Yoga poses for four. Yoga challenge for two

This practice, which has survived to this day, has undergone many changes. Yoga is a fusion of spiritual and physical harmony, originating in India. Recently, a trend such as yoga challenge for two has become popular, which contributes not only to the physical strengthening of partners, but also to their relationships. In this article we will look at a yoga challenge for two.


This practice helps build trust with your partner, as well as achieve harmony with your body and emotions. A yoga challenge for two can be called acroyoga and trust yoga. The yoga challenge for two involves you learning to trust and support both at the level of body and spirit.

Where to start? First of all, it’s worth studying the training pictures: a yoga challenge for two always starts with theory. Do not lose sight of the fact that to engage in this type of practice you will need comfortable clothes that do not hinder your movements. Your body needs to breathe, so choose clothes made from organic materials. If you study the pictures and photos, a yoga challenge for two almost always involves the presence of two mats, which can be combined into one to perform paired exercises. If you decide to practice a yoga challenge for two, the poses in the pictures will undoubtedly be useful to you. After studying them, you will be able to perform simple poses even at home.

Use music to relax. A yoga challenge for 2 people is best performed with relaxing music, for example, the sounds of nature or classical music. You can also use mantras to make your movements relaxed.

A person tends not to monitor his breathing while performing asanas, however, breathing is one of the fundamental elements in this practice. People who decide to engage in paired exercises should focus on breathing when performing asanas at least at first. If this seems difficult to you, we recommend taking a couple of lessons with a professional trainer.

Asanas and effect

So, you have decided to take on a challenge for two; photos of asanas can easily be found on the Internet. Challenge poses have different variations: for example, there are those for which no special preparation is needed, while others require months of daily practice. The simplest are the following two asanas:

  • Paschimottanasana. This challenge pose has an alternative name: airplane. To perform it, the first participant must sit down and stretch his legs. He bends over and rests his stomach on his thighs. The second participant lies on their back to the first, keeping their legs straight, feet remaining on the floor, and arms straight above their head. You need to stay in this position for 3 to 6 breathing cycles.
  • Navasana. Participants should sit opposite each other, with their arms extended and their hands touching their partner’s hands. You need to put your feet together and clasp each other’s wrists with your hands crosswise. Participants should raise their legs up and straighten their knees as much as possible. You should stay in this asana for no more than 5 cycles. As in the previous yoga asana challenge for two, photos of the Navasana pose are easy to find on the Internet.

This practice is a great opportunity to build a trusting relationship with a partner. So, you can perform some challenge asanas at home; photos of poses for beginners can always be found on the Internet. Photos during the challenge will be especially useful at the first stage; in addition to photos, it is also recommended to take a couple of lessons with a trainer.

If you decide to seriously practice yoga, then in addition to training at the club, you should also practice regularly at home. To prevent your loved one from getting bored, involve him in so-called couples yoga. Then he will be able not only to contemplate how you take very seductive poses, but will also help you with performing the most difficult of them.

Yoga for two

Paired, or contact, yoga is one of the new varieties of hatha yoga, when exercises are performed together with a partner and with his help. It is often compared to Thai massage, which uses not only the massage therapist’s hands, but also elbows, knees, forearms and feet. Couples yoga is not far from tantra yoga, aimed at awakening and transforming sexual energy.

It would seem that yoga requires maximum concentration on posture and breathing, so why should anyone else participate? In fact, if you started training not long ago, your partner will help with stretching, provide support, or give additional load in the strength elements. Working together, it is easier to learn how to perform previously inaccessible asanas. Paired yoga will also be useful for muscle hypertonicity and poor joint mobility after injuries. Don’t forget that you will have an additional incentive not to be lazy. After all, you will not only strengthen your body and spirit, but also spend time with your loved one.


In addition, yoga for two is an excellent cure for feelings of loneliness, fatigue and stress. It has long been known that we need the touch of a loved one for happiness no less than sunlight or vitamins. By doing couples yoga, partners not only establish physical contact, but also learn to rely on each other, their relationship becomes stronger and more trusting. It’s not for nothing that in the West, couples’ yoga is also called Trust Yoga, that is, “yoga of trust.” In this type of yoga, a man and a woman are constantly in contact.

Yoga poses for two: photos

The basic rules of contact yoga are that partners must match each other in weight and level of training, or at least match their strength. No one should do more than he and his partner can do. It is better that one of you is familiar with the basic principles of yoga and has experience practicing under the guidance of a trainer. Otherwise, couples yoga is very simple. With the help of experienced instructors, we figured out how to properly work on some poses together. These yoga poses are also suitable for two beginners.


This pose is also often called the supine bound angle pose or the supine butterfly pose. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and helps to calm down, which is why supta baddha konasana is often used for relaxation at the end of a workout. To perform it, lie with your back on the floor, fold your feet in front of you, spread your knees, and then pull your feet as close to you as possible. The whole body should be relaxed, breathing should be calm and even. The difficulty with this pose is that your knees must be on the floor. This is where you may need your partner's help.

Ask him to apply pressure to his knees, but keep in mind that the goal is to stretch the thigh muscles, not to force the knees toward the floor at any cost.


This is a “Western body extension pose,” that is, stretching not only the back muscles, but also the hips. It is aimed at improving digestion and blood flow to internal organs. To perform it, you will need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you, and place your hands on your knees. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, while keeping your back straight and stretching upward. As you exhale, bend forward, but do not stop stretching your spine. Depending on your skill level, grab your big toes, ankles, or calf muscles. Bend over in the following sequence: first the lower abdomen to the hips, then the entire abdomen, then the lower ribs to the hips, then the entire chest, chest muscles to the hips and knees, and only after that - the head (face) to the shins (behind the knees!), trying to keep your back straight.

The partner can press on the back from behind, but again this must be done carefully and slowly.


First you need to lie on your stomach, spread your feet 30-35 cm, place your palms at chest level, stretch your fingers and toes to provide yourself with reliable support. As you exhale, lift your torso, straighten your arms, bring your head as close to your feet as possible so that the crown of your head is directed toward the floor. Elbows and knees should be straight, and heels should be as close to the floor as possible. The main difficulty lies in evenly distributing the load between the arms and legs.

Ask your partner to ensure that your back is straight while performing this asana.

Prasarita padottanasana

This asana eliminates tension and fatigue caused by standing postures and improves digestion. It is worth starting its implementation with tadasana. Stand straight, feet together, weight evenly distributed over the entire surface of the foot. The back should be straight, arms extended along the body and palms facing the hips. Then put your hands on your hips, inhale and jump to spread your legs apart (instead of jumping, you can simply take a wide step to the side with one leg). The distance between your feet should be slightly wider than your shoulders. Knees are tense. Then, while inhaling, tilt your body until it is parallel to the floor. At the same time, fold your hands behind your back into a lock that needs to be turned outward, palms up (if it’s difficult, the position of your hands is as in the picture), and then try to lower your hands to the floor, behind your head, down.

Let your partner try to gently pull your hands closer to the floor as long as this stretch remains comfortable for you.

Due to the gentle twisting of the body in this asana, all abdominal organs are toned. Like most forward bends, this pose helps you relax and restore your strength. In addition, in Janu Shirshasana, the calf muscles and the muscles of the back of the thigh are stretched. To perform the asana, you need to sit down, stretch your right leg forward, bend your left leg at the knee and move your knee back. Then you should bend over to the outstretched leg and grab your foot with your hands. If your leg muscles are stiff and your hip joints lack mobility, this will not be so easy.

In this case, your partner will help by lightly pressing on your back and moving your knee back. Don’t forget to perform the asana in the other direction too!

Ready to try yoga poses for two?

Olga Karaseva
Photo: Masterfile/Eastnews. Alexander Zelentsov

We thank hatha yoga instructors Alexey Baklygin and Dmitry Kochergov for their help in preparing the material

Yoga instructor, author of the Organic people, “Yoga in the Parks” projects and the I love yoga community. “This approach allows practitioners to become clearer by helping each other go deeper into a backbend or relax a tight back.” In addition, it makes the activity more interesting and enjoyable.

Together with Anna Volkova, yoga instructor of the Organic people project, Rauf Asadov showed us yoga asanas that can be performed together. We have arranged them in order of complexity. When mastering paired yoga, be careful and try not to deviate from the correct technique for performing asanas.

A set of yoga asanas that you can do together


First partner . Sit on the mat, straighten your legs and point your toes towards you. Bend down towards your feet, touching your stomach to your thighs. Try to relax the muscles of your back and back of your legs as much as possible.

Second partner . Gently lower your back onto the first partner's back. Straighten your legs, feet on the floor. Place your hands back behind your head. Open your chest as much as possible. Stay in the asana 4 breathing cycles.

Second partner. Bend your legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, stand up, giving the first partner the opportunity to also leave the asana. Switch places and perform the entire chain of movements again.

Upavistha konasana

Sit opposite each other, spreading your legs as far apart as possible. The feet of one partner rest against the ribs of the feet of the other. Both lean to the left and clasp your partner’s right leg with your right hand, the left hand either lies on the floor or goes to the right thigh.

Try to pull your toes towards you, touch the floor with your sit bones. Direct your gaze from under your right hand, trying to touch your head with your leg and open your chest. Stay in the asana 4 breathing cycles. Release your grip, slowly straighten up and move in the opposite direction. Then repeat the same thing, but in a position where the second partner rests his feet on the ribs of the first partner’s feet.

Ardha matsyendrasana

Sit with your backs to each other, legs straight.

First partner. Bend your right leg at the knee, step it over your left leg and place your right foot near your left knee. Then bend your left leg, bringing your left heel as close to your right sit bone as possible. In this case, both sit bones should touch the floor.

Second partner. Do the same on the other side.

First partner. Stretch your left arm up and, relaxing your back muscles, twist to the right, place your left elbow behind your right knee, and with your right hand grab your second partner’s left knee.

Second partner. Also twist towards the first partner and also clasp his knee with your left hand. Or by the shoulder (if you and your partner have a big difference in height).

After performing the asana to one side, stay in it 4 breathing cycles, return to the starting position and do the same, twisting in the other direction.

Eka pada rajakapotasana (preparatory version)

First partner. Lower yourself onto the mat, bending your left leg at the knee and stretching your right leg back. Place the ankle of your right foot on the floor, your left heel at the right ilium.

Second partner. Sit to the left of your partner with your back to him and do the same in the opposite direction. The pelvis of both partners is on the same line. Raise your arms up and clasp your palms around each other. Open your chest wide. Stay in the asana 4 breathing cycles. Lower your arms down and perform the exercise in the opposite direction.


Sit facing each other at arm's length, clasp each other's wrists. Connect your feet: the left foot of the first partner with the right foot of the second, the right foot with the left, knees bent. Slowly straighten your knees and lift them. Remove the arch in the lower back, opening the thoracic region. Relax your shoulders and lower them down. Stay in the asana 4 breathing cycles. Slowly lower your legs down, bending your knees, and release your grip on your hands.

Adho mukha svanasana + dhanurasana

First partner. Take a pose. Bend your knees slightly so that your other partner can position yourself on top.

Second partner. Stand with your back to your first partner's pelvis so that their back is between your legs. Gently lie with your back on the lower back and gluteal muscles of your first partner. Throw your head back. Grab your ankles with your hands.

First partner. Slowly straighten your knees, pushing your tailbone up. Stay in the asana 4 breathing cycles.

First partner. Bend your knees again, helping the second partner come out of the asana.

Switch places, completing the entire chain of movements.

Adho mukha svanasana

Stand back to back with your feet hip-width apart. Place your palms on the mat shoulder-width apart: fingers pointing in different directions, middle fingers parallel to each other. Relax your shoulders and move them as far away from your ears as possible, relax your neck, and direct your gaze to the navel area.

First partner. Raise your left heel from the floor and rest it on the raised right heel of the second partner, lift your straight right leg up, connecting it with the toe of the second partner’s raised straight left leg.

Stay in the asana 4 breathing cycles. Then repeat the asana on the other side. Exit the asana: bend your knees and sit on your heels.

Dandasana + handstand

First partner. Sit on the mat with your legs straight and your toes pointed towards you. Stretch up with the top of your head, pushing off the floor with your sit bones.

Second partner. Stand with your back to your first partner with your feet on either side of their knees. Wrap your hands around the shins of the first partner and place your feet one by one on his palms: right foot on the right, left on the left. Straighten your arms.

First partner. Gently lift your other partner's legs up until your arms are fully extended. Try to open your chest as much as possible, relax your shoulders and move them down further from your ears.

Second partner. Relax your neck, direct your gaze to your first partner, and point your toes toward you.

Stay in the asana for 4 breathing cycles.

Carefully come out of the asana and perform it, changing places.

“At first, especially if you have never done yoga, perform asanas during the indicated 4 breathing cycles,” advises Rauf Asadov. “When they become easy to do, add 1-2 breathing cycles for each asana.”

Hello readers of this blog! There are no limits to the imagination and ideas of humanity, and one day another type of yoga was invented - pair yoga. Now it has firmly established its position among the white people, because it really helps a lot and is liked by many people. I will tell you separately about the benefits and methods of such exercises.

And now I want to tell you about the most interesting yoga poses for two, and also show pictures of them.

Simple paired asanas

Asana for beginners is different in that it does not require extensive experience in yoga and a highly developed muscle corset. Nevertheless, in any paired asana there will be responsibility for the health of the partner, so be careful yourself and practice with a partner you trust.


  1. Stand one behind the other and spread your legs and arms wide. One of you leans to the right, resting your right hand on your partner’s right leg and pointing your left straight up. The gaze looks up either at the palm or at the sky.
  2. The second one does the same thing, but on the other side. The result is a double triangle.
  3. Stay there for 20 to 40 seconds, then switch sides. Repetitions can be 3 or more. Focus on your physical fitness.
  4. To exit the asana, you can lean on your partner’s leg, or you can lift your torso by moving your hand to your own leg.


  1. Sit opposite each other at a distance where you can hold each other's wrists. In this position, the legs will in any case be bent at the knees.
  2. Holding your hands, slowly lift your legs up and connect your feet with your partner's feet. It turns out that the left foot of one is pressed against the right foot of the other and vice versa.
  3. Stretch your spine and straighten your chest. The gaze is directed horizontally straight or slightly higher - at the feet.
  4. Feeling a tension that is comfortable for both of you, allowing you to keep your legs so high, sit in the asana for a couple of minutes. Then slowly lower both your legs and arms to the floor.

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana

  1. Lie with your back on the floor, resting the tops of your head. Move your hands back and comfortably grab your partner's hands.
  2. Straight legs should slowly lift off the mat until they reach 90 degrees with respect to the horizon. The feet are also in a horizontal plane. The lower back does not bend, each vertebra lies on the floor.
  3. Relax as much as possible and lie in this state for one or two minutes. After this, return to your original body position, slowly lowering your legs. Clutching your hands allows you to reduce the load on the spinal region.


  1. Sitting on the floor, bring your feet together with your partner's.
    Bend your torso forward as far as you can and grab each other by the wrists or higher if the stretch allows.
  2. Using a hand grip, pull towards each other as much as possible until you reach your current maximum.
  3. Relax and stay in this position for 2 to 4 minutes. Then release your hands and gently return your back to a vertical straight line.

Complex paired asanas

In advanced level exercises, not only your emotional and energetic connection with your partner is important, but also the development of your physical fitness. So do not rush to start this kind of asanas. First, make sure that your health and level of training meet them.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Upavistha Konasana

  1. Sit opposite each other with your legs as far apart as possible. One of the partners rests the ribs of his feet on the inner surface of his partner’s feet.
  2. Now simultaneously lean to the left side relative to yourself with your right hand raised and grab your partner’s shin. The left hand is on your right thigh. The gaze is directed slightly upward or straight ahead.
  3. Try to deepen the tilt to the left. At the same time, the chest is maximally open, the shoulders are straightened, the shoulder blades are parallel to each other.
  4. Stay in the final position for 15 seconds to a minute. Then change the side of the inclination and the connection of the feet to the opposite. Repeat 3 times on each side.

Adho Mukha Vrikshasana

Paired yoga teaches you to energetically contact others. But if you are trying to go deeper within yourself, then hatha yoga is better. In St. Petersburg they are working in this direction yoga studio "Indigo". Come! Don't forget to share with your friends on social networks and subscribe to blog news.

During couples yoga, people experience direct contact with another person, so as a partner you can choose someone close to you: a friend, girlfriend, sister, husband or wife, or do everything alone until you feel that you are open to contact with someone unknown to you partner for now.

For beginners working in pair yoga, you need to focus on simple asanas. They should be performed alternately or simultaneously, creating symmetrical figures from your bodies. Pair yoga is one of the calm and leisurely types and it is not suitable for those who want to work in an intense and dynamic form. Asanas for two can be seen in the video.

All positions are carried out with mutual support and bring people together through:

  • general movement;
  • awareness;
  • mood;
  • breath;
  • touch and intimacy.

Yoga poses for two can be done by any two people and this is a great way to:

  • strengthen relationships;
  • trust, improve communication, create space for discovery and patience;
  • carry out gentle stretching, especially of the spinal muscles, through mutual assistance in performing asanas;
  • liberating the body from physical and emotional stress;
  • seeking mutual balance and concentration;
  • understand each other's needs.

Paired yoga even involves very close contact

Pair yoga itself is very individual, it is a personal, internal process. How can it exist in pairs?

Yes, yoga for two is real, there are many videos demonstrating positions where 2 people participate in yoga poses.

Today, the definition of practice extends to the boundaries of commodity:

  • developed yoga of the spine;
  • yoga of the face, eyes;
  • acro-yoga, etc.

This is the easiest way to feel, understand and describe what is happening to the body and mind. The history of yogis begins with the work of the body. It makes sense to talk about the most subtle form of energy only when you feel at ease and relaxed.

Physical contact is a necessary condition for such practice. Touch is a communication tool. Without this there is no partnership. Practice on separate mats, then this is for two, not two partners.

Take a look at yourself from the outside

Practice makes it possible to look at yourself and another person from a slightly different point of view and 2 people acquire a different type of communication. Asanas performed together require mutual trust, tolerance and understanding of the weaknesses of the other half. They teach and provide experience on how to help each other in difficult moments, when they are in a bad mood or have troubles at work. Recognition and gratitude in the eyes of the second comrade will be a reward.

Where to begin

As in classical yoga, for practicing in pairs you will need comfortable clothes. It is better if it is made of natural cotton or linen.

You need two special mats, a video tape with training material, and at least one of the participants is experienced and can be responsible for safety.

Dog with his head bowed down with a safety harness

  1. Stand on the edge of the mat, with your partner behind you.
  2. Wrap a ribbon around your hips for your partner to hold.
  3. Enter the asana with your hips resting on the band.
  4. Try to pull your heels towards the mat.
  5. Keep your legs and spine straight and your neck relaxed.

Upavistha Konasana

  1. Sit on the floor facing each other. Straight legs shoulder width apart.
  2. Grab each other's wrists with your hands.
  3. Bend forward, tilting your chest and stomach as low as possible.
  4. To deepen the tilt, your friend gently pulls you by the arms, allowing you to keep your spine straight, deepen the tilt and stretch your chest.

Bend back with

  1. Place the belt or tape directly above your buttocks.
  2. A comrade sits in front of you and holds a secured belt (tape).
  3. Slowly begin to lean back, keeping your hands on your hips.
  4. Lift your hands off your hips and lift them up when you feel a stable backbend position.
  5. Try to move your arms back from a vertical position.

Your partner, holding the belt (tape), ensures your safety, so you will feel confident during the bend.

Crescent Moon - Ardha Chandrasana with partner

  1. Your partner stands behind you.
  2. You begin to perform the usual crescent asana.
  3. Your partner grabs your hip bone with one hand and your shoulder with the other when you have managed to establish balance.
  4. Your partner slowly begins to pull your body back, which opens up your hips and chest more.

Squats from a pose with your back to each other

  1. Stand with your backs to each other.
  2. Interlace your hands with your partner's at the elbows.
  3. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
  4. Squat so that your knees form a 90-degree angle with your thighs. The back is straight.
  5. Return to the starting position.
  6. Perform 4 sets of 15 reps

Triceps exercise

For this exercise you will need a chair or chair.

  1. One of the partners stands with his back to the chair, bends his knees 90 degrees and places his palms on the edge of the chair. The fingers of the palms are directed toward you, the elbows are directed outward.
  2. The second partner takes exactly the same position, only the palms are placed not on the chair, but on the partner’s knees.
  3. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and lower your torso.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Perform 4 sets of 12 repetitions.

7 reasons why you should practice yoga as a couple

General physical activity

Despite how it looks, couples yoga and its more advanced positions are a physical activity that requires physical strength and excellent training for 2 people of all skill levels. Modern video demonstrations of positions clearly show this.

Couples can work together to develop their physical strength, endurance and coordination in a much more enjoyable way than in the gym.

Joint pleasant hobby

Pair yoga and joint physical activity brings a lot of pleasure and joy. Training sessions are always full of laughter and joy for children, allowing them to be mentally transported back to childhood, when they rejoiced and laughed heartily while on a carousel wheel or swinging on a swing.

Joint work

Yoga poses done for two are a joint activity during which you can learn to cooperate and perform difficult poses and be confident in your partner. This is both synchronization of joint efforts and joint work to find a solution that will be useful in performing gymnastic exercises.

General Science

As a result of jointly practicing positions, 2 people establish emotional and psychological contact with each other, and strong connections are formed. Accepting the position and sequence of couples yoga is only possible through good communications, both verbal and non-verbal. A good understanding of your needs and a good response to your partner is necessary because the effects depend on the participation of the two people and their mutual understanding.

General rest

This is part of a yoga practice for two, which involves relaxation and mutual massage, which provides both partners with relaxation after training and after a difficult and stressful day at work.

Strengthening ties

To achieve the desired outcome and success, you need great trust between partners, the ability to give in, accept and obey, as well as the ability to help and enlist support. Developing these qualities helps strengthen the bond between partners.

Promotes intimacy

Through shared practice and close physical contact, yoga for two brings a wonderful sense of intimacy, it is open to touch and develops the ability to give and take, so that it leads to a deepening of intimate relationships between partners.

Couples yoga is an ideal way to get to know your partner better, together to comprehend the science of developing harmony of soul and body, and together to move along the path of self-knowledge and physical development.

Asanas for two are distinguished by their plasticity, flexibility, grace - they are beautiful in their endless interconnection.

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