The thinner Pegova: photos before and after her appearance change. Irina Pegova: “You need to accept your body, face and sincerely love them - you are an emotional person

27 August 2010, 15:20

Anna Semenovich Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“There are no women in our family with small breasts. I'm proud of my bust!" - singer, figure skater, TV presenter and actress (Anna Semenovich managed to try herself in various fields) does not pay attention when she is accused of loving plastic surgery, assuring that she “got her breasts from her mother.” The outrage of the famous owner of the fifth (if not sixth) breast size raises another question. “Many people believe that the secret of my popularity is a luxurious bust,” she is indignant. – However, there are many women with large breasts in show business. So it's not about the chest. If someone wants to see me as a sexy blonde, please! This is temporary. Many people thought that I was completely untalented. But today I act in films and sing live! So don’t talk about breasts!” Pamela Anderson Official version of the origin of the breasts: silicone“How beautiful they are,” the future “Baywatch” couldn’t take her eyes off the new Playboy poster, which she noticed on her way out of the fitness club. “How I wish I had breasts like that.” About 20 years have passed since then, and the name Pamela Anderson has become inseparable from her spectacular appearance. She became famous as the first actress to enlarge her breasts to such sizes. “Implants are my main asset,” she admits. “Thanks to them, I gained self-confidence and got my first roles. They made me more feminine and sexy. And not only for those around me, but also for myself.” Anfisa Chekhova Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“I was always terribly complex and worried about the size of my breasts,” the television sex symbol confesses, “because when a man met me, he did not look me in the eyes, but stared at my chest: “Girl, can I meet you?” To which I usually answered: “Now we will consult (meaning with the breasts) and decide.” After all, they were clearly not meeting me. And I wanted to scream: I am not only my breasts! There is a soul underneath!” With age, Anfisa learned to value herself for who she is. “Disadvantages should not be hidden, but, on the contrary, turned into advantages,” she is sure. “Now I no longer understand how anyone could be ashamed of something that is so beautiful.” In general, the most important thing in life is to love yourself!” Kim Kardashian Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“I was 10 years old when my breasts started growing,” the 29-year-old reality star is not afraid to talk about any topic. – I was the first girl in my class to wear a bra. I remember crying and praying to God: “Please make sure they don’t grow anymore.” My sister Courtney made fun of me, and at that moment, I must admit, I hated her fiercely.” Over time, Kim realized that her “disadvantages are rather advantages.” Today the girl happily poses for the paparazzi on the beach, proudly showing off her sexy figure. “I follow my mother’s example,” the beauty smiles. “She feels comfortable in any situation.” Ekaterina Strizhenova Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“It’s quite difficult to constantly be in harmony with yourself,” says Ekaterina Strizhenova, the owner of a sensual figure. – Every woman knows well the shortcomings of her appearance, but this is a very subjective feeling. I didn’t like a lot of things about myself, but my shortcomings have never really poisoned and are not poisoning my life.” There are rumors that after the birth of her second child, the actress and TV presenter had to go to an aesthetic surgery clinic. “I breastfed Alexandra for up to a year, although I knew that after that the bust would lose its former shape,” she recalls. If this is the case, then small changes will only suit her. Christina Hendricks Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“Big breasts can ruin dreams of being a runner,” says Mad Men star Christina Hendricks. “It’s good that I never wanted to become one.” The beauty, who was named "the sexiest woman in the world" by men's magazine Esquire last year, still gets upset when the tabloids discuss her voluptuous figure. “It may sound stupid, but before filming the series, I didn’t realize that I was so different from others,” she admits. “A lot of women say that my role on Mad Men made them look at their big busts differently,” Christina says of her character, office manager Joan, who floats around the office in sexy outfits. “They don’t try to hide their breasts anymore.” Nadezhda Granovskaya Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“The most ridiculous rumor I’ve heard about myself is that I had plastic surgery to enlarge my breasts,” the VIA Gra soloist laughs. “If my grandmother, who has been a size 6 all her life, heard about this, she would be very surprised. So write: if I have silicone in my chest, then it’s been there since birth!” A member of the sexiest group in the country was never embarrassed about her breasts, but she also did not consider them to be her main advantage. “Maybe this was once one of my trump cards,” she says. “But look at me now – it’s ridiculous to say that breasts are my main priority.” Queen Latifah Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“I miss my babies,” Queen Latifah even talks about forced breast reduction surgery in her characteristic ironic manner. “I was big, but now I’m ordinary.” To be honest, I still can’t get used to it!” However, the singer and actress is being untrue - despite her breast reduction, she remained the owner of a very luxurious bust. The Grammy and Golden Globe nominee reduced her famous breasts a bit in 2003 after losing significant weight. “In a few months I lost about 11 kilograms,” she recalls. – And the breasts “began to be worn” not just hard, but unbearably. I liked my impressive size, but had to change it to a more modest one. But now men look me in the eyes.” Irina Pegova Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural“I don’t care about standards, because I understand perfectly well that I will never have a size 44 and volumes of 90–60–90,” admits the Russian film star. – First of all, it is necessary for a woman to be comfortable with the weight that she has. Most likely, when I lose weight, you won't even notice the changes. And now I have no motivation: my husband likes everything and his profession does not suffer...” Irina Pegova, who is especially good at the roles of “lush ladies,” does not hide the fact that she loves to eat well. “Japanese cuisine, Italian... I love everything that’s delicious,” says the actress. However, she carefully monitors her figure and, despite her luxurious breasts, performs all the tricks without backup, on her own. Alena Vodonaeva Official version of the origin of the breasts: natural It is unlikely that we will find a second such star girl, whose breasts will be discussed with great fervor! Rumors about the artificial origin of Alena Vodonaeva’s bust appear on the Internet with enviable regularity. What didn’t they say! Even the fact that the beauty carries... 400 grams of a foreign substance in each breast. Last year, Alena was so tired of the constant attacks that... she insured her breasts for 100 thousand dollars. “I’m certainly not a Hollywood star,” she explained her decision. “But I was tired of the unhealthy interest and hype around my breasts, I began to be afraid.” Moreover, the former participant of “House - 2” began to think about... reducing the size of her breasts. “I love beautiful underwear that supports my breasts and gives them an even more beautiful shape. But I’m not ready to carry such a burden for another half of my life - it’s hard, I don’t want to get sciatica,” she admits. “I’m sure I’ll make my breasts smaller.” And I don’t care what men or anyone else will say...”

Irina Pegova is a famous Russian actress. Despite her unconventional appearance—short stature and some plumpness—she was always in great demand. From 2002 to today, she has played more than 100 roles in films and embodied many characters on the theater stage. Pegova is extremely charming; when she smiles, wonderful dimples appear on her cheeks. Many people call her “the second Gundareva” for her characteristic appearance and talent.

Irina’s figure parameters before losing weight: with a height of 155 cm, she at different times weighed from 70 to 80 kg, had a breast size of 5 and a hip volume of 100 cm. Such curvaceous shapes suited her very well, creating a characteristic image recognizable by millions of fans. It seemed that the actress herself was happy with everything: she never complained about the lack of male attention, she was smiling and cheerful. But very unexpectedly for everyone, a new, considerably thinner Irina Pegova suddenly appeared on the screens. Before and after photos show that she lost at least 10 kg, or even 15. In an interview, the actress shared that it turns out she had been trying to lose weight for a long time. I tried more than one diet, but, unfortunately for the actress herself, to no avail. Then she herself studied this issue thoroughly, studied the opinions of many famous nutritionists and developed her own program, with the help of which she finally managed to lose the hated extra pounds.

How Pegova lost weight: the actress’s personal program

What does the actress advise based on her own experience? No matter how trite it sounds, it will help you lose weight:

  • low calorie diet,
  • physical exercise,
  • positive attitude.

At the same time, Pegova warns that you need to switch to a new diet gradually, without exposing the body to stress.

At the first stage, it is important to switch to a healthy diet, give up coffee, strong tea, spicy, fatty and salty foods, completely give up sweet and starchy foods, and instead introduce more vegetables and fruits into your diet, and most importantly, begin to strictly adhere to your diet . At the same time, you can eat as much as you want.

At the second stage, when the body has become accustomed to a healthy diet, you need to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed, halving the usual portions. At the same time, the diet should be complete - lean meat and fish, a lot of plant foods, low-fat lactic acid products, eggs. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

At the last stage, it is very important to consolidate the result obtained. To do this, Pegova advises sticking to the following menu:

  • breakfast - a bowl of porridge, seasoned with vegetable oil, kiwi or grapefruit,
  • lunch - apple, pear, any other fruit,
  • lunch - a plate of soup with vegetable broth, it will be great if you can sleep for a couple of hours,
  • afternoon snack - vegetable salad, egg, glass of fresh low-fat kefir,
  • dinner - a piece of boiled meat or low-fat fish.

Irina Pegova lost weight on just such a diet. She claims that she has never taken any dietary supplements or medications to burn fat.

Got better?

Today Irina Pegova weighs 63 kg, she calls 55 kg the limit of her dreams, that is, she still strives to get rid of the extra 8 kilos. In the photo she looks refreshed and rejuvenated. Many admit that Pegova’s new figure is beautiful, respect her willpower and are glad that the actress has not turned into a second Krachkovskaya. Losing excess weight did not affect Irina’s character in any way: she still has the same charming, glossy smile, and the same wonderful dimples play on her cheeks. But some fans are shouting: “Enough, Irina!”, urging the actress to stop at 63 kg. They are worried that she will not lose her zest, as happened, for example, with the American actress Jennifer Gray, who was no longer recognized after rhinoplasty, and her career immediately declined. After all, the viewer fell in love with Pegova with her curvy figure.

The heroine of our article herself is proud of her achievements. She also switched her daughter to a healthy diet, only occasionally pampering her with sweets. Irina completely eliminated unhealthy snacks, fast food and carbonated drinks from her menu. He takes a bottle of clean water with him to the set, orders only healthy and low-calorie food, and actively dances to lose weight with a personal trainer. At the same time, she carefully monitors her health, making sure that weight loss is gradual and does not cause stress.

Irina Pegova, who has lost a lot of weight, is living proof that if you want, you can create your own body. You just have to show persistence, willpower and patience.

    Here, in an article reviewing the most outstanding charms of our domestic celebrities, they write that Irina Pegova has a bust size of five. And this is very similar to the truth, although sometimes it seems that there may be a sixth. But not the fourth for sure.

    However, what difference does it make what breast size is if a woman has such eyes and such a smile?

    The public is often interested in the question of what bust size the popular actress Irina Pegova has.

    The actress herself is dissatisfied with this state of affairs and says that it is difficult for her to carry such breasts with her small height, which is only 1 meter 55 centimeters.

    Her breast size is size six. When she gains weight, she increases to size seven.

    Irina suffers from the fact that her breast size does not give her the opportunity to wear things that she would like to buy and wear.

    She specifically goes in for sports to lose weight and to make her breasts smaller in size, she often goes on diets, this helps - but only temporarily.

    A real curvaceous beauty, actress Irina Pegova boasts a luxurious bust, all of her own and natural.

    A source on the Internet says that Irina has a bust size of five, but in reality it seems to me that she is at least a size six, or even seven.

    Irina herself is not very happy with this size (although many women dream of such dignity), because sometimes large breasts create a lot of inconvenience, but how impressive they look.

    Irina Pegova is a fairly well-known actress; in addition to her roles, she stands out among others by the size of her breasts, which are size 5. There is also information about the sixth one.

    The actress has her own breasts by nature, not made, and Irina is not particularly delighted with her breasts and this is due to the purchase of clothes - she cannot always buy exactly what she likes.

    I really love this actress and the films with her participation! Look how good her eyes radiate! And those cutest dimples on your cheeks! It seems to me that she will never play negative roles. And not because she cannot cope with them, but simply because by her nature Irina cannot be a negative character! She is naturally kind, humane, sympathetic, and soft.

    Irina Pegova has breasts, according to descriptions on the Internet, from size five to seven. For some reason it seems to me that she is actually a size six). Irina is unhappy with this detail of her body and does not hide it. Her breasts do not allow her to wear clothes that she likes; it is extremely difficult to choose a model that suits her figure right away in a store; she often has to remake a finished item, or even simply sew it to order. Once Irina even wanted to have surgery to reduce her breasts to size two or three, but then she changed her mind. The talented actress watches her weight, especially in the last year, when she went on a diet, started cycling and working out on exercise machines.

    And her breasts seem even larger due to the fact that Irina is short - her height ranges from 155 centimeters to 157 centimeters (according to various sources).

    I found information on the Internet that Irina Pegova has a breast size of 5. Irina is called by many the most luxurious actress of Russian cinema. But Irina herself complains that with large breasts there are many problems in terms of buying clothes - you often can’t buy what you like, you have to buy what you can fit into. Plus, Irina herself believes that this breast size makes her look much older and larger than she actually is.

    Irina Pegova’s breast size is visually sixth, sure enough, the breasts are absolutely real, not silicone. A beautiful and luxurious woman, Irina Pegova in TV series and movies, you can’t help but look at her bust.

    Actress Irina Pegova creates the impression of a simple Russian girl, with an open soul. She is always very elegant and sweet. She has a very attractive appearance. Despite Irina’s small stature, she is endowed with a not small bust of size 5.

    As is already known, the famous actress Irina Pegova’s breast size is size five. The breasts are real, not silicone. A beautiful, interesting, intelligent woman, Irina Pegova is liked not only by men, many women take her example: how she behaves on screen in movies and in life, how she dresses, smiles, and wears her hair.

    According to this source of information, the famous Russian actress Irina Sergeevna Pegova has a breast size of five. Her height is 155 centimeters and her weight is about 65 kilograms (

The First Russian National Music Award was held at Crocus City Hall, organized by Joseph Prigozhin, Yana Rudkovskaya, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Konstantin Meladze and many others. The event could become an alternative to the Golden Gramophone and a serious competitor to the awards of the RU.TV and MUZ-TV channels.


Not only musicians, singers and producers walked the red carpet. Actress Irina Pegova also stopped by the event. Honored artist, who is known not only for her roles in theater and cinema, but also for her curvy figure, she chose a rather bold outfit: a golden bustier dress, shining like Irina herself.

The actress showed off her bare shoulders and décolleté. Despite the fact that last year Irina Pegova lost noticeable weight, her breasts were literally bursting out of the bodice of the dress and distracted attention from her beautiful eyes.

By the way, recently Irina Pegova stopped hiding her affair with 22-year-old dancer Evgeniy Raev. Together they appeared at the premiere of the film “He is a Dragon,” held in the capital in October.

As they wrote Days.Ru, Irina and Evgeniy took part in the television project “Dancing with the Stars”. The difference of 15 years did not become an obstacle to their romance.

Irina Pegova is a Russian actress about whom I have wanted to write an article for a very long time. The fact is that this talented young lady attracts me very much, not only is she amazingly beautiful, successful in her profession, but she is also very cheerful, lively, energy flows out of her. For the first time I saw Irina Pegova in Alexei Uchitel’s film “Walk”. We are accustomed to the stereotype that the main character must be very slender; if she has a wasp waist and a flexible figure, we will recklessly believe that any man can lose his head once and for all, as soon as he sees her. But Irina Pegova does not fit into these parameters: she is short, chubby and her waist is barely noticeable, but despite all this, how beautiful she is, how natural and harmonious. And then a certain revolution of consciousness occurs: it turns out that you don’t have to be a reed in order to be admired. But Irina Pegova has a beautiful face! Huge eyes framed by long fluffy eyelashes, dimples on the cheeks. Such women have always attracted a huge number of men, but we have already forgotten that not everyone needs Instagram girls with iPhones. Further, I saw Irina Pegova in many films and TV series, I won’t say that I was specifically waiting for the release of her film projects, so, accidentally clicking on the TV, I came across this magnificent actress, and as soon as I saw her, I didn’t change the channel. When Irina Pegova is in the frame, you want to admire her and unravel the secret of her feminine charms!

And Irina Pegova was born in the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region, that is, she is a Vyksun or a Vyksa woman, it sounds funny.

Irina has an older sister, and she even looks somewhat similar to her.

From childhood it was clear that Irina would grow up to be an artist; for example, the girl’s favorite game was to dress up as Alla Pugacheva, walk around the house in that image and sing songs. Irina Pegova wanted to become a singer, but her mother dissuaded her from this idea. She wanted her daughter to receive a more prosaic profession, so Irochka had to secretly take her documents to the Gorky Theater School in the drama department, secretly from her relatives. Mom reconciled herself with her daughter’s choice, and Irina was blooming with happiness - since she found herself in her environment, but she studied at the school for only two years, and then decided to aim higher, and therefore stole her documents from the file cabinet. Fortunately, it was not difficult for her to do this. The fact is that Irina worked part-time at the school as a cleaner, so she swiped and swiped with a mop, saw that no one was in the office she needed, went in and stole the documents. Why couldn't she just take it? I was afraid that if I wasn’t accepted into GITIS, I would be ashamed to go back. Otherwise, he’ll just come and put the documents in place. And it was as if nothing had happened. But at GITIS they were waiting for her with open arms, who would doubt it. She was going to enroll in a course with master Pyotr Fomenko, who had already seen her briefly on the stage of Nizhny Novgorod. Irina then asked the master how he liked her performance and whether she should develop in this direction. Fomenko said only one word, but it was more than succinct: “Dare.”

At the age of 25, Irina Pegova married actor Dmitry Orlov, he was 7 years older than her. This marriage lasted eight years, this marriage looked happy, Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov gave interviews in which they admired each other. But suddenly the marriage showed a huge crack; it turned out that for three years the spouses could barely stand each other. The fact is that Dmitry Orlov is a typical house builder, and it is very important for him that his wife does not contradict him, looks into his mouth and does everything to please her master. Irina Pegova really wanted a family, a husband, children, so for five years she restrained her true self, perhaps playing another role, but when she realized that she had become too accustomed to the image of a submissive Russian woman, she rebelled and showed her true identity to her husband, thus Dmitry Orlov understood that Irina Pegova has her own personal opinion, that she is an integral person and no longer intends to obey him. In general, Irina Pegova decided to spread her wings, and therefore after the divorce she did not feel unhappy and offended.

But Dmitry Orlov gave out interviews left and right, in which he told how difficult it was for him in his marriage to Irina Pegova, what a bad woman she turned out to be, how she suppressed him, did not praise him and did not feel sorry for him. Literally sucked all the juice out of him. But Irina Pegova was able to be an exemplary wife for five years, by the way, she endured the libations of her husband, his hot temper and tyranny.

In the marriage of Dmitry Orlov and Irina Pegova, a daughter, Tatyana, was born, the girl is surprisingly similar to her mother, and when she grows up, she will generally become a copy.

Irina Pegova and her daughter Tatyana.

Take a look at these two photos, Irina Pegova looks amazing with bangs, with them she looks like the Arntgolts sisters.

But in this photo you see Irina Pegova with a short haircut; in addition, the actress’s hair is dyed in some not entirely successful color.

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