The child was born in Israel. How to give birth to a child in Israel: how much does birth cost with insurance?

Quite recently in Israel, a red calf was born. According to the Torah, the holy book of the Jews, a red calf is a harbinger of the apocalypse.

A harbinger of the apocalypse was born at the Israel Institute

Early last week, a heifer of an interesting color - red - was born at the Israeli Temple Institute. Her birth "will pave the way for the restoration of the temple ministry and mark the final stage of redemption." According to the book of the prophet Daniel, a red cow must be sacrificed, after which “many will be cleansed and whitened.”

Within three years, the institute, which is interested in building the Third Temple of Jerusalem, began raising cattle. During this period, the cows that were being bred were injected with frozen Red Agnus embryos.

According to Jewish rites, a sacred animal - a red cow - must be born in the land of Israel. She should not be in any work and not have any yoke. If a heifer has even a couple of hairs of a different color or shade, she is not suitable for sacrifice.

On many farms throughout the country, the Israelites raised cows to brood. Several calves have already been born this summer. They were subjected to careful testing. And they identified one suitable heifer, but as the heifer gets older, a lot can change. Therefore, it will be checked repeatedly.

The cleansing ritual is a harbinger of the apocalypse

People who work with corpses require cleansing. A cleansing ritual is performed for them - with a red cow. These include relatives of the deceased or priests who perform funeral services for them.

I cleanse, as a rule, the inhabitants of the land of Israel. But a pure, purebred animal, without a single flaw, is difficult to find. From the time of the prophet Moses to the present day, only 9 cows have been killed and sacrificed. The first of them was sacrificed by Moses himself.

The Temple Institute in 1997 and 2002 stated that they had found a pair of suitable cows - red in color. But after some time they were found to be faulty, and they were scrapped. This summer, two calves were also born, but they were also rejected. The first was a calf, another heifer, but with a white spot.

The harbinger of the apocalypse promises the construction of the Third Temple of Jerusalem

The Jews believe that after the birth of the red cow, they will be able to rebuild the Third Temple of Jerusalem. According to their belief, once they renovate the Temple, a mission will come to the world. And humanity will appear before the judgment of God.

Judgment day will come. According to the ritual, a red thread is tied to the horns of the scapegoat, which turns white after the remission of Israel's sins.

Pregnancy is a serious event in life for every woman. Considering all the shortcomings of maternity hospitals in Russia, many seek help abroad. Foreign clinics, including those in Israel, are equipped with the latest equipment, which allows examinations to be carried out to high standards.

Advantages of childbirth in Israeli clinics

Based on statistics, childbirth in Israel has a high rate of successful operations.

These include the birth of children with pathologies. This is not surprising, because the country has the latest reproductive technologies.

Qualified personnel relentlessly fight for the lives of premature babies. Provides necessary care to the mother.

We can say that giving birth in Israel, listing the advantages, is quite safe.

These include:

  • the medical staff is polite and qualified;
  • many years of experience in difficult childbirth;
  • painless childbirth using a vaccine;
  • on issues of stimulation and anesthesia, the right of decision remains with the mother;
  • conducting joint births, relatives may be present;
  • providing a consultant called a doula;
  • comfortable apartments.

Considering the positive aspects, the disadvantages include the high cost of the procedure. However, this applies only to a certain category of citizens.

What is included in the clinic program

According to what program and how to give birth in Israel:

  1. The woman in labor is hospitalized.
  2. They perform childbirth and provide care after it.
  3. Medical control over the health status of the newborn.
  4. Examination of the mother and assistance, if necessary.

The housing problem solves itself. A hotel is provided for relatives and the patient herself, which is located next to the maternity hospital. This is very convenient for necessary hospitalization.

The room has everything you need for your stay.

Technical equipment of the clinic and diagnostics before childbirth

Every clinic in the country has the latest modern technologies.

The gynecologist individually prepares the mother for the upcoming birth. Teaches breathing and relaxation techniques.

Features of childbirth

During labor, the woman in labor is taken to the clinic from the hotel. Separate apartments have already been prepared for her, where her relatives can also be.

The interesting thing is that they remain in the same clothes and shoes that they came from the street. That is, there are no separate sanitary requirements to wear shoe covers or a robe in the maternity hospital.

A woman is being prepared for childbirth. An enema is given if desired; shaving the pubic area is also not necessary.

Every two hours, the midwife examines the patient, supports her and sets her up for a calm, good birth.

Before giving birth, the method of pain relief must be discussed, but the woman in labor also has the right to refuse it. As in other developed centers abroad, it is common in Israel

Its advantages:

  • the woman is fully conscious
  • maximum effect
  • does not harm the baby
  • few contraindications.


If 36 hours of anhydrous period pass during labor, then only then is it carried out. The process is not accelerated unless absolutely necessary.

What is included in the cost of childbirth

If you intend to plan a birth in Israel and set aside a certain amount for it, then this is impossible.

Additional funds are always needed, as sometimes unforeseen situations occur.

For example, an ordinary birth will cost on average about $6,000, and approximately $8,000.

This amount does not include additional examination of the mother and child. Each additional service such as fetal diagnosis, psychologist services, additional tests and examinations will cost around $4,000.

It all depends on the wishes of the woman and on the situation that may occur during childbirth.

After complications and a long hospitalization of 7-10 days, you will have to leave about $9,000 in the clinic.

The country's medical policy, which also includes the birth of a child, is valid only for residents of the state. Or the woman is on a work visa and officially pays taxes.

What will a woman need when leaving the maternity hospital?

If the birth of the baby was successful and without complications, the mother is discharged on the 2nd day.

The maternity ward nurse will definitely ask parents to provide a child seat for transporting the baby in the car.

This guarantee of safety is the rule in maternity hospitals in this country.

Otherwise, there is no hope for discharge.

Having pathologies during pregnancy, it is better for a woman to go to the chosen clinic in advance.

The gynecologist will monitor the patient and talk about all areas of medical services that the hospital can provide in this case.

Popular maternity hospitals in Israel

On forums about childbirth in Israel you can find the most famous hospitals in the center, south and north of the country.

One of them is the Ikhilov Medical Center. Not only local residents, but also foreign guests want to go there.

Also located in the center of the country is Wolfson State Hospital. In the maternity ward of this institution, patients with complications are observed and unconventional methods of anesthesia are used.

The Hadassah Clinic is thriving in Jerusalem. In addition to care and birth services, the issue of accommodation is resolved and a hotel is provided. You can live in it with your child after childbirth under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Also famous is Soroka in Beersheba, where the most advanced technology is located. This research center has four maternity wards.

Laniado in Netanya is famous for its legend. During World War II, a Holocaust survivor rabbi lost his family. It consisted of a wife and 11 children.

Based on these events, the clinic operates according to the principles of the Jewish faith. Laniado is practically the only hospital where natural childbirth is paramount.

Rambam located in Haifa has 6 maternity wards. One of which practices late childbirth with complications.

Services of intermediaries in organizing childbirth

Giving birth in Israel and citizenship are in no way related to each other. Accordingly, all the paperwork with documents goes to the homeland.

The intermediary will be able to resolve issues regarding transport, flights and negotiate directly with the clinic.

The price of organizing companies is quite high, so it is much more economical to plan the trip yourself.

Video: Pregnancy and childbirth in Israel - 25 facts

In Israel, the prophecy about the coming of the end of the world began to come true.

A red calf was born in the Holy Land, which occupies an exceptional place in the religious books of Judaism. According to the ideas of Jewish radicals, the birth of a rare animal will herald the coming of the Jewish Messiah - Mashiach, after which the world will enter a new era where Israel will reign supreme.

Not all Israelis were delighted with the news of the birth of the “ideal calf.” The point is not that the animal will face an unenviable fate - it will be burned, and the ashes will be used in the purification ceremony. The fact is that in the Zionist state there are many adherents of the idea of ​​​​the speedy arrival of Moshiach. However, he will not be able to come until the temple is rebuilt on the site of Solomon's former temple. The so-called second temple was destroyed by the Romans two thousand years ago after suppressing the Jewish revolt. To prevent the Jewish Messiah from entering Jerusalem, the Turkish authorities at one time even walled up the Golden Gate in the holy city. However, the main obstacle to rebuilding the Third Temple is that the second holiest site in Islam, the Al Aqsa Mosque, is now located on this site. Supporters of the Third Temple plan to demolish the mosque and begin to build a Third Temple in its place. But it is impossible to begin this activity without a complex purification ceremony, for which a red cow is needed. It is hardly worth saying that an attack on a Muslim shrine will provoke an all-out war of destruction between Israel and the Islamic world. But adherents of the speedy arrival of Moshiach only welcome such a scenario. The so-called premillennial Christians also agree with the opinion of the Jewish Orthodox, according to whose ideas Israel should unite with the United States during the final battle of mankind - Armageddon - to battle the Antichrist. The latter’s army will attack Israel “from the north”, led by the Rosh people, who supporters of this version associate with Russia. By the way, in Orthodoxy the Jewish Messiah is considered the Antichrist. This forces the clergy to especially carefully monitor what is happening on the Temple Mount, since it is there that the messenger of darkness should sit on his world throne.

The Temple Institute is one of the key organizations harboring the idea of ​​demolishing the Muslim shrine and erecting a religious building for the Jews. To speed up construction, efforts have been made for years to find the Red Cow to recreate the ritual. However, numerous cows found for the ritual in 1997 and 2002 were discarded. The last time, in 2010, a representative of the organization said in a radio interview that a kosher Red cow had been found in Israel, but it too was disqualified because there were white hairs in the cow’s tail, which is considered an unacceptable defect. Not wanting to rely on chance, Jewish radicals several years ago in Israel began a program to artificially breed the “red cow.” For the experiments, they intended to use Red Angus embryos implanted into domestic cows. If such a cow is found, it will be able to blow up the entire region. It is noteworthy that the birth of the red cow coincided with a sharp intensification of the Russian-American confrontation in Syria over the “Idlib issue,” not far from the Israeli Megiddo plateau. It is there, according to the Bible, that the last battle of humanity - Armageddon - should take place. Meanwhile, Israeli journalists have already rushed to call the born red cow a “four-legged bomb.”

The birth of a child is the most important event in a woman’s life, because the health of the baby and mother often depends on how the birth goes. Wanting to provide themselves with qualified medical care, pregnant women turn to foreign specialists. Giving birth in Israel, where infant and maternal mortality tends to zero, has been gaining popularity among Russian women in recent years.

What are the benefits of having a child in this country, how much does it cost and how to organize a trip? Let's try to answer these questions, and also consider other features of the birth of a child in Israel.

How to prepare for childbirth in Israel?

To give birth to a child in Israel, Russian women and citizens of other countries need to select a suitable clinic in advance and conclude a contract with it. Of course, the services of Israeli obstetricians are paid and will cost much more than domestic medicine. You need to take this into account and weigh your financial capabilities.

All reputable medical institutions have their own websites on the Internet, where you can familiarize yourself with the conditions and prices, and also discuss with consultants the possibility of admitting a woman in labor. But before you start searching for a maternity hospital, you should learn more about how childbirth takes place in Israel, about the peculiarities of postpartum stay in the hospital, possible risks and other nuances.

What does it take to give birth in Israel?

There are two ways to organize a trip to Israel for childbirth - independently and through a travel agency. In the first case, a woman needs:

  1. Choose a clinic and sign a contract for childbirth.
  2. Prepare medical documentation according to the requirements of the selected maternity hospital (translation of some examinations into Hebrew may be required).
  3. Apply for a visa taking into account possible complications that require a longer postpartum stay in the country.
  4. Buy air tickets.
  5. Book accommodation in Israel for the pre- and postnatal period. Some clinics have special family hotels for this purpose.

In the second case, all the hassle associated with finding a clinic and traveling to the place of birth is taken on by an intermediary company for a fee. At the request of a woman, she is also provided with assistance in organizing leisure activities (excursions and other entertainment activities), and is provided with an interpreter and transportation to move around the city.

How is the trip organized and within what time frame?

After concluding a contract for childbirth in Israel and preparing all the necessary documents, the woman can go to the country at any time. Such trips are most often practiced in the third trimester.

But you need to take into account that airlines may refuse to transport a pregnant woman with a term of more than 34 weeks. It is possible to fly at a later date, but in this case a document from a doctor is required confirming that such a trip is not contraindicated for the woman.

Most Israeli clinics recommend their patients to arrive at least 1.5-2 months before the expected date of birth. This will allow the woman to adapt to the new climate and undergo prenatal preparation (examination of the body’s condition, classes with a psychologist, etc.).

Advantages and disadvantages of childbirth in Israel

Having a child in Israel comes with many benefits. The most significant positive aspects include the following facts:

  1. Israeli doctors have extensive experience in dealing with complicated births, which increases the chances of preserving the health of the child and mother in case something goes wrong. Therefore, it is recommended for women with chronic diseases, severe pregnancy, or fetal pathologies to give birth here.
  2. The country has a strong diagnostic base, clinics are equipped with the latest medical equipment.
  3. Childbirth in Israel is as painless as possible for a woman, since anesthesia during contractions is a common practice here. If the woman in labor wishes, she will be offered several types of pain relief to choose from.
  4. The clinic has all the conditions for a comfortable stay; the wards have a nurse call button.
  5. You can use the services of a Russian-speaking doula. In Israel, this word means an assistant who provides a woman with information, household and psychological support.
  6. All medical procedures are discussed with the woman in labor, she can express her opinion regarding the desired method of childbirth, anesthesia, the use of stimulation, etc.
  7. In Israel, close relatives may be present at the birth.

A peculiarity of obstetric care in this country is that here, more often than in Russia, a caesarean section is recommended. For example, if the fetus is breech, natural birth is not allowed. Whether this is a disadvantage or, conversely, an advantage depends on the views of the expectant mother.


After a pregnant woman arrives in Israel, she undergoes a prenatal examination. Further, if desired, you can take theoretical training courses - learn proper breathing, relaxation methods, visit a psychologist and nutritionist.

If the woman arrives in advance, she lives in rented housing near the clinic. Most medical institutions have their own hotels located nearby for these purposes. After contractions begin or the water breaks, the woman arrives (or is transferred from the family hotel) to the maternity ward. The exception is planned caesarean section.

Unnecessary stimulation of labor is not carried out; a water-free period of up to 36 hours is allowed. Anesthesia during contractions is performed at the woman's request. For those who want to minimize drug intervention, aromatherapy and acupuncture are offered to reduce pain.

Partner births in Israel are the norm. The presence of not only the child’s father, but also other close people is allowed. Immediately after the birth of the newborn, the mother is placed on her stomach; at the request of the parents, umbilical cord blood can be collected.

Possible risks

Of course, having a child in another country involves some risk. First of all, the danger is associated with the reaction of the expectant mother’s body to air travel. Due to late travel, premature onset of labor, placental abruption and other dangerous consequences for the mother and fetus are possible. To assess the degree of risk in a particular situation, it is worth consulting with a doctor monitoring the pregnancy.

Also, some women experience psychological discomfort from being in an unusual language environment. However, in Israel more than 15% of the population speaks Russian, so the problem of the language barrier will not be pronounced.

Despite the high level of Israeli medicine, there is a chance that unforeseen complications will arise during childbirth - intensive care or a long recovery period will be required. In this case, the cost of childbirth will increase several times. This must be taken into account and discussed with the clinic in advance so as not to get into a difficult situation.

How to choose a maternity hospital and which ones are most popular among Russian women?

The most important task for women who decide to give birth in Israel is choosing a maternity hospital. In this country, excursions to maternity wards are practiced, so if you arrive early, before concluding a contract, it makes sense to personally visit the medical centers you like.

The most popular maternity hospitals in Israel among Russians include:

  1. Hadassah Clinic (Jerusalem). The hospital has opened a natural birth center for low-risk patients. The clinic also has a hotel for postpartum stay of women and children, “Hadassah Baby”.
  2. Ichilov Medical Center (Tel Aviv). It is equipped with the latest medical equipment and is one of the most popular maternity hospitals in Israel, which makes it difficult to get into. The clinic has two postpartum departments - for separate and joint stay of mother and newborn.
  3. Hospital named after Wolfson (Holon). The clinic specializes in women in labor with a complicated medical history (diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, gestosis, etc.). All types of pain relief during contractions are practiced, including non-traditional ones - reflexology, shiatsu, acupuncture.
  4. Soroka Medical Center (Beer Sheva). A multidisciplinary medical institution also engaged in research activities. The center houses a specialized department of obstetrics and gynecology, where more than 15,000 children are born annually.
  5. Laniado Clinic (Netanya). The maternity hospital remains committed to the natural process of childbirth. This is one of the few clinics in Israel where you can give birth without a caesarean section if the fetus is breech.
  6. Rambam Center (Haifa). The hospital's gynecology and obstetrics department is one of the largest in the country. Doctors here specialize in pregnancy management and childbirth in women over 35 years of age.

The final decision should be influenced by the woman’s medical history and her financial capabilities. If pregnancy occurs with complications, it is worth taking a closer look at large medical centers with extensive practical experience.


The price of childbirth in Israel for foreign women starts from $5-6 thousand. This amount will have to be paid if the child is born naturally and without any special complications. Included in the price:

  • prenatal examination;
  • childbirth;
  • examination of the woman and child by doctors in the postpartum period;
  • stay in the clinic until discharge.

If a caesarean section is required, the price will increase to $7.5-8 thousand. In the case of premature birth or other pathologies requiring a long hospital stay, the cost can increase several times.

How are documents prepared for a child and what citizenship does he receive?

Those planning to give birth in Israel need to know that there is no “right of the land” in this country. In other words, a child born here to Russians will not be considered an Israeli citizen automatically and will not receive benefits for legalization in the future.

Almost all hospitals have small departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the child is registered. In this case, the newborn is considered a citizen of the same country as his father and mother.

If the parents are Russians, then with the baby’s birth certificate, previously translated into Russian and certified by a notary, a marriage certificate and their foreign passports, they should contact the Russian consulate in Israel. Next, the child will be included in the parents’ passports and they will be able to return with him to their homeland. The paperwork process can take from several days to 2 weeks, sometimes longer.

Postpartum stay in the clinic

After an uncomplicated natural birth, the woman and child stay in the clinic for 2 to 5 days. If a caesarean section was performed, discharge occurs, as a rule, on days 10-14.

All this time, mother and child can be together or separately - at the woman’s request. Postpartum wards are designed for 2-3 people, but there are also single rooms. There is no need to take bags with things to the maternity hospital, since the hospital has everything necessary for child care and personal hygiene.

During the postpartum stay in the clinic, the woman is examined several times by a gynecologist, and the baby is examined by a neonatologist. The newborn is screened for pathologies and other tests, and at the request of the parents, the first vaccination is carried out.

In most clinics, a woman in labor receives 4 meals a day, which can be delivered directly to the ward. If a woman does not plan to breastfeed, the baby is given a formula of the mother's choice.

If the health of the mother and newborn does not cause concern, they are discharged in due time. To pick up a child from the maternity hospital, parents need to purchase a car seat; the fact of its availability is checked by hospital staff.

When to go back?

After discharge from the maternity ward, parents and the child live in a family hotel or rented apartment. It is recommended not to return to Russia immediately, but to wait at least a month so that the newborn has time to get stronger. It is worth consulting with your local pediatrician regarding specific timing.

Childbirth in Israel is an opportunity to provide yourself and your child with the most comfortable conditions and the attention of highly qualified specialists. And although the cost of such a service is quite high, health and confidence in a successful outcome of events are worth it.


Briefly the situation:
We are both 100% Jewish and have the right to return (we came under the Masa programs, there were no problems with documents). We live in Russia and are citizens of the Russian Federation. We are planning (for now we are just planning) to have offspring and want to give birth in Israel. We did not get married in the Russian Federation because we want to do everything competently and correctly. Today the situation is such that I can leave for Israel even tomorrow, but my future husband cannot leave Russia for a long time (2 weeks maximum), since his business is holding him. The situation will not change for the next 5 years, and despite the desire to finally move to Israel, we can only live in 2 countries for now. Hence the questions:
1 - How can I give birth in Israel?
2 - Does it make sense for me to apply for repatriation now?
3 - How long do I need to live without leaving the country for maternity insurance to be covered by the state?
4 - Will the child have dual citizenship?
5 - How long before we can leave Israel with the baby?
6 - If I give birth and want to go back to Russia, what are the consequences?
7 - And most importantly, what is the best way to proceed with marriage in this situation?

Without repatriation to Israel, you and your husband cannot obtain Israeli citizenship.
And if you come to give birth in Israel as a citizen of the Russian Federation, i.e. foreign citizen, then you will not have any rights to pay expenses related to childbirth, which are provided to an Israeli citizen or the spouse of an Israeli resident, i.e. You will have to pay all expenses yourself.
Israeli citizens and spouses of Israeli residents have the following rights to reimbursement of expenses related to childbirth:
In order to partially reimburse the costs associated with childbirth, the National Insurance Institute makes a lump sum payment upon the birth of a child, which is transferred to the bank account of the mother in labor.
Criteria for receiving a lump sum payment:
A woman who gave birth in a hospital or was hospitalized immediately after childbirth and meets one of the following criteria has the right to receive a lump sum payment for the birth of a child:
1. She is a resident of Israel or the spouse of an Israeli resident (even if the birth took place outside of Israel).
2. The woman giving birth or her spouse worked continuously in Israel for at least 6 months before the date of birth, even if they are not residents of Israel (with the exception of residents of the territories of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, as well as residents of the Palestinian Authority), provided that the birth took place in Israel.

Payment of hospitalization costs for childbirth is made by the National Insurance Institute directly at the hospital for the birth of women entitled to a lump sum payment for childbirth (maanak leida). The amount of payment for hospitalization is established by instructions 12.403 N.S. (starting from 07/01/2013) .
In addition to payment for hospitalization, payments for hospitalization of a premature baby (60108) are transferred directly to the hospital if the following conditions are met:
1. The weight of the newborn is less than 1750 grams
2. The newborn was hospitalized for at least four days in the neonatal intensive care unit. An Israeli resident or the wife of an Israeli resident who gave birth abroad or in a hospital located in Israel and does not have an agreement with the National Insurance Institute must submit an application to the National Insurance Institute for a lump sum maternity payment and hospitalization payment.

If you give birth to a child in Israel without being an Israeli citizen, then the child in this case will not become an Israeli citizen - a child born in Israel is considered an Israeli citizen if at least one of the parents is an Israeli citizen.
In the case of repatriation, Israel does not require the repatriate to renounce the citizenship of the country of origin, therefore many repatriates, having received Israeli citizenship, retain the citizenship of the country of origin, if the country of origin allows them to retain citizenship in this case. Currently, the Russian Federation allows you to retain Russian citizenship while obtaining Israeli citizenship.
If you, having received Israeli citizenship and given birth to a child in Israel, want to return to the Russian Federation, then you can do this, but in this case you will not receive an Israeli passport, which is issued after a year of residence in Israel, but a lesse passe.
As for marriage, your question is not entirely clear, so I would be grateful if you could somehow formulate your question.

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