What is the right path for us if we really like a person? What should I do? Psychology of food: how to love foods you hate Food and character: fish and seafood.

In everyday life you have to interact with many people, both at work, at home, and in shops and other public places. Some people are perceived by the delight of positive emotions, and there is a circle that causes negative ones. This is the perception of each person. So we are perceived by the people around us from completely different sides. You can dislike a thousand different people, but there will also be many reasons for this, since each individual has his own perception.

20 reasons why people don't like you

There is a set of common characteristics that can irritate every person.

Using "I" too often

People around you get the impression that you are being selfish by using this pronoun too often.

It is necessary to “yak” as little as possible so that your interlocutors feel respect from you and feel comfortable during the conversation.

Inability to listen, and most importantly, to hear

An individual has a special talent if he does not interrupt his interlocutor, but listens to him conscientiously.

In a conversation, there are 2 manifestations of disrespect for a person.

First: indifference to the conversation and absorption in one’s thoughts, while completely ignoring the interlocutor.

Second: it is absolutely rude to interrupt when expressing your comments, to show that the subject of the conversation itself is uninteresting.

Such behavior is inappropriate if the topic is far from the concept, and an incompetent opinion can put you in an awkward position. Therefore, you need to find strength and always listen to what the person is trying to convey, and only then insert your comments.

How can you determine a person’s character by the foods he likes to eat? What effect does food have on our mood and character? Psychologists will help us answer this question, and in the video there are 2 experts on this issue, a famous nutritionist and a psychotherapist.

People who know each other well are said to have “eaten a pound of salt together.” To handle such an amount of salt, it takes a lot of time to eat together. And yet, culinary preferences help to get to know a person in a shorter time and determine some of his character traits.

People who have not yet completely left childhood like to “do what they shouldn’t.” They tend to eat unhealthy fast food; they love to nibble on chips, grab a hot dog on the go, or order a hamburger and pizza.

The next group of people are sweet food lovers. Perhaps for them it is a way to avoid depression. It is known that people have a certain tendency to “eat a problem” with something tasty. Chocolate helps the body produce endorphin, the hormone of happiness, and sugar has a positive effect on brain function. People who have a love for sweets are usually very vulnerable at heart. Such people can analyze themselves for a long time and are able to delve deeply into their own and other people’s problems.

People who prefer dairy foods are very sociable in communication. They get along well with anyone, are sweet, friendly and hospitable. But at the right moment they will always be able to insist on their own and even show themselves to be maximalists.

Creative individuals respect fruits and fruit foods. Such people can gush with ideas and be a little careless, but they are attentive to other people's problems.

Vegetable foods are preferred by people of a rational mindset. People of this type are practical, goal-oriented, and may even seem selfish. Vegetable lovers often have the makings of a leader.

Meat lovers are prone to rash actions; they are active and impulsive. The life of “meat eaters” consists of a series of ups and downs, sometimes quite dizzying. Meat lovers lack the character trait of balance.

But it is precisely balance that is characteristic of lovers of food from fish and all kinds of seafood. Seafood lovers are calm and even slightly melancholy, excellent diplomats. People of this type find a compromise in any situation and avoid conflicts. They very rarely speak directly; everyone understands their words in their own way.

It is quite difficult to say something definite about people who give their preference to “spicy”. Fans of pickles, marinades, sauces, ketchups and the like can turn out to be both “real horsemen” and exemplary quiet people. By consuming spicy foods, such people express their protest to the circle of everyday life surrounding them, at least in their taste sensations.

Watch a very useful video from which you will learn in detail about the influence of food on character from experts in this matter (a famous nutritionist and psychotherapist).

In general, the bitter taste receptors on our tongue are the most sensitive, while the sweet and salty taste receptors are the least sensitive. Broccoli, spinach, kale and Brussels sprouts are all considered healthy foods. Loaded with minerals, vitamins and fiber, they are a nutritionist's dream - a nutritionist who hates you and wants to make you miserable by depriving you of all the sweet pleasures in life.

On the other hand, all the foods you crave—french fries, burgers, desserts, even red meat—are at the very bottom of your healthy eating list. Experts call them harmful and say that they should be consumed no more than once a week, and then in moderation. Why is food that tastes so good considered unhealthy?

The reason is that the most “tasty” foods contain a lot of fat, sugar or salt, or both, or a third. And our taste buds prefer these substances due to the fact that in the process of evolution we have developed an addiction to them. Our ancestors did not know the food abundance available to us today, and the listed substances were in short supply, so the human body learned to value and preserve them.

Why we love fatty foods

There is a huge list of foods that are high in fat, and we love them all. The most popular ones are listed below. This also includes anything that is fried and any food that can be described as “oily” or “creamy.”

French fries, fish and chips, donuts, pizzas, cheesecakes, confectionery,
bacon, salami, burgers, milkshakes, ice cream.

It allows you to accumulate energy. Fats are very high in calories - they contain twice as many calories as carbohydrates. However, because they take longer to digest, the body prefers to store them for use when food shortages occur.

The food resources of our ancestors were very variable. When a mammoth was caught, for example, there was enough food to feed the entire tribe for several days. However, this happened rarely enough that our ancestors learned to store as much fat as possible, and depended on fat reserves during periods of food shortage. The person who had the largest reserves of fat was considered from an evolutionary point of view to be the fittest - he was able to survive difficult times. For this reason, our brain and taste buds like fatty foods.

Why we love sweets

These products, of course, include desserts and various cakes and cupcakes, especially those covered with frosting and jellies. However, flavored milk and yoghurts also contain a lot of sugar. In addition, high fructose corn syrup is added to many products, which, from a biological point of view, is also sugar.

Cakes, cookies, ice cream, donuts, biscuits with cream filling, jams, packaged juices,
carbonated drinks, candies, chocolates, most desserts, flavored milk.

Why we like salty

Foods such as chips and crackers are known to be high in salt, but salt is also present in excess in many canned meats and packaged foods. If you read the labels, you will find that even sweet-tasting foods contain small amounts of salt.

Chips, crackers, packaged nuts, crackers, fried potatoes, pretzels,
salty cookies, popcorn, salami and meat pickles, cheese, pickles.

Previously, salt was not as accessible as it is now. At the same time, it is the best source of sodium, a mineral extremely important for the functioning of muscles and nerve cells. Apart from table salt, sodium is found in small amounts only in animal blood, meat and eggs. Therefore, salt was highly valued. Some scientists also believe that this substance, like sugar, promotes the release of dopamine in the brain.

Why We Don't Like Greens

Most green vegetables (broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, etc.) have a bitter taste, and their “tastelessness”, again, is associated with the set of products that were available to our ancestors. Many poisonous plants have a bitter taste, and in the process of evolution our brain has learned to simply not like it.

On top of everything else, there are also processed foods. During processing, they become bland, and to make them tasty again, manufacturers add various flavors and flavor enhancers to them. However, the processing also destroys all the vital nutrients, and in the end all we get are empty calories. For this reason, many processed foods are not considered healthy either.

However, some of the "bad" foods may actually be rich in important nutrients. An example is salt. What makes foods truly harmful is the quantities in which we consume them. An excess of anything is bad for us, but the achievements of modern civilization make a variety of goodies so accessible that it becomes difficult for us to resist the craving for them.

The Psychology of Junk Food Cravings

Children often receive treats (sweet and fatty foods) as a reward for behaving well. Their brain gets used to this, and as a result, they begin to associate such products with something cherished and desired. This pattern of behavior often continues into adulthood - when in a state of stress or emotional distress, many people calm themselves down by eating food, and, as a rule, tasty and unhealthy food.

Experts believe that what and how a person eats can tell a lot about his character. It is not for nothing that in the old days, when employers hired a worker, the first thing they did was seat him at the table and feed him. Behavior and table manners, as well as taste preferences, can indicate a wide variety of human character traits. So, a surefire way to get to know your potential partner better is to have a meal with him!

Let's see what exactly your counterpart eats.

Dense and heavy Sybarites love foods (meat stews, hamburgers, mince pies). Stability and predictability are important to them; they do not welcome changes in life.

Lovers hard crispy products (for example, crackers and toast) - aggressive natures, prone to irritability.

Fans light and crispy dishes such as salads, vegetables, fruits, chips, popcorn - people are easy-going and cheerful, they are not able to hold a grudge for a long time.

Those who prefer dishes soft consistency(creams, fruit purees, ice cream, milk porridges, puddings), are kind, sympathetic people, but somewhat naive and infantile.

Lovers beef They are very emotional, behave imperiously, speak in a loud voice. At the same time, most often they are indifferent to the problems of other people. Their communication with others is a one-man show; they are used to listening only to themselves.

Those who appreciate pork,- people are charming and sociable. They love to participate in various contests and competitions, but not for the sake of winning, but out of sporting interest. However, in a difficult situation they easily get lost.

Admirers lamb They often complain about life and always look for support from others. They are lazy and passive, but you will not find more devoted friends and reliable partners.

Those who prefer chicken, are often boring and irritable. They are stubborn, react painfully to criticism, and can become hysterical over a trifle. Incredibly pedantic, they always carefully monitor their appearance.

Men are supporters of patriarchy in the family. However, “chicken eaters” are not particularly moral, often cheating on their marriage partners.

Lovers fish They have a sharp mind and are often known as aesthetes. They are very impulsive, speak quickly and intermittently, change their mood easily, but at the same time remain emotionally cold.

Those who respect dishes from eggs, are sociable and have excellent memory, but are not flexible enough in communication. They strive to dominate other people.

Fans of dishes from potatoes tend to blindly believe various dogmas and ideals. However, if they spend a long time doing something, they may get bored with it and start working carelessly. Don't expect your partner to earn a lot or do all the household chores.

Buckwheat porridge individualists prefer. They have a strong and tough character, they are unpretentious in everyday life, but cannot stand noise and fuss, so they try to get out in public less often - for example, they find work from home.

Rice loved by proud and noble people. They are able to get out of the most difficult situations with honor.

Lovers "thin" dishes - for example, pressed caviar - are terribly suspicious. And the one who chooses rare steak is a born leader.

Interesting characteristics

Italian restaurant owner Marco Miglio and psychologist Roberto Provana have published a book "Kitchen of Personalities", in which human psychotypes were identified depending on their gastronomic preferences.

Yes, for "tired antelope" The process of eating itself is pure torture. Just the sight of food plunges such a person into a state of depression. At the table he eats little and often frowns with displeasure. The “antelope” makes an exception only for some desserts.

"Anteaters" First they sniff the food, sometimes even lick it from all sides, and only then start eating.

"Giraffes" at the table they chew methodically - at this moment they are not interested in anything except the process of eating.

"Bosses" unpretentious in food, the main thing is that it is served on time. But if this doesn't happen, the "boss" may get angry.

"Loyal" prefers the dishes that his mother prepared for him, and may categorically reject an unfamiliar treat.

"Artist" does not like second courses, may limit himself to soup and sweets, and will definitely ask who prepared the food.

Diana Merlin

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