About pink trousers with fleece or what our grandmothers used to seduce men. Men need a suit and women need underwear? Anti-sexists are angry at Marks & Spencer Nylon turns me on

Then it seemed to be forgotten, then there were exams, college. But even after admission, I often had to put it on when she had doubts about my friends. Basically, she kept me in a bra until I started dating seriously.

Why am I writing in the green column? It’s just funny to imagine a man choosing women’s panties for himself in a store.

grolii. 01/31/10 I thought we would talk about women who love/don’t love, but here they are all fagots. And by the way, there’s no need to attack corn, I’m also a girl, I wear underwear, but I don’t really like it. It’s uncomfortable, it’s constantly tight. I’ll just get home and take everything off.

And how women's panties fit on his sexy ass. And how charming his body looks in silk negligees. And only a woman who likes her husband in women's clothing can understand how much pleasure you get from buying him these things. You approach the counter, see beautiful lingerie, and imagine it on your husband. and you can't help but buy it.

By the way, modern society is also characterized by the substitution of concepts. So I’ll say that someone who simply likes women’s wardrobe items is not necessarily a transvestite, much less a gay. I just have free thinking, I’m a bit of an anarchist, I think that freedom is the main thing.

Oleg Sharov. 12/05/12 What are you saying? Guys? Are you tired of wearing women's underwear?

04/08/12, Andrew 974This underwear is softer and much more beautiful than men's underwear!

04/25/12, irisha manMy first girlfriend asked me to wear her clothes. This excited her a lot. And they only had sex when I was in full female attire.

04/26/11, Mrs Bean Again and again my love for women's underwear is reborn. Probably because I love everything beautiful. Including feeling this beauty for yourself. There is simply nothing so wonderful in a man’s wardrobe.

07/29/10, olenamsfrom the sense of hygiene after all! Those who like to sit naked in public places don’t understand. There are nesting dolls, which in general. in the toilet they sit on a pooped toilet seat.

I don’t know what to do in my heart, I’m a Man!

10/04/12, denisosaikka it’s comfortable to fuck in it, or rather, it’s convenient when you’re being fucked. and in general, women's underwear is much more beautiful and comfortable. So I either wear women's panties or don't wear underwear at all. and no one can forbid me this. And men's underpants are the ugliest thing that has been invented by mankind.

Someone masturbated in them, then threw them away and bought them again, but in the end it’s impossible to part with women’s panties, as well as stockings and bodysuits. People, wear women's panties like I do! If you wish, write about your fantasies. I will be very glad to see your revelation.

I love lycra stockings, lace and silk panties, transparent negligees, miniskirts, bras. In general, a man in women's underwear looks incredibly erotic, unless he is a jock. I love it when a strong man fucks me, and I’m wearing transparent stockings and a bra. Just don't think that I'm a homosexual!

It's always more comfortable without underwear. And it’s more comfortable with stockings. So Kukuruku says everything correctly. Stockings rule!

11/18/10, serggik I love wearing lingerie because it’s so cool, it fits nicely. Most of all I like to wear white lacy panties and tights, it’s a pity that I have to hide it under my trousers. You may not believe it, but recently all my clothes have been mine my wife buys it. After the accident, when they began to undress me in the hospital, everyone was in shock, my wife couldn’t come to her senses for a long time, I didn’t see all this for obvious reasons. And then I was shocked when on February 23 I saw in the gift package not ordinary family clothes, but expensive lingerie, and even a complete set of a silk nightgown and robe that are so pleasantly cool and smooth on the skin. SUCH EXCITATION. And wearing tights is very practical, especially in winter, 40 deniers under trousers are so warmer. And I don’t care who says what about this. It's just cool.

01/14/11, real emoWell, not exactly women’s clothes, of course, but unisex clothes. This is very cool and beautiful

11/18/11, MedjinaI love wearing lingerie, it's natural because I'm a woman. But what I love even more is seeing lingerie and women's clothing on my husband. There is nothing more erotic than seeing his slender legs in thin stockings with an openwork elastic band.

01/05/10, Akai RooI am turned on by the feeling of women's underwear on me. It's so light and sexy. I imagine myself as a woman, or a faggot. It seems to me that I even smell like a woman, a female, when I’m dressed up and wearing makeup. It's very exciting.

Soon there was a wedding, and everything was forgotten. And then, 5 years later, either my sister or she herself told my wife that I was sitting in her bra for almost 3 years. This excited my wife wildly and she also wanted to try it. Oddly enough, both she and I liked the experience. But she puts her underwear on me only with my consent.

And she painted my eyes and lips. Got used to manicure and pedicure. Otherwise you won't have enough tights. I became softer in character when everything was feminine.

03/02/11, earthling26 I love, I simply adore, wearing women's panties, they are much more comfortable than men's. I also love wearing pads - it’s an unforgettable experience.

04/01/11, Julius33 I tried it for the first time at the age of 16. Then my mother put on me a bra with cotton wool inserted under my T-shirt, because I had done a lot of damage. And then I wore it every day for almost a year, when I came home from school. It’s good that my breast size is not particularly large (3), in the winter it was nothing, but in the spring I had to sit at home almost all the time.

02/09/11, QveenArthur And I like guys in lingerie, it excites me, I am right among those women who like men who look like women, i.e. sexy, I love them like a man. In my city, it’s somehow strange with this, there are rarely such people, or my taste is too refined: I love thin, loud, transparent men, I would fall in love with them, these cute and desirable ones! QveenArthur

07/19/11, ThanatoS I’m wondering what has to go wrong in a guy’s brain for him to start wearing bikinis and bras? It seems to me that this is already some kind of mental deviation and sexual perversion. After all, they also end up because of it.

08/29/10, it’s just much more beautiful than men’s and more comfortable.

01/16/11, PaRaZiT I love to wear lingerie, I wear: thongs, just panties, mini skirts, bras, I use pads and tampons. My girlfriend approved of this, now we buy panties and bras for her and me together, we pick out pads and tampons together (by the way, I recommend Kotex) and that’s it. You should try it, and it’s especially cool to touch yourself in all this. Mmmmm)

In general, I don't see anything wrong with wearing women's underwear. I'm not a transvestite or a pervert. Everything is fine with my wife too.

07/18/11, alekc29 I often buy gifts for girls, flowers, and expensive underwear. And I notice right now that many men are buying for themselves. And I asked the sellers, they say, yes, many buy and wear. I don’t see anything bad since we live and everyone is their own master. I myself know people who wear women’s panties and they have a family and it doesn’t interfere. So wear it in good health.

About wearing lingerie (rss)

Boycko. 01/16/11Wearing women's panties is the surest sign of latent homosexuality.

01/05/12, Nikita91yes I love wearing lingerie

10/15/10, Julia I won’t say Yes, because I’m a woman. But I don’t really like bras - I have very sensitive shoulder blades, and sometimes I just can’t stand the straps there! At home I get along quite well without bras.

At night, at night, during the day, as long as it’s not noticeable.

They come in a variety of panties just for girls, including lace and translucent ones, which is why I like them. If we consider tights and stockings to be underwear, then I also like them and there is nothing like it in the men's wardrobe. In general, I think that a person has the right to wear the clothes that he himself wants, and not those that are imposed by social stereotypes.

How clothes, accessories, objects and things that we use have changed over time. It's interesting to look into history, isn't it?
In the first years of Soviet power, the state practically did not produce women's underwear. The young ladies wore shirts and trousers, stored as a dowry even before the revolution. Elegant combinations, belts and corsets were sewn according to foreign patterns only in private workshops or on individual orders in the Moskvoshveya and Leningradodezhda ateliers. Beautiful underwear was considered disgustingly bourgeois, and from the mid-20s, knitted T-shirts, tank tops and sports briefs took off into fashion.

And soon they became the embodiment of the idea of ​​gender equality. Those who could not get beautiful underwear were forced to turn to seamstresses. There were queues for owners of foreign patterns for bras or slips.
Protecting the butt
Post-war fashion for underwear also smacked of military uniformism. The most common men's underwear of that time was the Chinese “Friendship” long johns, pale blue, with a fleece and two buttons on the codpiece.

Getting them was considered a great success, because in winter the Chinese “Friendship” was very successful in saving the butt from the frost. At that time, warm trousers with fleece were also worn by women, usually of the same colors: grandmothers, mothers and daughters dressed up in exactly the same panties - pink, purple or light green.

Multifunctional tights
With the onset of the Khrushchev Thaw, the fashion for underwear in the USSR changed. “Intimate” goods from the GDR and Poland began to be imported into the country, but this was not available to ordinary women. In the fight against the total shortage of underwear, women showed miracles of ingenuity. In knitting studios, they masterfully lifted loops on old tights and sewed panties from combinations. Peignoirs were cut from calico men's underpants. And multi-colored men's underpants became girls' shorts without any tricks!
Even having fulfilled its direct function, Soviet underwear continued to serve its owners for a long time. Men's long johns, having gone a long way, turned into floor rags, rugs were knitted for hallways from old panties and bras, and children's toys were made from torn knee socks.

But, perhaps, the most functional item in a woman’s toilet was nylon tights. They were used to cover windows for the winter, jam was pressed through them to get rid of seeds, and onions were stored in them so that they would not “suffocate.”

Yves Montand went wild
In 1956, the famous French singer was one of the first to give concerts in Moscow after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Later in his memoirs, he recalled: “What shocked me most during my visit to the USSR was the counter with lingerie in one of the Moscow department stores.”
Montand even purchased several warm women's trousers with a fleecy poisonous blue color. The French elite still remembers the exhibition of similar Soviet lingerie that he organized in Paris.
Soviet underwear is a whole era. Today's fashionistas make fun of the bras and panties of their mothers and grandmothers, sincerely not understanding how they could be worn. Grandmothers look at ladies' trousers with fleece with tears in their eyes. They probably remember how warm and cozy they were.

Smooth, simplified
More than one generation of boys in the USSR grew up wearing family pants, which were popularly called simply “semeiniki.”
In most families of that time, men regarded this piece of clothing not just as an intimate item, but also as familiar home clothing, which was worn along with a T-shirt. Moreover, thanks to the elastic band, one size of panties could be worn by the whole family. Family briefs owe their appearance to the uniform of athletes of the 1920s and 30s, similar to shorts (boxers, football players, etc.). According to the nomenclature of clothing production of that time, they were listed as “smooth, simplified panties.”

This Australian brand itself did not appear yesterday: its creators Brent and Lara Kraus opened the brand in 2008, complaining that men's sexy underwear did not have its own niche in the market: it looked too boring for sex shops, but for regular stores - too provocative. From that moment on, the idea began to develop, and collections of red thongs, pink frilly nighties, silk bras and stockings were sold throughout Australia, and since May 2015, Homme Mystere expanded its delivery to another 30 countries (Russia is on the list!) and at the same time a good " made some noise" in the press with the hope of expanding consumer turnover. In order not to scare potential customers and not to position themselves as an underwear brand exclusively for sexual minorities, Homme Mystere even took the time to conduct marketing research and found out that in Australia 90% of their customers are heterosexual men. “Our potential buyer is a married man, a little over 40 years old, with a delicate taste and a passion for luxury things, who wants something new and exciting,” commented the manufacturers of men’s underwear themselves on the study.

It’s funny that one of the British publications, analyzing the expansion of the underwear innovation for men from Homme Mystere from Australia to Europe, remembered our country and cited the words of one of the Russian politicians (anonymously!) that Conchita Wurst’s victory at last year’s Eurovision contest means the decline of Europe, where everyone has gone crazy and no longer divides people into women and men. Despite the overly arrogant tone of the unknown politician, the latter is indeed partly true, but does not look crazy at all. Victorious feminism in Europe fights precisely for equality: so that men can be sentimental and women can be strong, so that from childhood they do not explain to boys and girls that the former should be smart, and the latter simply beautiful, and also for that biological differences, such as the ability to bear children, do not automatically lead to social inequality, namely to a lifelong “obligation” to raise these children alone. And as you might guess, lace thongs and stockings have only an indirect connection to this.

In fact, all this fuss about men's underwear is not a reason to buy your boyfriend a corset and push up for sexual play, but a reason to at least think about how gender inequality is reflected in the underwear we wear. The author of the British online magazine UNILAD, Alex Bentley, for example, spoke out harshly against lace underwear and thongs for men, because, according to his stories, he himself cannot stand even one working day in tight and chafing men's boxers, which are too small for him. The next time you feel uncomfortable at the computer in “lace ropes”, remember Alex’s words and finally prefer comfort over sexuality, and as for a gift for your boyfriend, if he belongs to the category of deadbods, then hint to him about a new collection of men’s underwear La Perla, which now has shaper panties for that looming beer belly. And then it turns out that it’s not scary at all if women are a little smarter and men a little more beautiful.

Marks & Spencer has been accused of sexism. This happened after decorating their Christmas window display. In it, the company claims that in order to impress, a woman needs to have “fashionable little panties” and a man needs a nice suit.

First mentions

The text of the publication contained outrage over the Marks & Spencer Christmas advert. According to this brand, in order to make an impression, the strong half of humanity must have a men's suit, and women only need to have "fancy little panties."

Reaction of the company's clients

Many people reacted with disgust to these claims and said they would no longer shop with the company.

One group of female customers said they would no longer buy their "granny knickers" from Marks & Spencer after such a ridiculous advert.

Another group claims that many men buy their loved ones underwear as a Christmas gift. And many women buy such clothes for themselves for the holidays. However, using this to advertise your brand is wrong. Therefore, many customers refuse to shop there, even if they really liked the cotton T-shirts and some of the company's food products.

Some consumers decided to boycott this trading giant and not make purchases in its centers. They are sure that it is wrong to use a woman’s loud sexuality for window dressing purposes.

One Twitter user in his post claims that every representative of the fair sex should first of all have: a dress with pockets; comfortable jeans; tights that will last even after three washes. Everything else is a nice addition that has nothing in common with the basic wardrobe, especially panties.

A spokesperson for Marks & Spencer noted that only one look from the 'Everyone Must Have for Christmas Moments' range was on display. He argues that there is no need to focus on one detail, because their company has clothes for every member of the family.

20 interesting facts about lingerie that you didn't know about

#data 20. The first underwear appeared in Ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks did a lot for the development of our civilization in various areas of life, including the creation of underwear for sports. Ancient Greek women wore a bra called apodesme. If you look at ancient drawings from 3000 years ago, you can see women wearing clothes that resemble a bra. They supported the chest, lifting it up. As the Romans took over the historical arena, the idea of ​​lingerie continued to evolve. But after the fall of the Roman Empire until the 1300s, it was forgotten.

19. Mono-breasts are a thing! Today you won’t surprise women with breast-shaping bras. And in the 20th century, the most desirable models were those that made small breasts look like one big one. 18. Victoria's Secret is a man! More precisely, both a man and a woman. One of the most famous and successful distributors of lingerie in the world was a man. Roy Raymond and his wife Gaye founded the famous Victoria's Secret brand in 1977 in California, USA. Ray didn’t really like shopping for lingerie in stores, so the idea of ​​creating Victoria’s Secret matured in his head. He spent 8 years doing market research in this area and concluded that both women and men needed a more convenient place to shop for underwear. The couple's starting capital was $40,000. 17. Origin of the Sports Bra Women love sports bras. It is very uncomfortable to run when your chest is constantly bouncing. In addition, bouncing breasts certainly arouse increased interest among people nearby. In 1977, Lisa Lindahl's sister, who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a sports bra, was jogging in the morning, and her breasts were filled with pretzel shapes. To save her sister’s nervous system, Lisa developed a special bra shape.

16. The most magnificent breasts Magnificent breasts are the feature that makes Scottish women attractive. On average, women wear a C cup bra, and in Scotland the most popular size is DD. 15. Small but distant The owners of the smallest breasts live in Japan, but this does not mean that they do not look beautiful. Everyone knows that Japanese women are petite, so they don’t need large breasts. Small breasts are not a problem, especially since for this breast size there is a variety of correction underwear with push-up or other modern things. 14. BulletBra by Gaultier for Madonna Madonna is considered a style icon in fashion and music, but her appearance in the BulletBra in 1990 during her tour surprised many. The bra is the creation of designer Jean-Paul Gaultier. In 2012, BulletBra was sold at auction for $52,000. Many experts claim that such catchy and bold lingerie helps women feel more confident and feminine.

13. Bras helped make one of cinema's glamorous divas an object of worship. Lana Turner was one of the most attractive and glamorous cinema divas of the 40s and 50s, who preferred bras with cone-shaped cups that emphasized her breasts. Bras of this shape were popular among pin-up girls, the dream of any man. 12. The Maidenform belt was an alternative to a corset. Today, the Maidenform brand offers everything a woman needs to look beautiful, including comfortable briefs, wireless bras and racers. The company has been popular for about a century. It was founded in 1922 as a response to the shapeless female figures that sported pantaloons. The founders of the brand wanted women to be proud of their figures and emphasize their advantages and beautiful forms. 11. Average breast size The average breast size is 36C. This, of course, is not as much as that of Scottish women, but it’s also not bad. Over the past 15 years, the average breast size has increased from 34B to 36C. 10. Panties for three weeks This is exactly the amount that the average woman has (you can count). 21 pairs of panties are enough. If you look at how many styles and shapes of women's panties there are for women, then 21 pairs will still not be enough. Women are attracted not only by style, but also by new colors, patterns and materials. 9. Corsets from Whalebone Women have an ambivalent attitude towards corsets. They help the figure look beautiful and graceful, but at the same time cause physical discomfort. Any corset consists of strings and ribbons; it is quite flexible. In the 1900s, they were made from whalebone, which caused a sharp decline in the numbers of these sea giants. Today designers use plastic. It is lighter, more pliable and can take on any shape. For decoration, designers use lace and other accessories. 8. Dita Von Teese - Queen of Corsets Dita Von Teese is a well-known supporter of styles such as pin-up and burlesque. She is well known for her pomaded hair, sultry eyes and narrow waist. Dita prefers corsets, since with their help her waist size is 41 cm. It is not known whether such frequent wearing of a corset is good or bad for health, but she looks stunning. 7. Cup sizes were invented in the 30s. Traditionally, there were 4 bra cup sizes: A, B, C, and D. Today you can choose AA, DD and even G. The sizing chart was first introduced in 1935 by the Warner’s brand. In most countries, they use a standard size chart A, B, C, and D with a number that indicates the circumference of the chest under the bust.

6. Britney - Bra Designer Britney sings, dances, and now also designs bras and swimsuits. You just have to applaud her! Nowadays, she's trying to stay in shape and look great, and her new collection of Intimate Britney Spears bras is worth a look, even though it's expensive. 5. Italian women wear red underwear Wear red underwear during the New Year, and everything will be good and successful throughout the year. Every country and every culture has its own traditions and superstitions, but the idea is wonderful - a beautiful woman will put on a red bra, panties, belt and stockings and ring the New Year's bell! Italians are passionate people, so they like this tradition. 4. Thong-G - a sexy creation Those who wear thongs do not suffer from excessive shyness. Women who prefer them are very sociable and open, they easily share their thoughts and can be trusted. 3. Tanga - the answer to extravagant dancers The creator of this form of panties, Fiorello La Guardia, and this was in 1939. The mayor of New York was confused when he saw that the dancers were performing without underwear and ordered small panties to be sewn for them to cover their nakedness. Then, in 1974, designer Rudi Gernreich reintroduced the thong into fashion. Today you won’t surprise anyone with them. 2. Bra and Science Breasts can be considered as an object for physics lessons. Women (and let's be honest, men too) want their breasts to stand up, but according to Newton's second law, what goes up must certainly fall down. The breast consists of lobes, there are no muscles in it, in addition, there is fat, the amount of which depends on the build of the woman herself. And without underwear there is no way to lift your magnificent breasts. 1. The corrective belt was popular in the 20-60s. Experts found an analogue of the belt back in the 8-9 centuries, in Ancient Greece and Rome. In the 20s, all women wore them. The belt made a woman feminine and modest. They were worn until the 60s, when tights appeared. With the disappearance of stockings, belts also disappeared. But in vain. Even old underwear in skillful hands will turn into useful things, for example, from an ordinary bra you can make an ideal model that can be worn with an open back.

Continuing the topic:

In the Victorian era, casual clothing was much more formal than it is today. Victorian men's clothing had strict parameters. Any gentleman, if he wasn't...