How does a man think when he meets “his one and only?” Love with your ears

The editors of the site, in general, are for natural beauty and support the Dove manifesto “You are more beautiful than you think.” But what a woman thinks about her beauty is one thing, but a man’s opinion is a different story. Which women do men consider beautiful, does the presence or absence of makeup play a role in this, and what definitely spoils beauty - the site asked smart and interesting men about this.

As it turned out, most men are not at all against makeup, but only if it is not noticeable, and the difference between “before” and “after” is not shocking. Predictably, no one likes fake lips and breasts. And beauty is spoiled by bad taste, bad character and groundless ambitions. However, read for yourself!

Gleb Vyshlinsky, Deputy Director of Gfk Ukraine

For me, beauty is wisdom and kindness. A woman with an evil face is repulsive, and one who does not have wisdom does not have depth, without which true beauty is impossible.

Bitchiness spoils beauty. Even a classic and well-groomed, but angry face is unattractive. Yes, at first glance, such a woman may seem well-groomed and beautiful, but soon this perception dissipates.
It seems to me that makeup is a matter of a woman’s personal choice, the image she wants to build. Its absence or presence does not interfere with beauty. However, makeup often makes a woman’s image overly strict and pretentious, hiding her true image.

Sergey Kane, music journalist, editor-in-chief of the new online magazine, which will launch in March.

Pictures are perfect, not people. If we talk about pictures, sometimes I can freeze at the spread of a glossy magazine if, for example, Blake Lively is there. Or Olga Freimut, what?
A lot of female beauty and attractiveness is in the hair. It happens that your hair will fall so much that you are already amazed on the spot. And by the way a girl presents herself, you can understand how in harmony she is with herself. It is important. Untidyness and lack of restraint are, first of all, disrespect for oneself.
If we talk about real beauty, which is not limited to appearance, and its distinctive features - I fall in love with talent, intelligence, inner light. We’ll do without names, but there are girls like that in my circle.
It’s uncomfortable to talk a lot about what you just want to silently, with bated breath, be inspired by. Beauty is the soul, you know?

Beauty is spoiled by stupidity, laziness, overt sexuality, and cruelty. Girls want to be loved and respected, but sometimes they behave in ways that cause the opposite feelings in guys.
Sometimes there is no picture more inspiring and beautiful than a girl who has just woken up. Because of this opinion, some people consider me a pervert.
True beauty is natural. When a girl is nature itself. But depending on your mood, this natural beauty can be exquisitely emphasized or shaded. So if some guy says “why do you need makeup at all” - kick this hypocrite out. :)

Yaroslav Lodygin, presenter, radio “Aristocrats”

The ideal of a beautiful woman is like Japanese architecture with its “imperfect ideal.” Everything should be fine, but something must be wrong. First of all, I look at the proportions, and then I enter into conversation. And if he is boring, and I myself groan and don’t know how to continue, then the women are ugly. But this rarely happens.
A woman’s beauty is not spoiled by a bad character and capriciousness. She is spoiled by a suspicious mother, an unexpected smell and empty space in her head.
The main thing is that a beautiful woman with makeup in the evening does not differ much from a beautiful woman in the morning, but without makeup. Let it be the same woman, I beg you.

Denis Dovgopoly, managing partner of BVU Group

A beautiful woman is not only about her appearance (which is important), but also about charisma, manners and even posture; people should look at her. Personally, I like tall and slender women (I’m not original here).
When asked about ruined beauty, I like to answer with an anecdote: “She opened her mouth and ruined her pretty face and excellent figure.” Many people are spoiled by the clothes they wear and the cosmetics they use. We often put on tons of makeup. In the area of ​​clothing, they either wear something unclear or don’t even know how to wear good clothes (not everyone has the talent to wear short skirts or a deep neckline, even with good appearance).
Soft makeup, in my opinion, is appropriate only within the limits of “if makeup is noticeable, then it is not appropriate.”

A woman’s beauty is not spoiled by a bad character and capriciousness. She is spoiled by a suspicious mother, an unexpected smell and empty space in her head.

Alexey Kavitsky, co-owner of, Baby Marlen

My personal most beautiful women are Oksana Kavitskaya, Audrey Hepburn, Kristina Kavitskaya, Marian Cotillard.

The main thing in a woman is her eyes! Grace of movements, and, of course, beauty of speech.
I think that any beauty can be ruined by stupidity, vulgar makeup, and, of course, tasteless manner of dressing.

Any honest girl will say that “without makeup at all” is hard. There is a time, a place for everything, and an unconditionally chosen appearance for today.

Vadim Medvedev, buyer, senior consultant at Luxury Retail Professionals

We either create an ideal for ourselves from what was, or we are in an eternal search, now approaching (when we felt good), now moving away from it (well, we didn’t agree on the characters, and she was far from ideal). There is a woman who is next to me - my wife, she is my everything, harmoniously complements my modest person, making me a man. There is my mother... this is just a separate topic, there is, or rather there was my grandmother, who gave me my upbringing...
There are attractive, spectacular women, their mere appearance causes a slight shock in all the men present, there is something inexplicable in this that is impossible to describe, not to mention clearly define the criteria...
Women's beauty can be spoiled by two things: the woman herself, with her desire to be someone she is not (for example, the mistress of the sea) and men, who are tasteless and tyrannical.

Yuri Gladky, head of the RA “GRAPE Ukraine”

For me, the beauty of a woman is such chemistry. Just as the formula, combination of elements, and cooking process give a different effect, so a woman’s appearance, her style, and aroma convey a clear visual signal of beauty to a man. The only thing is that I am firmly convinced that in order for this signal to be strong, one must practice beauty. As well as chemistry.

I am against artificial manipulation of a normal healthy body. I’ve never understood the desire to create a stuffed animal out of yourself by pumping silicone into your lips, for example. I don’t know what should be going through the head of a woman who thinks this is beautiful.
Makeup is like clothes. You can be left without it, but this is not always appropriate.

Vlad Nedogibchenko, website editor

You don't have to be a smart man to define female beauty by the old banal construct: perfect proportion + some zest, something distinctive. But it works. All the “greats” - from Audrey Hepburn to Angelina Jolie - have a structure.

What spoils a woman’s beauty most of all is the desire to conceal one’s femininity in some way. The principled, unreasonable refusal of makeup is from the same opera. Although this is an understandable extreme of feminism’s struggle against beauty templates.

Alexander Getman, head of TopStylist, TopBeauty

For more than six years now, my legal wife has been the ideal of a beautiful woman. I say this because appreciating beauty seems to me a very personal experience. It seems wrong to highlight standard features in beauty. Beauty is beautiful because it is unpredictable. It can be either facial features and an athletic figure, or a sparkle in the eyes and a great sense of humor - you never know where and when it will overtake you, the main thing is to keep your eyes open.


Hello, dear psychologists!
I'll get straight to the topic. My name is Olesya, 18 years old. My boyfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years. Today my boyfriend told me that I was ugly when I wasn’t wearing makeup. And he often pays attention to this when I’m not wearing makeup. Although I don’t think so and in general it’s not true! Apart from him, no one has ever told me this, but on the contrary, they say that I am very beautiful even when I don’t have makeup on. It happened that he said that I was the most beautiful and beloved, it happened that he said “it’s just unusual” to see me like this, and sometimes he didn’t care at all what I was like. I don’t understand why he says that... Maybe he’s trying to fill his own price, but why do he do it this way, because it really upsets me. Or is he just trying to offend me?? We see each other very rarely because of our studies, and every time he blurts out something, which really upsets me. What could be the problem?


He no longer says anything offensive in any situation. I think when a guy tells his girlfriend that she is not beautiful, it is not good and that is enough. It turns out that he only loves me when I’m beautiful and well-groomed and with a beautiful figure. I want to figure out why he says that, because it’s probably not about me...?

Oleccc, hello! Each person has his own aesthetic tastes - some like thin girls, some plump, some like naturalness, and some like to follow fashion and are attracted by the beauty that is created in salons - pumped lips, eyelash extensions and silicone breasts. Each person sees the world in his own way and perceives beauty in his own way. Therefore, opinions may not coincide and what one likes, another does not like.
Your young man has certain preferences - he probably likes girls who are well-groomed and wearing makeup.
How do you rate your boyfriend’s appearance? Does he take care of himself, pay attention to how he looks? How old is he?
Tell us how you met. Under what circumstances did you develop mutual sympathy? When was the first time your boyfriend said he didn't like the way you looked?


My boyfriend is 20 years old and will soon be 21.
He takes care of himself, loves when everything is clean and tidy, just like me. Handsome, but not Brad Pitt, to put it bluntly. It has its flaws, but I accept it as it is.)
Of course, there is something I don’t like about him, but this does not relate to the word “appearance”.
We met 1.5 years ago on the social network VKontakte, how banal it is in the 21st century... Nothing special. I saw him there by chance. He didn’t like me at all, he told me that I was ugly, but then, when we saw each other in person for the first time, he said that I looked worse in the photo. To be honest, I don’t know why he evaluates me so much, there is a crowd behind him who would like to be with me and many wonder why I am still with him. Sometimes he says to me that this girl has something beautiful, let’s say he looks at social networks and sees a photo and says “nothing like that” or something like that, although he knows that it’s offensive for me to hear, but at the same time he’s jealous . When I said that I was walking with someone else (I said it on purpose), he blushed all over and was afraid that I would find myself a better man.

“We met 1.5 years ago on the social network VKontakte, how banal it is in the 21st century... Nothing special. I saw him there by accident. He didn’t like me at all, he told me that I was ugly, but then, when we saw each other in person for the first time said that I look worse in the photo. To be honest, I don’t know why he evaluates me like that, there’s a crowd behind him who would like to be with me and many wonder why I’m still with him. Of course, there’s something I don’t like about him, but this does not apply to the word "appearance"."
Oleccc, judging by your story, your young man was not interested in your appearance. You yourself started dating a guy who, at the very beginning, told you that you are ugly and look even worse in the photo. The question arises - why did you start dating such a gentleman who humiliated you from the very beginning, if you have a crowd of fans who like you? He has always told you that your appearance is not what he likes and it is not for the sake of it that he communicates with you. So why did you have a complaint against him 1.5 years later, if from the very beginning you calmly accepted the fact that he did not appreciate your appearance and openly told you about it, but you started dating him, despite this?

“We see each other very rarely because of our studies, and every time he blurts out something, which really upsets me.”
If you are unhappy with it. How does a young man treat you, while you see him very rarely, and you have a crowd of people who want to be with you, then why do you stay with the one who constantly insults your feelings? What is your goal in maintaining this relationship?


"Why do you stay with someone who constantly hurts your feelings? What is your goal in maintaining this relationship?"

To be honest, I don’t even know how to answer. I don’t know why I’m still with him and not with someone else. Which perhaps would be appreciated more. I’ve thought about this many times, and we’ve already broken up, but in the end we’ve still been together for 1.5 years... Something holds me, I think it’s rare to definitely say why he (she) is together with this person, besides care and love and maybe even affection. There is care, feelings, yes, he brought me back many times, he is afraid of losing me. Previously, I was even afraid that I was walking around a big city alone, “what if you go and find someone for yourself.” Said something like that. He recently had a dream that I was lost and he was very scared and woke up from this. But one thing is still incomprehensible in the end, why he says so openly that he doesn’t like something about me, he knows that I’m offended. Sometimes he will even say something, and then say that it is a joke. It’s not clear why, seeing other girls, he evaluates them right in front of me.?? There was such a moment that I wrote on social media. Networking to others for the sake of variety or for fun, as he himself said. Then we had a fight and stopped doing that. In the end, he is still with me, and not with others, the same question arises: why?? What purpose does he pursue by telling me offensive things, paying attention to other girls, why does he do this? This is my main and most incomprehensible question, because of which I turned to you for help.

The profile photo is mine, I put it on purpose)

“There is concern, feelings, yes, he brought me back many times, he is afraid of losing me.”
Oleccc, if you know that a guy cares about you and is afraid of losing you, that is, he shows both attention and love to you, then why are you so worried that he doesn’t like your appearance without makeup? How does this threaten you? From the very beginning of your meetings, the guy clearly values ​​you not for your appearance - he openly told you this. And you already receive compliments from the “crowd of fans,” so you are not left without attention and like yourself.

“But one thing is still incomprehensible in the end, why he says so openly that he doesn’t like something about me. What purpose does he pursue by telling me offensive things, paying attention to other girls, why does he do this?”
Then a counter question arises for you - why do you go without makeup if you know for sure that your boyfriend doesn’t like it? What is your goal? What prevents you from giving pleasure to your beloved guy and in rare meetings with him from being in full dress, with makeup, and not without makeup, since you know that he doesn’t like it?
It's unpleasant for you when a guy does something that you don't like. So why then do you meet him without makeup if you know that it annoys him? Is it worth it to create the ground for hearing unpleasant words addressed to you and quarreling if it’s easy for you to avoid?

Every woman wants to be loved and adored. When a man looks at his chosen one with delight, it is worth a lot. For personal life to develop harmoniously, both partners must be sexually satisfied. But at the beginning of a relationship, a woman does not always understand what a man wants from her. To understand, it is enough to carefully observe the young man and correctly evaluate his actions and words. If a man wants a woman, the signs will be quite eloquent.

How to recognize sympathy?

Psychologists have identified a number of factors that may indicate that a man has more than just friendly feelings for a woman.

Does a man want a woman?

This question interests every girl at the beginning of a relationship. Of course, the most reliable evidence is the erection that occurs, but it is not always possible to notice it. Therefore, it is worth looking for other ways that will help determine a guy’s desire. If a man wants a woman, signs such as or gestures will definitely give him away.

How can you tell if a guy is excited?

Experts advise paying attention to a number of factors that indicate that a man is excited.

Confidence of a "male"

If a man wants a woman, the signs cannot be hidden. Every young man tries to show his individuality in order to conquer a girl, but there are still common features. In the presence of his chosen one, a man can adjust his tie or belt and touch his face.

When he holds his hands on his belt or on his hips, this is self-confidence and a subconscious call for sex. A man wants a woman to caress these places.

All thoughts are about only one thing...

If a man wants a woman, the signs will “scream” about it. A young man can persistently call a girl home for some completely stupid reasons: to watch a movie, evaluate his renovation, or help him with the design of his apartment.

When a man thinks about sex, he can say vulgar phrases, which sometimes even repel girls. But it’s worth coming to terms with this, since at the moment he is completely focused on his feelings and the desire to possess his chosen one.

Material side

Many girls often think about what are the signs that a man wants a woman. Signs may also relate to the material aspect. When dining in a cafe, a young man will definitely pay for his passion, and will not offer her to split the bill equally. This does not mean that the woman is obliged to spend the night with him, but the man hopes that she will appreciate his generosity.

Some secrets of male psychology

It has long been known that representatives of the stronger and weaker sex differ in nature. Therefore, women should not expect from men what they cannot give them. In order for relationships to develop harmoniously, girls must take into account some of the characteristics of men.

Young people do not know how to vigorously show delight and admiration; they prefer to hide their emotions. Even a small compliment can be regarded as the highest praise. A woman is unlikely to hear words in superlative form.

Almost all men love to interrupt. They do this not on purpose and do not want to offend or belittle their interlocutor. This manner of communication occurs on a subconscious level. A man's brain is designed in such a way that he looks for a solution. Therefore, while the girl is explaining the essence of the question, he can already think through the answer and skip information that, in his opinion, is unnecessary.

When talking with a man, you must first state the main idea, and only then move on to discussing the details.

Young people love to argue, but a woman should not perceive this as a quarrel or disagreement. There is no need to prove anything to a man if the issue is not fundamental. It is much wiser to agree with him and admit the correctness of his arguments.

When a tense situation arises, it is enough for a woman to touch a man and hug him to calm the quarrel. This behavior turns off logic and tunes him to emotions.

The most valuable thing is actions!

The behavior of a man who wants a woman is quite predictable. He will look for meetings with her, call after dates, give flowers and gifts. You should not agree without making sure that the young person has intentions. If he is, he will definitely prove it with his actions and actions. And when a man needs one-time sex, he is unlikely to court for a long time and seek the attention of his passion. Women should remember this so as not to experience a bitter feeling of disappointment later.

Do men tell a woman that she is beautiful because she is really beautiful, or because they like her?

Let me explain, if a woman is wonderful, charming, smart, but has average external characteristics, do men still use the term “beautiful”? Or does “beautiful” apply exclusively to appearance?

It’s worth envying the men’s coherence in the use of terms:]

So I say, no matter where you look, there are only beauties around :)

>if the woman is wonderful, charming, smart

then men say “I like her” or “she’s good.”

I almost got the point :)

I don’t consider myself a beauty at all =)

but I hear this from guys periodically. and, you know, I believe =)

It also depends on the mentality. A Caucasian, for example, will address any girl as “Beauty,” even if she is as terrible as a nuclear war.

Probably the most honest =)

This is a bestial waste, not an honest one. Sexuality excites, not beauty.

Normal interpretation, masculine :) But, I repeat, honest :)

Men who want every more or less pretty person are crazy. Not everyone is like that, so we don’t need to lump them all together. Beautiful/ugly and want/don’t want are two different things.

And I just always thought that for men, beautiful/ugly = want/don’t want. Or would like to/would not like to :)

Rather = would like/would not like.)))

Well what can I say. you thought wrong. Well, this happens, of course, often, but in general these are different things.

Why bestial? Beautiful is sexually attractive, you can procreate with her. A completely normal explanation and, most likely, the only correct one.

Beautiful is beautiful, and sexually attractive is sexy. Just don’t talk about procreation here; after all, people are different from animals. 🙂

Fine. Define a “beautiful” woman.))

Who's talking about clear definitions?

How can you say without definition that the examples you gave are different things?

Isn't this intuitive? It is not necessary to define beauty and ugliness in order to understand that these are different things.

It is not clear how beauty/ugliness differs from sexual attractiveness/unattractiveness.

Damn, well, beauty is an aesthetic perception, it just pleases the eye. Sexual attractiveness is something completely different. Is it really not clear?

Unclear. You're coming from the wrong direction.

Over the past millennia, man-men have already learned to restrain themselves and not rush at any moving female. It is solely for these reasons that you now share the beauty/desire for procreation. But I don’t seem to encourage you to rush at everyone. The author of the post already answered you there: beautiful = this is the one with whom I would like. And ugly is someone I wouldn’t want to be with.

You, too, I hope, are not going to have children with freaks? And why? Is it because your aesthetic sense suffers or because the children might turn out bad?

Where did you get the idea that he used to attack everyone, this man?

Well, let’s look at this example: I’m 20 years old, there is, for example, some aunt about 45 years old, whom I consider beautiful in principle, well, that is. She has the traits that I like in women. But this does not mean that I will want to have sex with her, for obvious reasons. Again, I think my mother is beautiful, but I don’t want to have sex with her.

You've mixed things up a little - just because you don't want a 45-year-old woman doesn't mean she's not sexy.

I mean the subjective perception of each individual person. In this case, my perception: there is beauty, there is no sexuality.

It turns out that beautiful women are not sexy?!

Why? No one is saying that it’s either one or the other; these two things are completely compatible.

But is this possible?

What is a beautiful woman and not sexy?!

it means the man wants her +1.

There are no ugly women. Regardless of the amount of vodka. Or even from its absence.

Oh, how lucky you are in life!

I admit, I was less fortunate :)

It seems so to you

Beautiful is applied to appearance, but everyone has different tastes, which is why different women are considered beautiful, although there are very, very many who are considered beautiful by the majority, and there are also many who are ugly by general assessment.

Okay, I'll try to rephrase =)

Women are different, some will think so, others won’t. In principle, the situation when a beautiful woman does not like herself is not so rare.

So your question is, should she think she has bad taste? 🙂

If a woman is told that she is beautiful, she may believe that others like her. And behave accordingly. Even if you don’t like yourself :)

If you like her appearance, she’s a pretty girl. If you really like the appearance and at the same time a cool girl, she’s beautiful.

It's not often that a woman is simply told that she is beautiful. if they say it, it means they need something from her. and what exactly depends on the situation.

that is, when someone just passing by (and a man walking off into the distance, simply looking at me honestly) says this to me, should I assume that he wants something from me?

This just happens to me.

not necessary. for example, I often say that a girl is beautiful, but this does not mean that I will now attack her and drag her into bed or even approach her. beauty can still be admired, for example, like a painting at an exhibition. this doesn’t mean that I’m going to take all the paintings for myself?

Let me make it as clear as possible)))

If we are talking about a random woman, then “beautiful” is either the first compliment that comes along, or the observation that one can get carried away by her appearance, in addition to other advantages.

If we are talking about a loved one, then everything is simpler)))

The beloved is not compared to anyone. Therefore, “beautiful” means enjoying her appearance.

I heard opposite opinions about myself (from men). I don't consider myself beautiful. My boyfriend constantly says that I am very beautiful, probably because he loves me.

How to respond to men's compliments

How to behave if a luxurious man says that you look wonderful? What does this polished gentleman want from you? How do men manipulate us, fragile and gentle creatures, with the help of beautiful words? Today we’ll talk about the devastating and magical power of music for our ears. We are, of course, talking about compliments.

The fact that in this world people push each other around is not news for a long time. If you think that everything happens differently to you, then you are mistaken. Just look at the baby who is begging his parents for another kinder surprise. Or remember how, by hook or by crook, your parents lured you to the dacha to plant potatoes. And everything will fall into place. We live in a world of insidious manipulators.

With compliments the situation is somewhat more subtle. First, let's figure out what a compliment is. In essence, it represents an embellished reality. For example, if a man tells a woman that she looks amazing, then this is 70-80 percent true. That is, she really looks great, but still not as good as she was told.

Attention! If someone gave you a compliment, after which you suspected something was wrong, for example, a trick or manipulation, just smile and say in response: “Thank you.”

How to respond to compliments on style and clothing

If everyone at the party liked your blouse, no need to say that your older sister, who bought it back in 1990, gave it to you. Can't keep silent and smile? Reply: “Thank you, vintage will never go out of style.” And no one needs to know that you bought jeans on sale or in a stock store. If you asked “Is the dress new?” Feel free to say what's new. Almost. If you are caught in a blatant lie, say that you were flirting. You are a girl, they won't judge you.

If you accidentally did a triple somersault at a gala reception and were praised, no need to say that anyone can do it. Or if the salad was a success, you don’t need to tell your guests the recipe. No one can do this, and this feint was not easy for you. This is hard labor that should neither be minimized nor exaggerated. It is unlikely that anyone will want to repeat your feat, but in the eyes of others you will become somewhat lower and insignificant. And if you tell me the recipe, the mystery will disappear altogether.

There is no need to distract attention from yourself with a return compliment. If you receive applause, it means you deserve it without a doubt. When there is time, reason and desire, you will give a compliment. But not in response to someone else's. Politeness responses are usually somewhat insincere. There is little truth in them, but there is a lot of desire to get rid of them. After such words, you don’t want to say nice things to the person.

If earlier we talked about how to respond to compliments from anyone, now, I think, we should focus more specifically on how to respond to compliments from men. After all, representatives of the fair half of humanity are more often embarrassed by male compliments.

So, a luxurious man says good things to you. You feel embarrassed, blush, and your voice trembles slightly. And this is normal, because you like the man. In this case, there is no need to lie, dodge or reinvent the wheel. Be sincere. Thank everyone and say something like: “You confused me a little.”

When a close man who admires your magnificent appearance pleases you with a compliment, you can, as usual, say “Thank you” and continue: “I’m trying for you!” or “I'm glad you liked it!”

In general, build up your self-esteem. A person with high self-esteem already knows that he is smart, handsome and smart. Confident ladies do not faint or blush when they hear a compliment. Why be embarrassed if you are told obvious facts, even if they are so pleasant? In addition, a high-quality compliment, as a rule, in itself raises self-esteem and mood, and even lights a fire in the eyes. Conversely, confident girls know how to compliment others and get pleasure from it.

Therefore, the most important thing that I have been leading you to throughout this article is to be confident in yourself. Know that you are amazing. Work on yourself, read good books, communicate with interesting people, so that when you hear the next “You look great today,” you don’t say: “What, yesterday I looked worse?” It should sound from your lips: “Thank you, I am very pleased.”

Men are firmly convinced that women love with their ears. Sparing no expense with beautiful phrases and colorful epithets, they shower the girls with generous compliments.

Beautiful ladies do not always know how to behave correctly in such situations. Even women with impeccable appearance, whose compliments can hardly be called insincere, do not know how to react to compliments from men.

What kind of compliments are there?

The goal of all compliments is the same - to please the interlocutor and win him over. Only in some cases does a man do this unselfishly, while in others he pursues some of his own personal goals. Sometimes it’s just a desire to win over the lady you like, and sometimes the task is to win over the boss, doctor, bank employee, salesperson or other woman from whom you need to receive a one-time service.

Girls are not always able to distinguish a sincere compliment from well-veiled flattery. Some men, including gigolos, have a special gift and women naively take everything they say at face value. Other guys, on the contrary, cannot speak beautifully and compliments from their lips look crumpled, unnatural and insincere.

The task of every woman is to learn to respond friendly to sincerity, support a shy man and respond to flattery with dignity. Any praise cannot cause harm, spoil the mood or cause conflict.

When you hear a compliment addressed to you, you should never object. A girl’s attempt to belittle her dignity confuses men. They have to repeat their admiration again and convince the interlocutor of what was said. As a result, an innocent compliment turns into an argument in which the man has to leave the last word to the woman. What else can a guy say if he tells a girl that she has a beautiful hairstyle, and the girl starts to object that today she didn’t have time to style her hair and it sticks out in all directions?

Another common mistake among insecure women is making excuses. Having heard pleasant words from the lips of their interlocutor, some ladies begin to make excuses. As a result, men are overcome by doubts about what has been said and a desire to change the subject as quickly as possible. How should a guy behave who admired a beautiful raincoat, and in response heard that the raincoat was bought 5 years ago and is worn today only for the reason that all other things have become small.

Indifference to a compliment and men don’t like the lack of any reaction either. The man put a piece of his soul into the phrase, plucked up courage and delivered a eulogy, and received only empty silence in response. Will the young man have the desire to shower the silent person with compliments next time?

Responding to compliments naturally and beautifully is an art. To master it, you will have to increase your own self-esteem and stop looking for insincerity in other people. Every woman has the right to a compliment and there is no need to look for tricks, irony or hidden intentions in men’s words. Any person utters words, even flattering ones, of his own free will and without coercion, therefore they must be accepted easily and without tension.

Having heard pleasant words addressed to you from a stranger, you do not need to prepare a long thank you speech. It is enough to say just one of the short phrases: “Thank you for the compliment”, “Thank you, I’m glad you like it” or simply: “Thank you”. The main thing is that at the moment of gratitude there is a friendly smile on your face, and there is no irony or mistrust in your voice.

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How to respond to men's compliments?

The purpose of compliments is to please the interlocutor. If he likes it, arrange it. True, some men do this selflessly, while others pursue other, more mercantile goals. It’s one thing if a compliment is a way to win over a girl you like, but it’s quite another thing to try to win over a lady from whom you want to get something (boss, saleswoman, cashier...)

Distinguishing a sincere compliment from banal utilitarian flattery is a paramount task in order to understand exactly how to respond. Some men are masters of the “gift of compliments,” and it’s hard not to take what they say as sincerity. Others, on the contrary, cannot put together a couple of words, so their attempts to give compliments look unnatural and even insincere.

The main thing to remember is that no praise, no compliment can ruin your mood or cause a conflict.

    • You can't object. Your attempt, in response to the praise of some of your virtues, to belittle these virtues confuses the man. It sounds like you don't quite trust him. And he has to repeat everything he said again, passionately convincing his interlocutor. An innocent compliment turns into an argument. For example, if a guy says that your hair is good, and you start to object that you didn’t have time to wash your hair today, it sticks out like the Straw Scarecrow... There was a compliment - the situation became uncomfortable and stupid.
    • You can't make excuses. Although, in fact, there is nothing to justify. Unconfident girls, hearing something good, begin to make excuses. The result is that the man doubted whether he had said anything at all and whether it was worth talking about this topic, maybe it was “sick”? The guy admired your coat, and you: “This old thing, bought seven years ago and long ago out of fashion, I put on because I’ve gotten fat and all the other coats don’t fit, and today, as luck would have it, it’s cold.” There was a compliment - it became an unnecessary message of details that were not interesting to anyone.
    • You can't remain indifferent. Lack of response is also not good. The person came up with a compliment, plucked up courage, said it, and in response - zero reaction. Another time, he may not dare to repeat this “feat.”

  • You can't be dismissive. Some ladies are proud. They know their worth and maniacally suspect everyone around them of flattery. Men generally lose the desire to say nice words to girls. We ourselves make men constrained!
  • You can't be overly happy. This is only a compliment, not a proposal from the heart. Too much joyful reaction looks strange. A man begins to think that a compliment obliges him to do something. If a guy on the subway said that you are beautiful, it does not mean that he will take you home and ask for your phone number. You shouldn’t see every compliment as an attempt at flirting.
  • You can't respond with a compliment. Exchanging pleasantries can lead interlocutors to a dead end. In addition, the return compliment, which followed instantly, looks fake and feigned. Better save your compliment for next time.

  • Having heard a compliment from a man you don’t know well, there is no need to give a speech of gratitude. It’s enough to say: “Thank you,” “I’m glad you like it,” “Thank you,” “I appreciate your compliment,” or any pleasant and short phrase, accompanied by a friendly smile.
  • If the compliment comes from the mouth of a man you know well, a humorous response is allowed. For example: “For you”, “I tried for you”, “I wanted to please you”. A charming smile is a must.
  • If you're shy and easily embarrassed, don't be afraid to admit it. You can say with a slight blush and trembling in your voice: “You are embarrassing me.” The smile should be languid.

Nothing complicated. With a little practice, compliments will soon stop embarrassing you and making you look preoccupied. The correct attitude towards praise not only lifts your spirits, but also gives you confidence and makes the girl especially attractive. And, when you learn to respond adequately to compliments, they will begin to be addressed to you more and more often, you will see.

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Very often, men do not admit their feelings, even if they consider you the best in all respects and dream of growing old next to you. It would be easier if they voiced their thoughts out loud. But often a man disguises his true attitude towards a girl with caustic jokes or ostentatious indifference. So we girls have to wonder: “Does he really like me?”

If a man likes a woman, signs will confirm this pleasant fact. Our article provides 15 main signs that will make it clear that a guy is not indifferent to you.

Signs that a man likes you

1. He's friends with you. If he is ready to communicate a lot, provide various assistance and just be nearby, this most likely indicates that he wants to take the place in your life of not only a friend, but also a little more. As research by modern psychologists shows, if a man wants to be friends with you, it means he finds you attractive and considers you as a potential companion.

Why then does he not speak directly about his intentions? Think back to the beginning of your relationship. Perhaps even then you made it clear to him that you were not interested in him as a man. Moreover, for this it was not necessary to voice this thought out loud. Even by your glance or the fact that you slightly moved away from him during a joint trip in transport, he could conclude that he was not interested in you. And now he is afraid to hear the unpleasant truth and thinks, “Let me be next to her, at least as a friend.”

2. “Chance” meeting. Do you think that in our time a guy is unlikely to stand guard at the entrance of a stranger who has fallen into his soul? You are deeply mistaken. After all, modern men are still hunters. And when the “prey” comes to them on its own, such relationships will not last long. But winning your princess yourself is a manly thing.

And also remember an important point: if a man achieves his chosen one, if he has to make various sacrifices, doubt whether he is needed, then he will value the girl much more, is more likely to propose marriage to her, and will be more interested in preserving the marriage. Not only men, but also women value much more what did not come easy: they met, exchanged phone numbers, and now you can say “She’s mine.”

3. He compliments you and gives you unexpected gifts.. A man who is indifferent to you would not do this. And it is especially valuable if he gives a gift not for the New Year or March 8, but simply wanting to please you, without a specific date. The cost of the sign of attention is not important. Even if it’s a small chocolate bar or one rose. The main thing is that the guy is not indifferent to you.

With compliments, everything is not so clear. There is a type of man who is used to telling all the women passing by how great they look. If this young man does not belong to the category of womanizer, if he notices nuances in your appearance and character that none of your former loved ones mentioned, this is an excellent sign.

4. He invites you to the movies. The cinema is one of the most popular places for a first date. In a dimly lit room, even a shy guy can easily find a reason to touch your hand or give you a little hug. But even if the young man did not make any attempts to kiss you, but watched the melodrama you chose to the end, you can rejoice: he was able to sit through the entire Titanic only because he was pleased with your presence in the next chair.

5. He touches you. And we are not talking about intimate parts of the body. Even a touch on the arm, shoulder or back can be sensual and signal: this man is attracted to you, he is not indifferent to you. You yourself can also use the power of touch to let the guy know that his feeling is mutual. Just be careful not to overdo it. Let the initiative still come from him, and not from you.

6. His behavior with you is different than with other people.. Options are possible here: he can start joking and fooling around, or he can, on the contrary, become shy and silent. He may even start making fun of you, not allowing himself to do this with other people. Don’t rush to be offended or quarrel with him, just think: “Maybe he’s not indifferent to me? Maybe he likes me and wants to get my attention, but doesn’t know how best to do it.”

7. He looks at you more than other girls.. Moreover, this is not only a gaze when he cannot take his eyes off you. You may also notice that the man steals glances at you, and when he sees that you notice this, he immediately turns away. Exchanging glances is one of the very effective flirting techniques. If a man often stops his gaze on you, pay attention to him.

8. He reacts when you mention the other guy in his presence.. The reaction may be different, depending on the character and temperament of the man. Someone may start asking directly what you have in common with this young man. A more reserved man will simply have a flash of sadness on his face. Or maybe he will begin to defiantly shift the conversation to another topic, talking about an attractive mutual friend or his favorite actress. In each of the above cases, there is a high probability that the man is in love with you.

9. When he talks about his plans for the future, he mentions you.. Even when it's not about plans for the next few years, but just about going to a concert next week, if he would like to go with you, then he likes you. You may not be interested in the football match they want to take you to, but if you like the young man, agree, you won’t regret it.

10. He cares about his appearance around you.. Moreover, this applies not only to neat clothes, which, in principle, every self-respecting man should have. Various little things (hairstyle, tie to match the shirt, watch and fashionable perfume) may indicate that the man wanted to look his best for you. He wants (consciously or subconsciously) for you to pay attention to him.

11. He introduces you to his family.. Men can date a girl for several months, but if they do not take her seriously, then they are in no hurry to introduce her to their parents and other relatives. If he decides to get acquainted and even insists that you come to Christmas dinner, it means that his intentions are serious, and he sees you as his companion, and maybe even his wife.

12. He tells you about his personal life.. If a guy tells you details that he wouldn’t trust to his friends or mom, this is a sign that he trusts you. There may be times when you didn't even ask for it. You see: he makes you understand that he is single and his heart is free. You have a chance to become his girlfriend.

13. He copies your gestures. Of course, all this does not happen intentionally. For example, during dinner at a restaurant, his hands take the same position as yours. He becomes, as it were, your “mirror”, copying your gestures, rate of speech during a conversation with him, and even facial expressions. If you notice this, know: he is interested in you and he is trying to please you.

14. He protects and supports you. Moreover, his help can manifest itself in small things: throwing his jacket over your shoulders so that you don’t freeze, giving you his umbrella, and walking in the rain yourself. If a guy sacrifices his plans in order to take your beloved cat to the veterinarian, it means he is in love with you. It is unlikely that he would make sacrifices simply because of his selfless nature.

15. He shows off his cooking skills. If a guy tells how he perfectly cooks pizza, pasta, or even just deliciously fries potatoes, while offering to taste his culinary masterpiece, know: the love story is very close. Don't forget to praise his dish, even if it turned out to be imperfect from the point of view of an experienced cook.

We hope that our advice will help you decide about a man’s feelings based on indirect signs and you won’t have to ask the question, so unloved by the stronger sex, “Do you like me?”, which will immediately lower your position in his eyes by several points.

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