Does he love me to the bone? Online test “Does he love me?”

A test to determine whether a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most accurate signs of a man’s love and will help answer the question: “Does a man love me?” However, it also reveals your own psychological problems and illusions.

The exclusivity of the test lies in the fact that it not only scans a man’s interest and sympathy for you, but also analyzes your personal difficulties and psychological conflicts. Very often, we see something that is not there and imagine that a man is in love with us, although this is not the case. Answer the questions accurately and find out: is a man in love with you? Does he have sympathy and interest in you?

How to win a man's heart? Millions of girls ask themselves this question every day. In order to soberly assess your chances and efforts, you need to understand whether the guy has sympathy for you? This test will help you understand whether your chosen one likes you.

Some women, not knowing the answer to the question “Does a man love me?” spend a lot of time on dreams, fantasies and waste their time. They look for signs of hidden attention in simple everyday things, justify his inattention, inactivity, and even simply ignore him - just to remain with the hope that the man loves her. This test not only determines whether your chosen one likes you, but also diagnoses the presence of false illusions and self-deception!

Self-deception in the question: Does a man love me?

The main ways in which women unconsciously deceive themselves, entertain the illusion, hoping that the chosen one also has sympathy and wants to meet:

  1. The excuse for ignoring him is “the man’s hidden fears of relationships”;
  2. The feeling that the success of a relationship depends only on the woman’s desire: “I don’t really like him... But if I want, he will be mine”;
  3. Seeing a man’s desire for a meeting, even if he doesn’t want it;
  4. The feeling that you need to be more active in the relationship and then “certainly the man will be mine.”

Reflection on the topic “loves, does not love?” as old as time.

For many centuries, this question has tormented every girl in love with its uncertainty.

The question “Does he love me?” sounds relevant in modern society.

When a representative of the fair sex experiences a feeling of affection and tenderness for a young man, she is definitely interested in whether he experiences the same thing.

So, what should you do if you are wondering, does he love me? A test and analysis of a man's behavior will help you determine what stage your relationship is at.

Are all lovers the same?

If you are familiar with the classics of Soviet cinema, you should be familiar with the film “Sorcerers”.

Remember the plot where two scientific sorcerers are waiting for the lover Ivan on the street, and he must go through the walls into the apartment of his beloved Alyonushka and disenchant her with a kiss?

And when he is about to kiss her, she asks “sing, Ivanushka.” And he sings.

And two people on the street in the forty-degree frost look at each other, twirl their finger at their temple, and Mikhail Svetin says the famous phrase: “For medicine, lovers and crazy people are all the same. But you and I are guaranteed pneumonia.”

Only very open and self-confident people behave in such a bright and, at times, careless manner during a period of strong infatuation.

More restrained people do not tend to excessively express feelings; you can guess that they are in love by their looks and gestures, by unusual behavior, and by the topics of conversation.

Modesty or indifference?

A secretive person can be difficult to understand, although he is capable of strong and long-lasting love.

Often, the complexion and inability to speak in public takes away the tongue of the lover, and he finds himself unable to utter the magic words “I love you.”

With life experience and developed attention, a girl or woman determines by looks, gestures, words and intonations whether a person loves, shows interest, wants to bring the relationship closer, or whether light flirting is enough for him.

What to do if there is no experience of communication, if these are the first strong feelings? How can I understand that he loves me?

The most unpleasant situation occurs when a guy uses a girl (or a man uses a woman) for his own purposes, creating the appearance of falling in love, takes advantage of her apartment, wealth or position in society.

Psychological analysis of joint communication and behavior will help you draw the right conclusions.

Features of the behavior of a person in love

How do I know if he loves me? According to the characteristic behavior characteristic of lovers.

Every person changes when he experiences sublime feelings. We are not talking about sexual arousal and purely sexual interest of a man in a woman.

We talk about the wonderful feeling of love that changes people for the better, helping them become kinder, more sympathetic, and more attentive.

When a man (or woman) is in love, wings seem to grow behind his back. Being in love is characterized by a constant positive attitude, sparkle in the eyes, and a surge of strength (physical and moral).

A person in love strives to show interest in the object of his affection, sets out to get to know the girl better, is capable of selfless help and care, and often wants to stand out and attract attention.

With such manifestations, the question “does he love me?” - rather a formality. ()

Signs of falling in love

How can the listed signs of being in love manifest themselves?

  1. Showing interest. The form of showing interest can be different: calls, questions, the desire to take the longest route home, staying with a girl over tea, asking mutual friends about her.
    Often, having fallen in love, a guy stops visiting the gym, computer club, and changes his social circle to another in which his girlfriend revolves.
    In a conversation, he doesn’t exactly catch her every word, but he listens carefully and remembers important points. Showing genuine interest, he remembers important dates for the girl (for example, relatives’ birthdays), planned vacations and conscious preferences.
    He listens carefully to the problems that have arisen and shows interest in solving them (expresses his attitude to the source of problem situations and suggests possible solutions).
    Many men are characterized by silence, but a guy in love is capable of holding long conversations. He is interested in childhood and school photographs of his beloved girl.
  2. Selfless help and care. In the event of a girl’s illness, a loving guy shows truly tender and chivalrous care: he carries sweets and fruits and the necessary medicines.
    At any time of the day, any day of the week, he will try to come to the rescue. He shows a caring attitude towards the object of his love: he helps to carry a heavy bag, gives away his warm sweater, explains missed educational material.
    A loving guy strives to help carry out various events: go to the store, plan a vacation. Warmth and tenderness are felt in the words of a loving person, even if the topic of conversation is abstract (discussion of situations that happened during the day or familiar people).
  3. Desire to attract attention. In order to stand out and attract attention, the young man talks about his achievements and merits: victories in competitions, scientific research.
    If he is in excellent athletic shape, he will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate a somersault or a bicycle jump.
    A man strives to give gifts to the lady of his heart, invite him to a movie or dinner in a cafe, do any pleasant little thing (for example, pay for her travel on public transport).
    The guy tries with all his might to make a good impression. To get acquainted with his preferences, a loving guy invites a girl to his favorite trips and vacation spots. Controls his speech, limits the use of offensive and obscene expressions.
  4. Plans for a common future. In conversations, topics of the future and planning it with his beloved girl slip through. Let's go on vacation together, work together during the holidays, and do other things together.
    If a young man invites you to meet his parents, it means he has thoughts about a future life together. A guy in love proudly introduces his girlfriend to all his friends.
  5. Gestures– are a tool of psychological analysis. Based on random gestures, an experienced psychologist will determine a person’s state and thoughts.
    A lover's gestures are often directed towards the object of his love. The guy likes to take a girl by the hand and hug her by the shoulders with friends. Of course, a lover will not pat his beloved on the shoulder like a friend.
  6. Love and tenderness. A loving guy periodically (but not every minute) talks about his feelings. This is cool. An interesting observation from psychologists: if a man never speaks about his feelings first, one should doubt his sincerity.
    Shows of affection confirm what was said in words. Don't confuse a coveted pat on the butt or tug on the chest with a gentle touch of the hand. A girl can often catch the eye of a guy who loves her, because he enjoys admiring his girlfriend. At the same time, he is not very interested in other women.

Observations and analysis of gestures, actions and words will definitely answer the question “how can I understand that he loves me?”

Is it possible to build a long-term relationship or does the guy only want to spend a couple of evenings together? Is he head over heels in love or is he a seasoned womanizer?

Showing your wonderful feelings in response to his attention will strengthen the created union of two people.

By offering her love to her beloved man, showing respect for his merits, a woman makes the main reciprocal gesture in her life.

All people in life have a need for love, but it is not always possible to find out how this or that person treats us. Try taking a free online psychological test: Does he love me, without registration or SMS. Of course, the manifestation of a person’s feelings can be recognized in other ways: for example, by his attitude, behavior, gaze and facial expressions. In addition, other people who are not biased towards both of you can tell us about the feelings of a guy or a man.

Online test

Sometimes on our way we meet people who do not know how to talk about love, are embarrassed to express it, or are simply afraid of being judged by others. Thanks to the results obtained, you will be able to understand in the early stages of a romantic relationship how a person feels about you, how sincere he is towards you.

Online test "Does he love me?" (22 questions)


*Important: personal data and test results are not saved!

Free online psychological test: “Does he love me?” - will help to reveal the secret of relationships and find out what feelings a person has for you. After all, we are all different, we show our love in the way we consider acceptable for ourselves.

Why do you need to know if he loves you?

A man skillfully hides his feelings and at first glance it may seem to a girl that she does not correspond to the ideal with whom he would like to live his whole life.

Opinion. Sometimes a girl asks herself: “Does he love me?” But a direct question about love may not be appropriate or may lead your boyfriend into a dead end; in this case, a free online test will help you understand his feelings.

This was developed by psychologists based on observations of the behavior and emotional state of guys. Note that psychologists use similar studies to determine love in a couple during an examination.

What can you find out without a test?

In order to get an answer to the question of whether he loves me or not, it is not necessary to take a test; pay attention to the non-verbal gestures and behavior of your chosen one:

  1. First- what will indicate feelings is positive behavior in your presence, friends and acquaintances do not recognize him, he tries to joke to attract your attention.
  2. Second- the man tries to pay attention to you and provide any help, even in small things.
  3. Third— a guy in love always listens to you carefully, tries to keep the conversation going.
  4. Fourth- Observe the body's facial expressions. For example, when a man sees his beloved, his pupils dilate, he tries to touch during a conversation or start a conversation on any topic.

What can you do if it is unclear whether he loves you or not?

Dear girls, you shouldn’t wait for a cute guy to pay attention to you! Try to take the initiative and express yourself. After passing the test, stop torturing yourself - whether he loves me or not!

  • Guys like unapproachable girls, so flirt, but keep the intrigue as long as possible.
  • If you are in the same company or work together, then cast aside all doubts about your unattractiveness, be confident in yourself and your actions.
  • Try to show your positive qualities: if you can sing, show your talent in the right situation.
  • Behave naturally, do not be arrogant or demanding.


Before taking the online test “Does he love me?” It is necessary to disconnect from extraneous thoughts and answer questions sincerely and honestly. As a result of the test, you will receive accurate information and be able to understand how the guy treats you and how pure his intentions are. And remember, dear girls, you deserve the purest and most sincere love!

Every girl now and then asks the question: “Who loves me?” or “Does anyone even love me? Agree that knowing the answers to the above questions is vital. Why? First of all, because it raises self-esteem. This information is needed in order to competently build relationships with the opposite sex. After all, when you know how a person treats you, you can always predict a lot, you can calculate the steps forward, you can roughly understand what exactly will await you with this person.

The other side of this issue is lying. After all, it very often happens that they hang noodles on your ears, saying that they love you, that they cannot live without you, that you are literally EVERYTHING for this person! But for some reason you’re not lying. It’s just that your intuition is very well developed, and it is this that tells you: “Don’t believe it! Something is wrong here"!

At such moments, I really want to check where the “dog is buried”? Does he really love me or is he really lying? How can you find out? You shouldn’t hire a detective who will keep an eye on your chosen one. In fact, this is already somehow funny, and this is not a cheap activity. The services of such a specialist will cost you a very, very tidy sum.

Instead of playing detective stories, instead of throwing money away and sitting and waiting for weather from the sea, it is much easier to go to the Mogura website. After all, our regulars note that our fortune-telling always comes true. So, find the section you need - online fortune telling for free “Who loves me”? and just find out the whole truth!

From the moment the first tender feeling was born on our sinful and beautiful Earth, every girl would like to know what the guy she loves is thinking about. A curious person would pay dearly for such information. In search of an answer to this question, as well as to other questions, for example: does he love me or not, the weaker sex turned to witches, sorcerers, fortune tellers and soothsayers of all stripes. Some were really lucky and they learned the truth, while others, having gone through all the circles of hell, remained in the tenacious clutches of scoundrels who kept their “victim” on a short leash: “treatment” for non-existent diseases, false advice and ineffective spells and, as a result, incalculable money infusions. But let’s be honest, all this still exists. Charlatans are not extinct, as are those who are in an endless search for answers and clues.

However, it’s much easier for today’s girls; now there is a great opportunity, without leaving your own home, to simply open the Internet and enter into a search engine: “Fortune telling for a loved one.” And voila! The World Wide Web will immediately offer a lot of esoteric sites. Including our Mogura. By scrolling down the page a little, you can choose those love fortune telling that fully meet your current need for information and advice.

Our great-great-grandmothers would probably die of envy if they found out that while sitting on the sofa in their favorite cafe, you can tell fortunes online and find out what your loved one is doing. Fantastic! For them - yes, for us this is a reality in which there is nothing unnatural. Not only do modern technologies provide such chances, but you also don’t need to pay anyone. Everything is free!

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