Oksana Fedorova: from “Miss Universe” to aunt. Trampled beauty: scandals of the Miss Universe contest Why was the title of Miss Universe taken away from Fedorova

Pia Wurtzbach

The hype that erupted on the eve of the New Year at the "" competition seemed to have already died down. However, unexpectedly the story continued. WomanHit hastened to find out new details and recalled other scandalous moments of one of the most prestigious beauty contests in the world.

The scandal that occurred at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant was due to the fact that host Steve Harvey mixed up the name of the winner. Steve announced Ariadna Gutierrez as the new Miss Colombia beauty queen. But it turned out that she only got the title “First Runner-up”, and Pia Wurtzbach from the Philippines became “Miss Universe”. Gutierrez was sobbing, the Colombians were indignant, the audience was perplexed, and Harvey did not know where to go from shame.

But last week, Ariadne, disgraced throughout the world, met with her offender on the air of a TV show. And, to everyone’s surprise, she not only forgave him, but also thanked him for this unfortunate mistake. “I always dreamed of becoming famous throughout the world. And after this mistake, this is what happened. They talked about me and my country in all corners of the Earth. I began to receive many offers and doors opened in front of me that, perhaps, would never have opened if I had won the competition,” said Gutierrez. And, according to rumors, the organizers of Miss Universe are thinking about having Ariadne, along with Steve, become the host of the competition this year.


The unpleasant story of Ariadne Gutteres was far from the only one in 2015. A huge scandal erupted when Miss Israel posted a selfie with Miss Lebanon on her social media page, in which they both laughed merrily. Lebanese citizens were outraged that their beauty dared to be photographed with a representative of a country with which their state has long been in a military conflict. “Miss Lebanon” did not even try to turn everything into a harmless joke and accused “Miss Israel” of provocation.

Miss Uruguay Joana Riva also failed to escape the sad fame. At the height of the competition, her topless photographs became public knowledge. Usually in such cases the contender for the title is disqualified from further participation in competitions for the crown. But Joanna, for some unknown reason, was allowed to stay. True, she didn’t even make it into the Top 15.

Miss Dominican Republic Carlina Duran was disqualified from competing in Miss Universe in 2012 when it was discovered that she had been Mrs. for four years. Karlina tried to assure everyone that she got married out of stupidity, had not lived with her husband for a long time and was generally going to annul the marriage. However, the organizers were adamant and denied her the right to fight for the title. Moreover, Duran was also deprived of the title of “Miss” in her home country.

Also in 2012, Jenna Talatskova was denied participation in the Miss Universe Canada competition, which is also run by Trump. And all because she was born a man. At the age of 19, Jenna underwent gender reassignment surgery and became a woman. After the scandal broke, Trump decided to change the rules and allow transsexual women to participate in all Miss Universe competitions.

And the owner of the Miss Universe 2012 title, American Olivia Culpo, was accused by Indian authorities of filming an advertisement against the backdrop of the Taj Mahal without permission. But the scandal was hushed up.


The first scandal involving nude photographs of a Miss Universe contestant occurred in 2006. Miss Australia Erin McNaught was first stripped of her title in her home country when it became known that she boasted several explicit photographs published in various publications. However, after the title was not only returned, but also sent to represent Australia at the Miss Universe competition. They also turned a blind eye to Erin's spicy past. But McNaught continued to surprise when it turned out that the Australian beauty did not bring the required number of outfits with her for all days of the competition. The organizers tried their best to get out of the situation, but Erin couldn’t get far. And after participating in the Miss Universe contest, McNaught, to confirm her tarnished reputation, starred in even more very erotic photo shoots.

It is curious that a year later the story with Miss Australia repeated itself. Carly Hanson, who came to the competition in 2007, also had a number of topless shots in several magazines. But this time, the organizers of Miss Universe were not so complacent and removed Hanson from participating in the competition for the title of beauty queen.


In 1996, Alicia Machado from Venezuela was named Miss Universe. However, during her tenure, the holder of the honorary title gained a lot of weight. When her weight increased by almost twenty kilograms, the president of the competition, Donald Trump, did not mince words. Calling Alicia a eating machine and a fat pig, he threatened to deprive her of her crown. Machado vowed to lose weight and get back in shape. With the help of a strict diet and physical exercise, the beauty managed to lose weight quite quickly and retain the title of “Miss Universe” until the next competition.


Oskana Fedorova became the only representative of Russia who was awarded the title “Miss Universe”. However, four months after her triumph, Fedorova renounced the crown. The president of the competition, Donald Trump, accused the Russian beauty of failing to fulfill her duties as the owner of the honorary title. As Miss Universe, Oksana was expected to actively participate in promotional and charity events around the world. But the Russian woman, having traveled to different countries in the first weeks, later chose to be in St. Petersburg and prepare to defend her dissertation. Oksana herself also said that a scandalous interview on the Howard Stern show, which Trump forced her to do, forced her to take off her crown. Stern asked Fedorova obscene, intimate questions, which greatly offended the Russian beauty. After Oksana Fedorova refused the crown, the title of Miss Universe 2002 passed to Justine Pasek from Panama.

Oksana Fedorova sleeps with a crime boss nicknamed Barmaley

Love returned to Fedorov

Varvara Krasavtseva

[...] As The Day newspaper learned, the real reason for the beauty’s return was, after all, not loyalty to the profession and the desire to obtain an academic degree. Everything turned out to be much more prosaic. According to unofficial information, Fedorova was forced to return from abroad by an influential patron.

According to sources, he kept the girl in luxury from the age of 16 and was always aware of her affairs. He noticed Oksana at the Miss St. Petersburg competition.

At that time, the life of the beauty, like most students living in the institute dormitory, was not easy. But after the appearance of a mysterious stranger, everything changed like in a fairy tale. The old leatherette jacket was replaced with mink coats, a personal driver began to take the girl around the city, and after a while she got her own apartment in St. Petersburg.

The name of the patron remained a secret to everyone. But Oksana’s close friends say that in moments of weakness she complained that she was tired of living in a “golden cage” and dreamed of a normal family and children, the appearance of which was objected to by her patron.

According to people who know Oksana’s story well, her patron and sponsor is an exemplary husband and father of two children. This is precisely what can explain his stubborn reluctance to appear in public.

As the Den newspaper writes, this man is an authoritative St. Petersburg businessman, Vladimir Semenovich Golubev, 47 years old, known in narrow circles as Golub or Barmaley.

He is the unofficial owner of the St. Petersburg retail chain Adamant. People's rumors persistently connect his name with the well-known Tambov criminal group in St. Petersburg. At the same time, everyone who has ever seen him believes that he is a very charming and pleasant man. They say that he is a great expert on women, having long ago lost count of even his own wives.

Meanwhile, during an interview at Sheremetyevo airport, Oksana was quite sad; she did not answer negatively when asked about her pregnancy, but said: “This is just a dream, and I hope it will come true someday.” She really recovered, although she denies it.

Oksana Fedorova is remembered for winning the Miss Universe title and giving up the crown. The press is still throwing mud at Fedorova for such “swine” behavior. Oksana did not explain anything for a long time, but today she decided to reveal the secret of why, after all, five months after conferring the title, she refused it. The Megapolis Express columnist talked with Oksana Fedorova.


Do you regret your decision now? No, I don't regret it. I realized that I could not do what was offered to me. If only I knew right away what was in store for me! The organizers of the Russian beauty contest, who sent me to Miss Universe, didn’t even bother to show me the contract, not to mention the fact that I didn’t sign it at all. In fact, I was set up. I mean the Howard Stern show.

"M-E" reports that this show is designed for people with unpretentious taste. It is stuffed with obscene language, dirty jokes, the characters are asked questions like “Have you had sex with a black man?” or "What about sex with women?" Stern asked these questions to Oksana.

But no one forcibly dragged you to Mr. Stern. Yes, but I had no idea what the program was or what they would ask me about. I was simply presented with a fact. I know what the Russian press later wrote about me after this interview...

Did you cry at night or is this not allowed for the police? I tried not to cry, but I spent a lot of sleepless nights...

Did you give up the crown right after the Stern show? I refused when I had to shoot for a magazine cover in New York, and I had a temperature of 39 and felt unwell for five days. I called and warned that I was physically unable to participate in the filming, and offered to move it to Russia, where I was going to defend my dissertation for two months. At first everything was fine, they agreed, but then it turned out that they didn’t.

Oksana said that her five months as Miss Universe were wonderful, and she might not have given up the title if the organizers had kept their promises and given her time to defend her dissertation.

Oksana's groom was 47-year-old St. Petersburg businessman Vladimir Golubev, owner of the Adamant retail chain. Allegedly, the lovers carefully hide their relationship, because Golubev is married. However, there is no real confirmation of these rumors today.

Are you getting married, or do potential suitors have at least some hope today? I'm not going to get married yet. But potential suitors have nothing to do, because my heart is already taken. But don’t ask about your chosen one - I won’t say anything.

The yellow press wrote that you are pregnant and have gained weight. I think I've even lost weight. I'm not pregnant. Of course, being a mother is wonderful, but not at the moment. I don't know where all these rumors come from.

How do you spend your free time? I don’t like parties, so I only go somewhere in exceptional cases. I help my parents, I take care of my grandfather, who is now sick...


Oksana Fedorova spent less than 4 months as Miss Universe. According to the New York Post, she was fired for failing to comply with the terms of her contract. For several months now there have been rumors that she is pregnant, Ananova reports.

The newspaper reports that Oksana Fedorova refused to comply with the terms of the contract, which included appearing in public. Thus, the Russian woman refused to participate in a two-hour program that was supposed to be broadcast live on CBS. “She doesn’t want to do anything,” said the newspaper’s source, who called Fedorova “incredibly beautiful and incredibly bitchy.”

One of the reasons for terminating the contract was the suspicion that the Russian woman had secretly married her Russian admirer, who had been “showering her with gifts” since she was 16 years old.

“She has gained 7 kilograms and we believe that she is most likely pregnant,” the organizers said.

Oksana has already received official notification from the organizers. “Your refusal to comply with our terms will cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars and will seriously affect our reputation,” the document says.

Now the Miss Universe title will automatically go to Justine Pasek from Panama, who took second place in the competition, the newspaper reports.

Representative of Russia, 24-year-old Oksana Fedorova, originally from Pskov, became the winner of the Miss Universe 2002 beauty contest, which was held in May of this year.

The Russian beauty broke her contract to continue her studies

The national beauty contest knows nothing about the reasons for depriving Russian Oksana Fedorova of the Miss Universe title, Nikolai Kostin, president of the Miss Russia contest, said on the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

Kostin, in his words, “very much doubts the information conveyed by the media - about the secret marriage, that she has gained 7 kilograms.”

According to international rules, if a girl participates in the Miss Universe competition, the contract is concluded directly between the management of the international competition and the girl herself; thus, the directorate of the Miss Russia national competition has nothing to do with this, Kostin explained.

“Such options at major international competitions occur from time to time, I don’t think this is related to politics,” Kostin said. “Oksana absolutely deservedly won the Miss Russia 2001 competition, and her victory at the Miss Universe competition was unconditional,” he said.

“Oksana is a very purposeful person,” Kostin added. In this regard, he admits the possibility that Fedorova “decided to give the social, global workload to her successor from Panama,” not wanting to lose a year studying at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg.

"Miss Universe √ 2002" herself renounced her title

Russian Oksana Fedorova herself refused the high-profile title of “Miss Universe 2002”. Oksana Fedorova stated this in the Vesti program, broadcast on Monday by the VGTRK television company.

“The duties of Miss Universe are, of course, very wonderful, very good, but the most important thing in my life is my studies and my career here in Russia, I just wouldn’t have the opportunity to continue my studies, that’s all ", - she said.

Working on a dissertation at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on private detective work, Oksana Fedorova gave the crown of the beauty of the world to a girl from Panama, who was second in the Miss Universe 2002 competition. But the recognition of the world, as Fedorova says, will still remain hers, reports RIA Novosti.

“When I went to this competition,” Fedorova noted, “no one explained to me what it was and what consequences this title entailed.”

Oksana Fedorova denied media reports about pregnancy and that she had gained 7 kg.

“As for marriage and pregnancy, this is wonderful. I want a family and I love family - this is the most important thing for me, but this is all just a dream. I have never been married and, especially since I did not have children. I hope that in the future, this dream will still come true,” Fedorova said.

"Miss Universe 2002" returns to St. Petersburg to defend her dissertation

Oksana Fedorova refused to continue working in advertising shows and returns to St. Petersburg to defend her dissertation. This was announced today by Viktor Salnikov, the head of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from which Oksana graduated with a gold medal.

According to Salnikov, the day before, in a telephone conversation, Oksana told him that the organizers of the Miss Universe competition had put the Russian woman in too strict a framework and did not want to take into account her personal plans, in particular regarding her trip to St. Petersburg to defend her dissertation, which Oksana had prepared even before the competition .

Salnikov explained that Oksana’s decision to return to her homeland and interrupt her participation in advertising shows will lead to the fact that the logos of the Miss Universe competition commission will be removed from her photographs. But there can be no talk of removing the Miss Universe 2002 title from the Russian woman: “The question could be posed this way if Oksana signed a contract, according to which she would undertake to participate in all events provided for in the program for a year show for the winner." Contestants sign such a contract even before the finals, but, according to Salnikov, Oksana did not sign it, and until now she has participated in show programs voluntarily.

In St. Petersburg, as Salnikov noted, a warm welcome was being prepared for Oksana, she was even promised a promotion: she left for Puerto Rico as a senior police lieutenant, and upon returning to her hometown she will receive the rank of captain.

"Miss Universe 2002" intends to return to the city on the Neva in the next day or two, ITAR-TASS reports.

Beauty queen parameters: 88-64-93 with a height of 178 cm.

Hobbies: shaping, reading. Prefers law books and detective stories. He is interested in painting and philosophy. Proficient in hand-to-hand combat techniques and various types of firearms.

I dreamed: get yourself two dogs at once - an English mastiff for protection and a Yorkshire terrier for your soul.

Loves cook, but not ordinary ordinary dinners, but for guests or parents. The signature dish is “Meat in Dutch”: veal is cut into pieces, fried in a frying pan in a large amount of cream (33%), and sprinkled with caraway seeds on top.

Studied at the faculty of heads of city and regional internal affairs bodies. She graduated from the university with a gold medal.

Worked after receiving a diploma as an investigator in the line department of internal affairs at Pulkovo airport.

Writing a PhD dissertation on the topic: “Civil regulation of private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” at the faculty of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the university.

24-year-old Oksana Fedorova was able to beat 74 candidates from around the world. Along with the title “Miss Universe 2002,” Oksana received a scepter and crown decorated with Japanese pearls and diamonds worth $250 thousand, as well as various contracts and a scholarship for the duration of her studies at the New York School of Film and Television Arts, which lasted for 2 years .

Oksana is from Pskov. She lived with her mother until she was 18, and then decided to start an independent life and moved to St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, she received a higher legal education after graduating from the Police Legal Lyceum and the Police Secondary School in Pskov. Her research interests are civil law.

In 2001, senior police lieutenant Oksana Fedorova won the title of Miss Russia. Then she was handed the keys to a Mercedes and a white gold Cartier watch. And before that, in 1999, the girl became the winner of the Miss St. Petersburg contest.

Oksana Gennadievna Fedorova was born in the city of Pskov on December 17, 1977. The girl's father left the family when her daughter was very young. Oksana was raised by her mother, a doctor. In 1995, the future celebrity graduated from Pskov school No. 8. In the 11th grade, she simultaneously studied at the police-legal lyceum. Throughout her adult life, Oksana dreamed of becoming a police officer, which is why she went to the secondary special police school in Pskov. The girl began her creative activity by playing tenor saxophone in an orchestra.

Policeman career

In 1997, Oksana Fedorova graduated from police school with honors and was delegated to the faculty of heads of city and regional internal affairs bodies of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The girl graduated from the university with the rank of senior lieutenant with a honors diploma in her hands.

Three years later, Lieutenant Oksana Fedorova began working as an investigator in the linear department of internal affairs at Pulkovo Airport. A little later, a certified specialist and simply beautiful woman became a teacher of civil law at her native university, and entered an adjunct program at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. While writing her PhD dissertation, Oksana Fedorova became popular.

The path to the Miss Universe title

To stay in shape, Oksana went to the shaping gym. True, not an ordinary one, but one that belonged to the St. Petersburg Shaping Federation. He was the organizer of the Miss St. Petersburg competition. It was in this beauty contest that Fedorova won in 1999. And behind it came the Miss Russia and Miss Universe competitions.

By the way, Oksana Fedorova was supposed to go to the Miss Universe competition in 2001, however, the girl refused to participate in the competition due to exams at the university. The girl received the title “Miss Universe” in 2002, already being a certified specialist. For winning the competition, Oksana received a $200,000 crown from Japanese jewelers Mikimoto. In addition, Fedorova received various prizes worth about $250,000, various contracts, as well as the opportunity to study at the New York Film and Television School with apartments in Manhattan in addition.

However, the most beautiful girl in the world refused to film advertising shows and announced that she was returning to St. Petersburg to defend her dissertation. Four months after the competition, Oksana Fedorova was stripped of the Miss Universe title. Donald Trump (the owner of the company organizing the competition) explained the transfer of the title by saying that the winner was required to participate in advertising and charity events around the world, and Oksana practically did not leave Russia.

Life of Oksana Fedorova after fame

In Russia, Oksana Fedorova became the host of the popular children's program “Good Night, Kids,” the “Subbotnik” and “Saturday Evening” programs, and for two years she was the host of the game “Fort Bayard” paired with Leonid Yarmolnik. And since 2003, the lieutenant became a participant in the All-Russian youth public movement “Energy of Life” and the Vneshtorgbank charity program in favor of children’s healthcare “A World Without Tears.” Since 2006, he has been a partner of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Russia. She also has a beauty and film roles: the girl starred in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” with Nelly Uvarova and the film “Sophie.” In 2008, Oksana published a book of tips and recommendations on style and beauty, “Style Formula.”

Oksana Fedorova and Nikolai Baskov - Love is right

Oksana Fedorova tried to build her political career twice. It turned out with varying degrees of success. In 2002, the girl did not enter the State Duma of Russia, but in 2005 she nevertheless became a deputy of regional importance. The girl became a parliamentarian in the Voronezh Regional Duma.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

They say that the reason Oksana Fedorova refused the prestigious title “Miss Universe” was a certain lover of the girl. However, giving up the crown did not make the beauty a happy woman. Oksana returned to St. Petersburg after the competition, but was reluctant to comment on her decision. She just said that she has a loved one who is two decades older than her and he runs a construction business.

A little later, information surfaced that for the last 16 years Oksana Fedorova has been living with a man named Vladimir Golubev. The Miss Universe lover is not only twice the girl’s age, but is also married. Among other things, he is a well-known crime boss in St. Petersburg, nicknamed “Barmaley.” He saw a young girl at the Miss St. Petersburg competition, after which Oksana became his kept woman.

Oksana Fedorova on video

And for her luxurious life, Fedorova had to give up her freedom, including the title “Miss Universe”.

The Pskov beauty’s friends later told how Oksana complained to them that she was tired of life in a “golden cage” and finally wanted to start a family and have children.

However, those around the girl said that Golubev was against having children together, especially since he already has two children. In addition, the man's legal wife would be angry with a child born out of wedlock. In 2006, Oksana Fedorova decided to leave her lover.

At the same moment, rumors appeared about a romance between the former Miss Universe and dancer Alexander Litvinenko. The couple began their relationship on the project “Dancing with the Stars.” Journalists vied with each other to write about the upcoming wedding, however, the couple still failed to create a family.

A little later, Oksana Fedorova began to go out with a new boyfriend. This time he became a 44-time record holder of the Guinness Book of Records. For the sake of his beloved, the man performed various tricks accompanied by words about love. However, such sacrifices did not become a reason for a serious relationship.

In 2007, Oksana Fedorova met 30-year-old German citizen Philip Toft on the “Dancing with the Stars” project. A few months later the couple got married. Oksana started a new life with a man who didn’t have a penny to his name, and, nevertheless, hoped for normal family relationships. However, Philip was not ready for fatherhood. As a result, it turned out to be a fictitious marriage. Fedorova promised her future husband to help organize a subsidiary of his family business - the production of Toft dietary supplements. In turn, the girl wanted to leave the care of Vladimir Golubev, going abroad for permanent residence. However, after the wedding, the newlyweds did not even wear wedding rings. Oksana remained in Russia, where Philip occasionally visited.

When her husband was not around, the ex-Miss Universe began to appear everywhere with her longtime acquaintance Nikolai Baskov. The couple showed everyone their tender feelings, kissed in public without hesitation and even danced erotic dances.

Detractors argued that in this way Oksana Fedorova and Nikolai Baskov stir up interest in themselves from fans. According to rumors, for an evening in the company of the famous baritone, the girl was paid from 150 thousand dollars.

A little later, information appeared that Nikolai Baskov and Oksana Fedorova were already planning to legalize their relationship. In Jurmala, at the “New Wave”, Nikolai proposed to Oksana and constantly hinted that he might soon become a father. The couple, moreover, constantly spent vacations together. For some time, the beauty was the singer’s eternal bride. And she even prepared herself for a new marriage - she divorced Philip. However, after another vacation in the Maldives, a disagreement occurred between the lovers, after which, at Igor Nikolaev’s creative evening, Oksana and Nikolai announced their breakup.

Oksana Fedorova - Miss Universe 2002

“Nikolai says one thing today, and another tomorrow. I don't rely on these words. I’m no longer going to marry Baskov. It’s sudden, spontaneous... I don’t know...” Oksana Fedorova said during a recent interview. In 2011, Oksana married a WSF employee named Andrey. On March 6, 2012, their son, Fedor, was born. And a year later, on July 22, 2013, Fedorova gave birth to her husband’s daughter, the girl was named Elizaveta.

Oksana Fedorova now

Now Oksana Fedorova and her husband, an employee of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Andrei Borodin, are happily married. Fedorova has spoken about this more than once, that she has found her feminine happiness and feels with her husband as if behind a stone wall.
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