Jolie dress. Why Angelina Jolie is a style icon again, or What is luxe purism

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie and her six children celebrated the New Year 2017 without the father of the family: four months before that, news about the divorce of the most beautiful couple in the world with many children spread around the world. What happened after that is scary to say: statements from lawyers, mixed with rumors, gossip, speculation and outright nonsense, poured out like from a cornucopia.

“Brangelina” did not comment on her divorce for more than six months, but it was Jolie who was the first to break the silence. In February of the same year, the actress spoke with tears in her eyes about the life of their large family after the divorce to the BBC, and six months later in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine.

“We are all healing from our wounds. I don't mean healing from divorce, but from some things in life," she said.

Angelina Jolie at the Toronto Festival, September 2017

Last fall, Angie began her slow but steady return to her usual life, filled with work, premieres and official meetings. On September 15, Jolie's new film First They Killed My Father was presented, for which she swapped the acting trailer for the director's chair. The film was received warmly by critics, and in January it competed for the Golden Globe in the Best Foreign Language Film category.

True, Jolie is also not going to give up her acting career, having confirmed in September her participation in the new film about the sorceress Maleficent. In addition, in 2017, Angelina also produced the cartoon “The Breadwinner”.

Jolie combines her film work with her duties as a UN Goodwill Ambassador, attending charity events and regularly making speeches on stage against a variety of issues. The actress’s latest speech is dedicated to counteracting violence, which in light of a series of harassment scandals in Hollywood takes on special significance.

Angelina Jolie at a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, September 14, 2017

One way or another, the painful story of divorce is gradually moving away from the focus of public attention. It seems (we, of course, do not presume to say this) that Angelina is also coming to her senses: recently the actress has gained a little weight, although she has not completely gotten rid of painful suspicions of anorexia.

As for Jolie's style, at first glance it seems that it has not changed at all: Angelina is still elegant in flowing dresses and powder pumps. However, this is not at all true: behind the external “constancy” are hidden large, if not titanic, changes in the wardrobe habits of the once most desirable woman on the planet.

Our Western colleagues described Angelina Jolie's new style as luxe purism. Literally, this phrase can be translated as “luxury purism” (purism refers to the desire for purity and strictness of morals, sometimes deliberately, ostentatiously), but its general meaning can be understood without translation: Angie dresses simply, but expensively. Not in terms of price, but in terms of a neat and presentable appearance: the actress can go to the next Uniqlo, but when she comes out wearing new clothes, she will look amazing.

The explanation for this is simple: active work, six children and a million other worries. Each new day requires Jolie, who has now become the “breadwinner of her family,” to make many decisions. If you exclude from this list at least the headache associated with choosing clothes, it will become a little easier.

The key elements of Angelina's new wardrobe were dresses...

...which she complements with long coats, while making do with a minimum of accessories.

Of course, having a staff of stylists and assistants at your disposal, you can change clothes at least every hour, but this is definitely not the case with Angelina, because after the divorce, as she said in an interview with Vanity Fair, she even takes care of the housework herself. These words are not an imaginary desire to demonstrate her down-to-earthness, but a real fact: photographs appear on the Internet every now and then of Angie going grocery shopping and picking up children from school.

Angelina Jolie on a walk with her children...

...and with a dog.

The actress, however, cannot afford to wear the same gray T-shirt and blue jeans, as Mark Zuckerberg does, but her images turn out to be very consonant with the canons of normcore, adjusted for elegance and femininity. Simple dresses and equally simple combinations of blouses reminiscent of ordinary T-shirts and mismatched skirts, among which the actress’s strict pencils are especially honored, cope with this task.

Simple silhouettes - simple colors: in Angelina's wardrobe, exclusively discreet, practical and universal ones rule the roost, such as black, white and a whole range of gray and beige shades. Rare splashes of color (like the sensational fuchsia dress she wore for the Cambodian premiere of her film) are rather the exception that proves the rule. It doesn't matter what kind of event we're talking about: the red carpet at the Toronto Film Festival, a family outing to an exhibition, or just a meeting with fans.

It’s not to say that the actress didn’t like black, white and gray dresses before: she always loved them. What has changed is their style and decor: the famous “Angelina Jolie leg”, coupled with an abundance of glitter, are a thing of the past. Along with the thigh-high slits, the neckline has also disappeared: Jolie’s dresses are now tightly closed. What appeared: semi-fitting silhouette and flared skirts. As proof, here are these gray dresses from Jenny Packham and Christian Dior Couture.

Angelina Jolie in Jenny Packham dress

Angelina Jolie in Christian Dior Couture dress

Despite all the objective differences, both outfits are symptomatic of Jolie’s changed style and demonstrate her preferences, which really cannot be described otherwise than luxe purism. Western fashion editors compare Jolie's new (or rather updated) style with the style of Katharine Hepburn. It must be said, not without reason: the legendary actress loved similar styles of dresses outside the film studio.

Katharine Hepburn, 1940

Katharine Hepburn, 1940

Preferences in evening dresses continue the actress’s general desire for discreet classics. For less formal occasions, Angelina likes the combination of a tightly belted trench coat with pumps. This elegant solution is suitable for almost all occasions in life. For every day, the actress chooses outfits whose minimalism balances on the verge of asceticism: Angelina wears an impersonal basic wardrobe, adding only practical messengers and a pair of sunglasses.

These two photos show two different images of Angelina.

But who will notice?

What's next? This year Angelina became the face of a new fragrance from Guerlain, and the continuation of “Maleficent” is expected next year. Jolie can be seen smiling more and more often, and her smile is not a forced demonstration of well-being, but the sincere smile of a confident woman who, faced with a colossal shock, overcame it with brilliance. Now absolutely all of Jolie’s outfits are her personal position as a strong, talented and efficient woman. She can solve three hundred cases a day effortlessly, just by rolling up the sleeves of her impeccable silk blouse.

Being one of the most beautiful women on the planet, Angelina Jolie managed to create her own unique style, which skillfully combines simple and complex lines of a neutral palette. Every year Angelina does not leave the lists of the most beautiful women in the world. If you look carefully at all the actress's public appearances, you will notice that she not only owes her beauty to good genes, but also to her impeccable taste. With the help of minimal costs, a woman correctly emphasizes all her advantages. Want to try to recreate Jolie's look? Of course, there is only one Angelina Jolie in the world, but you and I can use her advice and highlight the best in ourselves. Here are four important steps that highlight the uniqueness and unforgettable attractiveness of a woman.

1. Maintain neutrality

If you carefully study the photographs of Angelina, it is impossible not to notice that the actress almost always sticks to black and white, gray or brown colors. Of course, the actress does not refuse to appear in public in luxurious outfits with interesting designs, but still, she rarely changes her usual style.

This range has its advantages: you can always successfully combine any items from your wardrobe, and no matter where you go, the outfit will always be appropriate and attractive. We've all seen photos of Jolie walking at the airport, or walking around the city with her children, every time the woman looks sophisticated and elegant.

2. What you wear should fit perfectly

But be careful, when we say that clothes should fit like a glove, this does not mean that they should be tight. And Angelina Jolie understands this.

Of course, you have seen her more than once in tight pants or beautiful dresses that perfectly highlight all the curves, but still take a closer look. We see that all the clothes on this woman look very harmonious and correct.

Jolie pairs skinny jeans with wide T-shirts or loose shirts to create harmony, and she wears wide trousers that fit perfectly on the actress's figure with tight-fitting blouses. The latest looks from the red carpet are memorable for their traditional jackets, which seem to have been created especially for this brilliant woman.

3. Don't be afraid to show your masculine side.

Historically, Angelina has never been afraid to be the only woman in a pantsuit among the millions who donned a dress. Back in 2001, the actress wore a chic white pantsuit to the Oscars, and since then she has often preferred this outfit.

How can anyone forget the chic tuxedo from St. Laurent, which the woman wore to the BAFTA ceremony in 2014. Her slightly boyish look not only sets her apart from the crowd of feminine outfits, but is in no way inferior to the good taste of her partner Brad Pitt.

4. Jewelry: bigger is not always better

What I especially like about the American actress is that you will hardly ever see her hung with various decorations. At best, Angelina wears one statement accessory on the red carpet. Jolie prefers only one bright accent in the image, which at the same time fits very naturally into the entire image. Perhaps the most “precious” moment among all the actress’s appearances was the one when Angelina Jolie put on massive teardrop-shaped earrings from Lorraine Schwartz at the Oscars in 2009. In combination with elegant dress from Elie Saab, the earrings really looked amazing and literally sanctified the actress’s face. This jewelry accent created a stir and quickly conquered the fashion world; all women in the world wanted to have something similar in their collection.

Probably the most pleasant thing about Angelina Jolie's style is that it is quite accessible and simple. You don't have to be a superstar to remember and implement a few simple tips; The actress's style is attractive and memorable because it is based on simple, universal things.

Regardless of your budget, a similar style can be achieved by paying attention to the quality of the fabric, the right cut, traditional shades, and, of course, the right selection of accessories. Not only will this style reveal you as a sophisticated person, but you can also easily and quickly create looks for any occasion.

Well, dear girls, it seems to me that you should still listen to the advice of our Hollywood diva, because she is truly a wonderful woman who knows a lot about creating a spectacular image.

We invite you to follow how Angelina Jolie's style has changed in our new section “Fashion Evolution”!

Angelina Jolie's style

One of the first photo shoots of young Angie: back in 1994, black ruled the roost in the 19-year-old actress’s dressing room.


Such a lingerie-style dress may still be relevant today, but shoes with kilometer-long toes... It’s good that the 90s are behind us!

Angelina in the image of Neo from The Matrix and David Duchovny in a strange brown total look - this photo is impossible to forget once you see it.

At the beginning of her career, Angelina Jolie's clothing style was very diverse: she tried on either leather trousers or hypersexual dresses. It is worth noting that nude suits Angelina very well!

It seems that Angie made this set herself under the influence of feelings, combining two curtains in one image. And what about the blue shadows up to the eyebrows!

1998 was a year for Jolie to experiment with hair color: here, for example, the star unexpectedly appeared before her fans as a blonde and, in addition, tried on a strange outfit in an ethnic style. Well, interesting!

But her love for dark images quickly took its toll: Angie dyed her hair gray and from somewhere pulled out an eerie-looking floor-length leather skirt.

During her marriage to Billy Bob Thornton, Angelina dedicated not only a tattoo on her forearm to her beloved, but also most of her images. Often Jolie and Thornton were celebrated in pairs in leather trousers.

Gray hair color again and - suddenly - Angie's light and gentle image. True, the jacket was still worth ironing.

And in the same year 2000 - hello, old new goth. Angelina tried on the image of Morticia Adams at the Oscars, where Jolie received the coveted statuette in the category “Best Supporting Actress” (the film “Girl, Interrupted”).

This is the kind of Jolie the whole world (especially the male part) recognized and fell in love with: after filming in the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider franchise, the actress adopted the provocative style of her heroine for several years.

Not a very successful attempt to look serious - a massive black dress, an “aged” string of pearls and carefully drawn eyebrows with a black pencil.

In 2003, Angie looked simply luxurious: tanned skin, with which the color of the dress was in perfect harmony, shiny hair and a seductive figure. Bravo!

Mini is not Jolie’s favorite length, but the star’s rare appearances in short dresses were a success!

But this is an excellent example of the fact that it is better not to wear all the best at once: a leopard trench coat clearly does not want to be friends with red pumps.

During the filming of Alexander, there were rumors about Angie's affair with Colin Farrell. Of course, who can resist such a beauty in red!

Jolie really suits gentle but sexy images: silk flowing dresses slightly soften the actress’s bright appearance, but do not detract from her attractiveness.

But, of course, some of Jolie's most recognizable appearances are in sexy leather dresses and trousers.

angelina jolie photo 2006

An elegant and light look is not the most common for the actress, but definitely worthy of attention.

Over time, Angelina began to appear less and less in colored outfits, but in vain - bright dresses also suit her.

Pale porcelain skin, velvet, drapery and a messy bun: Angie really suits looks with a touch of retro style.

Countless leather trousers are clearly a key element of Jolie's wardrobe staple. I wonder how many pairs of these trousers the actress has?

During her second pregnancy, Jolie preferred feminine and light dresses that emphasized the softness and roundness that appeared.

Such a bright appearance generally does not require any special framing, which is why Angie looks so good in laconic outfits.

However, one cannot help but appreciate the images in the style of the Greek goddess. Who, if not Jolie, should wear such outfits?

Angelina is one of the hottest celebrity fans of pantsuits. By her example, the actress has repeatedly confirmed that the “right” suit can easily compete with the most luxurious floor-length dress!

An unusual outfit with an asymmetrical cut looks very harmonious on Angie’s figure, and bright inserts refresh the look.

If you don’t know what to wear, put on a leather dress, this is the simplest and most effective recipe for a star’s evening outings.

The mini-dress looks impressive, but flesh-colored shoes are clearly “not from this opera”: black sandals would look much more appropriate.

At the premiere of the film “The Tourist,” Angelina surprised and amazed everyone present with her unexpected choice of outfit: a floor-length white cashmere dress looked very stylish.

A rare bright appearance - the green color is in harmony with the actress’s eyes and the color of her hair.

It’s a pity that Angie rarely pleases us with appearances in red - outfits of various shades of scarlet are perfect for Jolie!

The classic look (white top + black bottom) in this case does not look boring thanks to bright jewelry, feel free to take note!

This outfit was unanimously voted one of the best at the 2012 Golden Globe Awards, and Angie looks like a true red carpet queen in it.

And this appearance, unfortunately, was remembered by all users not for the spectacular velvet dress, which really suited the star, but for her ridiculous pose with her leg out, which instantly became a meme on the Internet.

What do we imagine when we hear about Angelina Jolie? We see before us an elegant and sophisticated woman, capable of slaying any man with just one look. Few people understand that in order to achieve such an effect, the actress experimented for a long time and went towards her own individual style. It is this kind of work that gives the result that we see now - namely, minimalistic and elegant images in which Jolie appears in public and in everyday life. What is special about Angelina Jolie’s style, what are the basic elements of her wardrobe and who would suit looks of a similar type - you will find out in this article.

Jolie's casual style

An important feature of Jolie's basic wardrobe is its color scheme: it is dominated by black, gray, white, beige and olive shades. It is rare to see any other colors in her sets, except perhaps a burgundy scarf or a bright decoration.
In everyday life, the actress prefers black and white or black and beige colors. It most often features sets of midi skirts, feminine blouses and tops. Angelina Jolie almost never wears casual clothes, especially jeans or sneakers. Their role in her wardrobe is played by tapered trousers and pumps. Jolie's classic looks in everyday style can be seen in the photo.

The materials from which the clothes are made also play an important role in the actress’s images. Angelina Jolie has always been a lover of leather skirts, trousers and dresses, and most importantly, she knows how to wear them so that her appearance does not look provocative and vulgar. Now the actress has begun to wear cashmere items more often, which make her appearance softer and stricter. In Angelina Jolie's street style, you can often see the use of suiting fabric in trouser sets and outerwear. Despite the general austerity of her wardrobe, the actress loves delicate and romantic accessories and jewelry. You can often see things like this with her.

  • Scarves, capes and ponchos. In recent years, Angelina Jolie has been changing her look by adding soft cashmere elements, which are also made in basic colors. Although sometimes Jolie wears bright ponchos that contradict her main image.
  • Big bags. One of the few elements of Jolie's casual style is her bags. They create an unexpected contrast with the main wardrobe, as they are made in shades that are not typical for it. The massiveness of leather bags further emphasizes the actress’s slenderness, and this method is definitely worth taking note of.
  • Laconic decorations. Angelina Jolie prefers discreet silver jewelry: thin chains with small pendants, minimalist bracelets and thin rings. Evening looks, of course, sometimes contradict this preference, but even then the actress tries not to overdo it.

Evening images of Angelina Jolie

Jolie's style of evening dresses has clearly changed over time. At the beginning of her career, she had a period of black dresses and garish makeup. Fortunately, provocative makeup was left behind, but black dresses remained the actress’s favorite. They alternate with dresses in olive and beige shades. As in her everyday style, Jolie sticks to strict silhouettes and feminine styles - perhaps that's why you see her so often in floor-length dresses. Although this chic woman looks more chic in a trouser suit than some in dresses. She proves this not only in everyday life, but also at large-scale events. Angelina Jolie's evening looks can be seen in the photo.

According to a recent survey conducted by Hello magazine journalists, American actress Angelina Jolie was voted the most elegant woman of our time. Despite her turbulent youth and risky experiments with style, she was able to find a “golden mean”, combining elegance and sexuality so masterfully that even the most picky critics cannot reprimand her.

What is Angelina Jolie's style secret? And what exactly can we borrow from her style for everyday life?


We say “Jolie style,” but we mean leather clothes. Perhaps only this woman can wear dresses made of rough leather so perfectly that they do not seem shocking. On the contrary, they look very elegant, so much so that even Paul Smith suits give way in front of them.

In 2011, at one of the ceremonies, Angelina wore a tight top and chocolate-colored leather pants. Despite the fact that the low-rise trousers showed a scattering of tattoos on the actress’s stomach. Overall, this set looked very beautiful and even quite strict when compared with the lush dresses of the starlets.

At one of the Comic-Con ceremonies, the actress wore a leather jacket and pencil skirt. The jacket perfectly fit Jolie's slender figure, emphasizing her waist and creating a contrast of textures.

At many festive events, the actress wore leather dresses - short and long, black and colored. Since her figure is close to ideal, leather clothes emphasized every line of her body, making her flawless and sexy.

Jolie's elegance lies in the fact that she does not like an abundance of accessories in combination with leather clothing. And indeed, they greatly distract attention from her person and can make the image overloaded and even vulgar.


In everyday life, Jolie dresses very modestly - pullovers and pencil skirts, ballet flats and eco-bags, jeans and T-shirts.

But even on the red carpet, the actress prefers to remain true to the principles of minimalism. The styles of her suits and evening dresses are simple, aristocratic and allow her to emphasize Angelina’s individuality.

At the 2007 Oscars, Jolie wore a chic gray dress with an open top. She accessorized her look with gold earrings and a necklace, and wore her hair in an updo. This image of Jolie is still very much loved by fashion critics.

In 2008, the actress, although she was “in a position,” did not stop wearing chic evening dresses to social events. The emphasis was on color and texture, and the styles were simple and elegant. Floor-length, empire silhouette and bright green color - this made the actress completely irresistible!

Now let's return from heaven to earth. In order to look as elegant as Angelina, you should follow several rules when choosing dresses and suits.

Firstly, they must be plain. A colorful pattern will distract attention from the sophisticated cut.

Secondly, the style should be modest, but not without a twist, as feminine and aristocratic as possible. If the dress has a deep neckline, then it should not reveal the legs. If, on the contrary, the dress is short, then you need to pay attention to its top - whether it is open or closed.

Third, no need for a lot of accessories. It is better to choose a couple of jewelry and a small handbag, which will be made of expensive and noble materials.


Unlike most Hollywood stars, Angelina Jolie does not suffer from “accessory fever.” She is rarely seen even with a bag in her hands!

When it comes to footwear, the actress prefers ballet flats in everyday life, and on the red carpet – pumps or sandals from the latest collections. This is one of her favorite designers.

It should be noted that Jolie never liked jewelry. She prefers not to wear any jewelry at all, rather than spoil her look with cheap accessories. At social events, she wears small earrings and necklaces made of gold or platinum, decorated with diamonds. They give her image a real aristocratic charm.

Personal care

The actress has always been known for her luxurious, thick hair and flawless skin. Even during her years of illness, she looked almost perfect.

Every morning, she starts by applying moisturizer with spf 20 to thoroughly cleansed skin. Once the cream is absorbed, she uses a large brush to apply highlighter to her cheekbones and a little shimmering loose powder to the rest of her face. Reflective particles make facial skin radiant and eliminate dullness.
To keep her figure chiseled and sculpted, the actress watches her diet. At the same time, he does not set strict limits on nutrition, but simply excludes some of the most harmful foods. And physical exercise helps supplement your diet.


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