
N. Arbat, 11, building 1, metro station Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya,
Mon-Sun 11.00–2.00

The guru of Moscow mixology, Alexander Kan, who compiled bar maps for many current Moscow establishments, spoke about the fashion for cocktails in the minimalist style.

How do “women’s” cocktails differ from “men’s” ones?
“Women’s” cocktails are soft, but insidious. You need to learn to drink them correctly so that there are no disastrous results and poor health. And this is not as easy as it seems.

What cocktails do Moscow girls drink most often?
Oddly enough, in Moscow, women's favorite drink is Long Island Ice Tea. Representatives of the fair half of humanity often explain it this way: “This is the favorite cocktail of the men who treat us to it.” Jokes aside, but, despite fashion trends, this is the drink that ladies order in bars most often. It's a pity. The Long Island has only one advantage - it cuts down quickly. Unfortunately, mojitos, mixes like whiskey and cola, and alcohol mixed with energy drinks are still in great demand. The point is probably that people can only go to certain places for the taste of a cocktail - where they do it really professionally.

What is actually fashionable now? What do you recommend drinking this season?
Like the fashion for perfumes, the fashion in the world of mixed drinks is constantly changing, although the basis of all alcoholic cocktails without exception is no more than 70 compositions. As for the fashion for women's mixes, minimalism is beginning to dominate: from fancy combinations we are returning to drinks that are “clean” from unnecessary impurities. I try to use no more than three or four ingredients in my cocktails. Another fashionable trend in bar art that comes to us from London is getting a familiar fruity taste in a cocktail without using that particular fruit. For example, I can create a peach flavor by mixing cream, lemon juice, strawberries and passion fruit syrup. Or create a watermelon flavor from strawberries and cucumbers.

Is it possible to draw any conclusions about a girl based on her cocktail preferences?
If a girl prefers cocktails in martini glass or in a champagne flute, it means she has taste. In addition, a stylish girl does not rush to the bright-looking, but primitive and essentially banal cocktails from the Sex On The Beach series.

Gone are the days when people drank only water, but now we prefer completely different drinks. Unfortunately, after these drinks there are serious consequences. Not everyone understands the difference between the two identical words “drink” and “DRINK”. You can “drink” water, mineral water, tea, coffee, milk, juices, but you can “DRINK” vodka, beer, wine, martini, cognac and other alcoholic drinks. Unfortunately, in the modern world, many girls have forgotten that they are girls and began to drink alcohol on a par with guys, and sometimes even worse - which is much worse and more dangerous. After all, female alcoholism cannot be cured.

It is important to understand that alcohol and a girl are two completely incompatible things. No one is saying that you shouldn’t drink alcohol at all, but you should do it extremely rarely and in limited quantities. Many girls who read this article may find it funny, but there are still certain studies that allow us to say just that. So let's see how, from a psychological point of view, you can evaluate this or that choice of alcohol and compare it with the character of the girl.

1.Beer– as a rule, such girls are very sociable and simple. They prefer the company of men or the company of friends who have a masculine character. Usually, such girls are called “Your guy!” She can easily crunch on chips at 11 at night, watch football or hockey, talk about life, cars and appreciate your love affairs. Often, such girls try to be one of the men in a male company, where she is already the soul... Girls who prefer beer are usually calm, friendly, with a philosophical mindset. For them, the personal qualities of a person will come first, and not his material condition. So, for example, in high society she will evaluate not how much a car or watch costs, but the inner qualities of a person and whether there is something to talk about with him.

Such girls are simple and understandable; it is comfortable and pleasant for both girls and boys to communicate with them. Such girls are not appreciated by lovers of romance and sophistication.

2.Wine– such girls prefer to live beautifully, so to speak, “on a grand scale.” They often adhere to traditions, are sometimes conservative, and follow the rules of etiquette. In their environment, they value people who have the same views as they do. If you do not follow such qualities, you will quickly be taught.

Girls who prefer wine need a beautiful outer shell. Therefore, they will not appreciate a man who came late, without flowers, in a tracksuit and not shaved. The girls themselves also adhere to beauty - they are always well-groomed, neat, elegant, stylish, well-mannered, sophisticated. Perhaps in her youth she wrote poetry or attended a drama club. She has many more girlfriends than friends. She loves to travel, but not like a savage, but with comfort and coziness.

But all of the above applies only to those girls who drink good and expensive wines. Girls who prefer to drink cheap mumbo jumbo don't belong to this category.

3.Cognac– girls who prefer this drink are confident in themselves, know what they want, and do not depend on other people’s opinions. In some places, “cognac ladies” are similar to “wine ladies,” but you need to multiply everything by 3. “To love is like a king, but to steal is like a trillion!” - such a statement exactly characterizes such a girl. Among cognac lovers there are almost never housewives or slackers; as a rule, these are big bosses or businesswomen (who have created their own business). These are tiger girls who, no matter what, go towards their goal. Often their mentality is more masculine than feminine. Such girls are independent, ambitious, energetic, and purposeful.

Such women more often initiate relationships and choose their own men.

4.Champagne– these girls consider themselves elite, they want to seem sophisticated and sophisticated. They are as airy and dreamy as bubbles in champagne.

5.Vodka– a girl who prefers to “drink hard” is a very bad sign. Such girls love to burden others with their problems. They are assertive, straightforward, rude, and not sentimentalists. As a rule, such girls want to drown their problems and grief with vodka: even if they are not in life, they are still present in her head.

6.Martini, sambuca, absinthe, tequila, etc.– apparently, such a girl understands fashion trends. But often, such girls in clubs just want to show off in front of others, to show how cool she is. Well, some people just want to relax and unwind.

7.All-Drinker- this is an unkind sign that indicates the approach of alcoholism. For such girls there is no difference in drinks; they drink whatever they pour. The main thing is to catch up faster and get drunk. Basically, this category of easily accessible girls is preferred by guys who want easy money to pick up in clubs so as not to pay “for a night of love.”

In general, you should drink only on holidays and with taste. Alcohol often affects your appearance, and not all guys like girls who drink.

The choice of alcohol should depend on the situation you find yourself in at the moment. It seems to me that at this time there are practically no girls left who prefer only one drink. We all sin because we mostly drink whatever is poured. And this is not yet a sign of alcoholism. But still, we need to make sure that there is as little alcohol in our lives as possible, because there are so many other methods to cheer yourself up and have fun!

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