Is communication with Spirits dangerous? The simplest method of communicating with the world of spirits Communication with spirits is a kind of training.

Communication with spirits is quite exciting and dangerous. It should be exactly the work, and not its semblance. Mediums of their own free will come into contact with otherworldly forces, but these meetings do not always end well.

This is why training is necessary. This is the only way to protect yourself and others from the influence that such a practice brings. However, learning is a difficult and lengthy process. Full concentration of attention on what is happening is required.

All people have mediumship skills, regardless of gender, race or age. In some it is more developed, in others less. But these abilities must be developed and taken under strict control. If this is not done, the results will be unpredictable and dangerous for everyone.

Anything goes for preparation. This can be an ordinary piece of paper and a pencil. Usually, this is how they prepare for the session. A basket and a small board can also do, and the mentioned pencil is also added there. Primitive, but effective.

But when conducting experiments, you should avoid anything that could somehow lead to physical effects. Some experts suggest using a pen instead of a pencil. This is an old but interesting way to get in touch with another world. But this is exclusively for experienced mediums. Many spirits of former times would be pleased to be remembered in this way.

But it’s worth considering that using a pen is not always justified or convenient. And lower spirits may also try to spoil the paper in order to annoy the owner. You also need to be patient. Many novice mediums are eager to talk with long-dead, but very important people. It may happen that the summoned ghost does not have the opportunity or permission to appear.

This can also happen because the energy channel between the summoned spirit and the medium is poorly configured. Therefore, it is recommended to first practice on the first ghost you come across, and then move on to a more specific one.

You need constant practice and seeking help from your Guardian Angel. These conditions are mandatory because it is unknown what may appear from the outside and how it will be configured in relation to the caller. Also, experienced mediums believe that only swindlers can use certain mysterious formulas, because these same formulas mean nothing.

All calls are made in the name of God and from the heart. It is not necessary to read spells - you just need to ask the Lord for permission to release the good spirit for a while, and for your Guardian Angel to drive away the evil spirits and guide the good ones.

After reading the prayer and preparing everything necessary for the ritual, all that remains is to wait. His Guardian Angel may appear to the caller, or the summoned spirit may manifest itself. Or someone else will appear. In any case, the ghost that appears indicates its name.

However, you should be careful. A ghost can deceive, and therefore you need to take care to find out more about it. It is best if the medium starts by calling deceased relatives or good comrades.

Spiritualism board

The witch board can be purchased. Or you can create it yourself. Wood is best suited for this purpose. Cut out the necessary signs on it.

But you can use whatman paper on which to draw a circle. Inside this circle, write YES and No, as well as numbers around the circle from 1 to 9, and letters on the outside. It’s also worth buying a saucer in advance and painting an arrow on it. Along the way, go to a magic shop and buy wax candles. You can order in advance in the online store. Or buy them at a church store.

Get ready for a ritual to communicate with spirits. Turn off appliances, create a calm atmosphere, lock the animals in another room.

Place the board and saucer. All participants position themselves near the magical attribute. Light the candles. Warm a saucer from their fire and call upon the spirit. Then touch the saucer with your fingers and read out the questions, interpreting the answers by letters and numbers, as well as by yes and no answers.

After the session is over, thank the spirit and release it.

  1. Conduct at night, no light except that coming from candles.
  2. Serious intentions.
  3. No jewelry for participants in communication with spirits.
  4. Prepare questions in advance.
  5. In the presence of the spirit, do not communicate with each other.

Messages from spirits

People in all centuries have been interested in magic and attempts to penetrate the world of the dead. Moreover, there are a lot of people who are ready to talk about meeting the dead, be it deceased relatives or completely unfamiliar ghosts that wander through rooms or ruins. These meetings did not always end well for the living, but those who did experience these meetings gained impressions for the rest of their lives.

Mediums also advise not to be afraid of places where spirits frolic, because all they want is to scare someone. Even in the quietest houses there are ghosts, but there are those that cause trouble, and there are those that do not show themselves.

There are also ways to drive out restless ghosts, but largely, due to their own ignorance, people, on the contrary, do everything to attract them. The most reliable way to get rid of evil poltergeists is to attract good ones. It should also be recalled that it depends on the person what kind of ghosts will surround him. Everything will be measured by the deeds he does and the energies that a particular individual will attract.

There are also frequent cases when evil spirits cling to good people. Such cases are considered in the context that Heaven sends a test to a person in order to strengthen his willpower and virtue. They also often use various spells to drive out evil ghosts, but basically these spells are useless. In addition, ghosts are very amused if they are confused with Satan and feared.

Those souls who appeared without evil intentions make themselves known with noise and even become visible. But they never cause trouble or cause harm to the living. But in addition to the summoned spirits, those who need help, prayer or intercession from living people can also come. Spirits can also make noise to attract a person's attention.

If ghosts are playing pranks, there is no need to be afraid of them. On the contrary, a person should laugh at their jokes, because the spirits see that they are not afraid of them and are not angry with them, then they stop their tricks. It also happens that even evil spirits may not make themselves known and live in the house.

You can simply talk to some spirits; to get in touch with others, a spiritualistic session is necessary. Ghosts can not only answer questions asked of them, but also tell something that is related to a specific person or area. But don't forget that ghosts can lie. There are also categories of messages received from the dead:


Of a serious nature;

Instructive in nature.

The nature of the rude messages speaks for itself. It's mostly rudeness and foul language. Blasphemy may also be uttered - it all depends on the character of the ghost. Messages of a humorous nature are received from spirits who do not take their words seriously. You also need to be especially careful with them, because such ghosts often lie. Messages of a serious nature are free from foul language or jokes, but are practical and useful.

Messages of an instructive nature relate more to the sciences. Also, mediums advise that all messages, even those of a serious and instructive nature, should be carefully checked.

How to find out the character of a spirit by handwriting

Many people are concerned that the knowledge of the world is hidden from them. This thought gnaws at me and forces me to look for a way to fill the oppressive emptiness. Sometimes, having gone to extremes, people rush to enlist the support of other forces, giving away for next to nothing the most important thing that the Creator gave them - the soul. Indulging in evil and vices, they undermine the world order, sow chaos and destruction, not understanding the most important thing - Evil will not give them anything for their faithful service.

And it just so happened that, having been born and receiving gifts that they do not value, people forget not only about God, but also about their family. They start thinking about them only when everything turns out to be bad. But when everything gets better, individuals breathe a sigh of relief and, with a clear conscience, again forget about those they should thank.

But there are also those who are too greedy. Before knowledge, money, power and the like. Such people are looking for powerful patrons not only in this world, but also in parallel ones too. They make deals and get something in return. And there are also such individuals through whom the Lord seeks to give a sign to humanity, to teach it.

Such people become mediums. By learning to manage their abilities, they will be able to achieve great success in the future. By controlling their powers and abilities, people will be able to come into contact with Higher Powers and receive the knowledge they need. They will also gain experience and draw certain conclusions. But there are dangers in choosing assistants.

Spirits are very capricious and often want to mock a person. This is something to be expected and every possible vigilance to be exercised. If you do not adhere to these basic safety rules, you can get into big problems. Having learned the nature of the spirits, a decision is made whether to drive them away or not. If you drive away, the Intercessor Angel is again called to help, and the evil spirits are shown in every possible way that they did not succumb to their tricks.

It is also important to study the theoretical foundations before starting mediumship activities, so that in the future there will be fewer problems associated with inexperience. Evidence of the nature of spirits is provided not only by letter designations, but also by all kinds of drawings.

These could be signs, emblems that do not mean anything, or incomprehensible handwriting. But it doesn't mean anything if the handwriting is really bad. This may be due not so much to the spirit as to the medium. There are also mediums who deceive themselves so much that they begin to determine the development of the spirit by the size of the letters. And also special attention was paid to letters that looked like printed ones.

It is not known on what exactly the confidence of such people is based, but it is very difficult to convince them otherwise. It is extremely important not to succumb to evil ghosts against your will. But it is much more important not to give in to them voluntarily. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to get rid of a spirit by calling it once.

You can’t drive away a spirit so easily, especially if it’s evil. And it is even more undesirable to ask him for services, because no one will do anything for free, and the price for the assistance provided may turn out to be exorbitant.

Communication with spirits: the initial stage

Contacts with the other world are the most interesting activity for lovers of extreme sports and magic. Many are ready to do anything for the opportunity to once again see people dear to them, to learn the secrets of another world. We cannot blame them for these desires, but they are not always justified. Working as a medium is extremely troublesome and dangerous.

Experts repeat again and again that evil spirits or demons appear, often taking the form of relatives and friends of the caller, and push the latter to the most vile acts. Or they might even kill you.

Moreover, if the medium is a natural, he needs to learn to control his abilities as quickly as possible. Although people do not notice it, spirits surround them. Some are friendly and want to help, while others do harm in every possible way and incite evil. Perhaps this is precisely why there is a belief that at birth a person is given an angel protecting him and a tempting demon.

But what will happen to a person, especially if he is a medium, depends on which side he chooses and what forces he will call on. But if the spirit has already been summoned, it is necessary to establish its identity and make sure that it is exactly the one needed. Upon contact, the ghosts that appear give their name, but it may not be real. It is worth firmly remembering that all ghosts, intentionally or unintentionally, can deceive.

During the verification process, the soul who comes to the call is asked questions with monosyllabic answers, such as “yes” and “no.” They are needed to establish further relationships with the mentioned spirit. There is no need to resort to this precautionary method in the future.

Questions should also not be empty and stupid. They must express sympathy for the person being called and a willingness to accept it. A prerequisite is calm and concentration of thoughts on the object of the call. This also adds strength of will and character. In order for these qualities to develop, you need to look for secluded, quiet places. It is also necessary to move away from anything that might frighten or distract a person. And you still need to continue the exercises.

Don't be upset if the ghosts refuse to answer the call the first time. In order to become a full-fledged medium, some newcomers had to wait from several months to several years. But it also happens that ghosts make contact the first time.

In order not to waste time and energy, you can ask a more serious spirit through another medium whether these calls will be of any use. However, the most unusual thing is that if a ghost is asked whether a particular person is a medium, nine times out of ten they will answer in the affirmative, but the challenges may not be of any use.

Ghosts often answer affirmative questions to vague questions, but not always to more specific questions. However, when processing their response with your consciousness, you must always take into account the nature of the ghost. If he is rude or flighty, then the answers will be the same. Therefore, it is recommended to call upon serious and intelligent spirits who will not only willingly answer questions, but also try to help.

Tone of conversation with spirits

Having decided on the summoning of spirits and having learned more about their character, the medium must choose the tone of conversation with the chosen ghost. It is worth remembering that there are people whom the soothsayer respects during life, and after death these people also have the right to sympathy, respect and attention from the living.

But not all ghosts deserve the same respect from people. And even more so, even for the Highest Spirits, dignity and other benefits of the material world mean nothing. For them, only the purity of thoughts and spirituality of the caller matters. All flattery for such ghosts is not only undesirable, but also unpleasant.

But with lower souls everything is more complicated.

Benevolent ghosts, but frivolous and knowledgeable.

To treat them with the same respect that the High Ones deserve would be inappropriate and misguided. Such ghosts like it when they are addressed freely, without moral constraint or a feeling of awkwardness. These inhabitants of the afterlife willingly come into contact with the medium and answer all his questions. Another thing is that not all answers are true.

Human pity eases their suffering and opens the way to further self-improvement. Since the poor ghosts had no sympathy during life, they must receive it after death. And who knows, maybe the mediums themselves will need the same pity after death.

Cynics and unrepentant sinners.

Considering the vile nature of the mentioned category of dead, it is quite difficult to sympathize with them. Ghosts do nasty things, even deceive or insult seers and do other unpleasant things. However, they should be regretted, since this is the only way to shut up these spirits and show them your superiority.

Ghosts of this type only see their masters in people who are virtuous and more exalted than themselves. If people are no different from the deceased, then the souls enter into a struggle with them and often emerge victorious.

To everything it should be added that it is not good to treat spirits who are morally superior to humans as equals. It is also not good to give all ghosts the same degree of respect and attention. Therefore, you need to respect those who deserve this respect. Those who patronize the medium should also pay attention and every effort.

Once in the world of ghosts, a person learns its laws more fully and lives according to these laws. This knowledge should become the basis in the relationship between both the individual himself and the environment, and the medium with ghosts. And the only one who needs to erect altars is the Creator.

Messages from spirits are of great value, but the seer himself must find those from whom these messages can be received not only safely, but also with benefit to the soul. Therefore, the first and main goal for a medium is to learn to distinguish spirits, as well as to improve morally.

The world of spirits and ghosts is open to you! If you know how to knock on the other side using a talking board or other suitable method, you can communicate with the dead! Are you ready for such a creepy, blood-chilling experience? The door is in front of you - are you brave enough to open it?


Talking board

    Buy or make a talking board. It is also called a “witchcraft ouija board” and a “ouija board.” Behind the loud names lies an ordinary flat board with the letters of the alphabet, numbers from 1 to 10 and the words “yes-no” and “goodbye”.

    • In addition to the board, you will need a movable pointer for the spirits to point to the letters. Even a shot glass will do, but any talisman you place your hands on will work too.
    • There is nothing magical about the board itself, so you can easily create your own board.
  1. Find participants or at least a participant. One person cannot handle the magic board. It is best if like-minded people who are interested in communicating with spirits are ready to help you.

    • Let one (and only) one person become a medium. It will fall to his lot to ask questions loudly, it will be he who will communicate with the spirits, even if two hands are on the pointer (or all at once).
    • It will be helpful if another person writes down everything said by the spirits. If the pointer moves too quickly, it may be difficult to read the otherworldly message. If someone writes it down, it will be easier.
  2. Set the mood. Go to a quiet and peaceful part of the house and wait until X o'clock. Light candles in the room and remember to cleanse the room by burning sage or at least saying a ritual cleansing prayer.

    • It is easier to receive a response from the spirit world from 9 pm to 6 am, so it is worth holding a session within these time limits (or others, if this is important).
    • In some cultures, it is supposed to provide the spirits with a treat - some alcohol.
  3. Awaken the spirits by asking a question. Gently place your fingers on the pointer, which should be in the middle of the board. As a rule, it is placed on the letter “P” (if the alphabet is written like on keyboards), since it is in the middle. A good place to start is by asking, “Are there any benevolent spirits here willing to communicate?”

    • Introduce yourself and tell us about your intentions. Say your names loudly and assure the spirits that you have good intentions: “We just want to hear what you have to say.”
  4. Focus all your energy on communication.

    • Some witchcraft boards require participants to close their eyes, both as a way to focus energy on communicating with the spirit and as a way to guard against cheating in moving the pointer.
    • You understand, you can’t cheat, it’s disrespectful both to those gathered alive and to those who arrived... not alive.
  5. Be patient and polite. After asking a question and introducing yourself, sit down and start waiting. You can try to ask other questions, but remember - the spirits are not obliged to answer you, and therefore - wait.

    • When the pointer starts moving, stay calm and write, write.
    • Treat this conversation as normal. Ask questions that interest you and are appropriate. Do not demand “proof” from the spirit by forcing them to answer any “testing” questions. The spirit is a participant in the conversation, almost a person, so behave politely and intelligently.
  6. End the conversation at the appropriate moment. By moving the pointer to the word “Farewell,” you hint that it’s time to know the honor. However. It doesn’t hurt to say out loud, “Thank you for talking to us. Now goodbye.”

    • Close the board and put it away to end the conversation.
  7. Working with a mirror. Remember Bloody Mary? You know, when kids lock themselves in a bathtub with no light and call for Bloody Mary to appear in the mirror? This is almost the same thing we offer you. Taking a long look in the mirror after cleansing and creating a safe space to attract good spirits can be an unforgettable mystical experience.

    Car. This is especially often used in the southern United States, where there are many legends about how spirits were communicated through a car parked in a special place in neutral. How, you ask, did communication take place? The spirits were pushing the car to indicate their presence! Legends say that the driver had to get up at midnight in a special place and sprinkle the bumper with talcum powder, on which the handprints of the spirits remained.

    • If there is such a legend in your area, try it! Drive where you need to go, turn off the engine, put the car in neutral and invite the spirits to push you. Let's see what comes of this.


  1. Never attempt to communicate with spirits alone. No matter what you believe, for your own well-being and mental health, you should conduct seances in the company of at least one other person. This is no joke!

    • It’s even better if you have an experienced medium with you who will take over the matter. Dealing with evil spirits is not something you want to experience.
  2. Your intentions and thoughts must be pure. State your intentions out loud, and communicate with spirits only when you are motivated by genuine curiosity and kindness. If you take up the witchcraft board as a joke, you can attract evil spirits into your home. Needless to say, spirits may not want to leave your home?

History of communication. Human communication with the spiritual world exists as long as man himself exists. How the first people learned about the existence of a spiritual world next to them is difficult to understand; perhaps they had more developed organs of perception. This is supported by the fact that at first Spirits were perceived as "souls of deceased relatives", later a person begins to deify them and polytheism appears; in our time, people have completely forgotten about the spiritual world - believing that there is one god and there is nothing else. However, the world is much more complex.

From your school history course, you know that communication with the Spirits of deceased ancestors existed among all peoples throughout the entire planet. Special people were involved in this - healers, sorcerers, shamans. Spirits at that time were like “guardian angels” and protectors of people. People turned to them for advice and help, they helped in treatment, in the fight against the elements and enemies. At that time, the Spiritual world was a continuation of real life and fulfilled - however, as now - The duties assigned to him by God are to help people.

As people deified Spirits, the number of gods increased. The spirits of nature, the spirits of people, and even, from time to time, appearing aliens also became gods. To avoid such confusion, a new monotheistic teaching was required, explaining that there is a complex spiritual world that is controlled by a Higher Mind or God. The new teaching was supposed to help people understand how our lives work and what is its meaning. But people, as always, turned everything upside down. The teaching itself was put at the service of the new church and state. The rulers realized that with the help of a single and strong religion it was easier to control the people and wage predatory wars. For 1000 years, the struggle for power and profit was the only occupation of the churchmen. The endless wars of the crusades that the church has fought in for hundreds of years have resulted in the deaths of millions of people.

The very attitude of the church to the Spiritual world is also interesting. From the Teaching itself, in 325, at the Council of Nicea, its important part was removed - about the reincarnation of the Soul. That is why “Western religions” are so different from “Eastern” ones - Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., in which this idea is preserved.

It was decided to consider Christ Himself as God, although Old Christian sources said that he was the incarnate Spirit. The first thing the church did when it came to power was to begin to destroy everything that had to do with people’s communication with the Spiritual world. Pagan religious buildings were burned and destroyed. Church propaganda declared the Spirits themselves to be “devils, satans, devils,” etc. The church accused those who were disliked of communicating with devils. The Inquisition began to spread throughout Europe. They burned, hanged, and executed thousands of people who were at least somehow suspected of communicating with the Spiritual world, and at the same time everyone else who was objectionable to the church authorities and the state. The rampant “church Satanism” in Europe lasted for several hundred years - you know this from history books.

Coming XV - XVI centuries The Renaissance brought unprecedented freedom of thought. People's interest in science, art, and knowledge is being revived again. People's attitudes towards religion and God are also changing. People have become more than just perform religious rituals and fear God’s punishment, but sought to know the Creator and understand his divine plan. The basis of Renaissance philosophy is pantheism, the essence of which is to sense the beneficial presence of God in nature. In pantheism, the main spiritual principles of life and the Universe - love and knowledge - merge. “Studying the phenomena of Nature is a thing pleasing to the Lord, love is the daughter of knowledge: love is the more ardent the more accurate the knowledge,” wrote Leonardo de Vinci. An expression of man’s love for nature and the Creator who created it was the “reasonable study of bodies and phenomena” - the desire to understand with the human mind all the diversity of nature and life.

It is man’s desire for God and knowledge of the fundamentals of the world order that leads people again to communicate with the Spiritual World. The knowledge of that time was not so great. Much of what was known about the Spiritual world even in pagan times was lost, forgotten or distorted by the church. Over hundreds of years of domination, the clergy managed to instill philosophy in people "fairytale world order" But the more a person learned about the world, the more he became convinced that it did not correspond to the fairy tales that the churchmen came up with. Therefore, many began to deny the existence of God and the spiritual world. In continuation of their stupidity, people came up with a new doctrine for themselves - that they descended from a monkey and now they can do anything! This teaching is still the basis of our entire life, science, morality, politics, economics, etc.

At the same time, true Knowledge about the world order, the meaning of life, etc. has always been close to man. The keeper of this knowledge is the Spiritual world.

Modern spiritualism appears somewhere inXIX century. Spiritualistic research at this time reached an unprecedented scale. A huge number of spiritualist societies are appearing in the countries of America, Europe, and Russia. Newspapers and magazines begin to be published. One after another, books are published whose authors are the most famous people of that time - scientists, writers, public figures and even politicians.

The whole world is perplexed - many assume that this is a “New Teaching” that has replaced Christianity. So the famous writer Arthur Conan Doyle writes:“The situation as a whole boils down, in my opinion, to the following alternative: either we must assume that there has been an incredible, massive epidemic of insanity, spanning two generations and two continents and affecting men and women who are otherwise extremely healthy; or we must to admit that in a few years a New Revelation has reached us from a Divine source, which far surpasses the largest religious events that occurred after the death of Christ. Either this is sheer madness, or an ideological revolution!!!”

Allan Kardec, famous for his work on spiritualism - "Book of Spirits" and "Book of Mediums" wrote in 1864: “Serious people accepted the new teaching as a blessing, and since then it has not only not weakened, but has spread with incredible speed; in the course of three or four years it has attracted to its side in all parts of the world countless adherents, especially enlightened people, whose number is multiplying in extraordinary progression, so that now we can say that Spiritualism has acquired the right of citizenship; he rests on such solid foundations that he can repel all the attacks of his opponents, who are trying to refute him from their own means.”

Here it is necessary, obviously, to make an amendment that the “Teaching of the Spirits” is not a contrast to the teaching of “monotheism”. Against - this is the very part of Christian teaching that was removed by the clergy in 325, at the Council of Nicaea about which we spoke the highest.

As you can see, at the beginning of the last century, our World was on the threshold of the Greatest discovery, which could revolutionize our entire understanding of the world order and change life on the planet as a whole. But the outbreak of the 30 Years' War of 1914 - 1945 pushed this event back another 100 years.

After Second World War communication with the Spiritual world is resumed, but at a more perfect level - in the form channeling . Thanks to the new mechanism, communication is already possible not only with the spiritual world of our planet, but also with intelligent beings from other civilizations. However, talking about it as new is wrong - since it has always existed. But if earlier the “revelations” of spiritual entities were anonymous, now we can guess who we are talking to. In this form of communication, again, there is nothing incredible - it is based on the ability of each person to telepathy. And since not all people have these abilities sufficiently developed, the “other mind” itself selects the people most capable for channeling. It was like this before - the main teachings were transmitted through special people - prophets in the form of "divine revelations".

Nowadays mWe have gone too far from the correct understanding of how the world works and what is the meaning of human life. Today it destroys our Souls, tomorrow it will lead to the death of the entire Civilization. We can understand our mistakes and avoid new ones by listening to what the Spiritual world tells us. And the fact that this world exists will help you understand the simplest (children’s) version of spiritualism. Try it - everything should work out for you!

What is Spiritism. Spiritualism is communication with the world of Spirits using the energetic capabilities of man and the Spirit. If you carefully read the previous chapter, then, obviously, you understood that you and I are the very Soul that is inside a person. The soul has a spiritual and material body. When a person dies, the soul loses its material body. The spiritual body remains and performs protective functions for the soul. The spiritual body consists, according to the spirits themselves, of “matter having unique properties” - it is capable of taking any form at the desire of the spirit (therefore the spirit can appear before you in any form). It can both become denser - which allows the spirit to move objects, throw things, visualize itself (in the form of ghosts), etc., and become less dense - which allows it to be invisible and pass through walls, etc. - you yourself are not examples of this read it once, and perhaps even saw it.

After death, Spirits for some time retain the form of the person in which they were during his life. It is in this form that they often appear to their relatives after their death.

As you know, the death of the material body is inevitable. Your body will also die - you will leave it and become a spirit, and the spirit that communicated with you will will incarnate into another person and will talk to you using the same “ouija board”, but now you have changed places with him.

Spirits are yesterday's people! Each of them there is a surname, first name, former home, children and relatives, remaining in our material world - you can ask them all this yourself or read in the “Book of Spirits”, the material from which is presented in the next section. As the famous writer Arthur Canon Doyle, who devoted a lot of time to studying the world of spirits, said - spiritualism is communication with our spiritual brothers!

It is strange sometimes to hear the reasoning of ignorant people, and even those fooled by dark clergy - that this is a world of devils, devils, demons, etc. Who is to blame that even during their lifetime some people lose their rational appearance, and after their death they show their worst qualities. Moreover, often after their death your parents or friends come to you - they are also not drummers, not demons, but really your mothers and fathers only without a material body, they come - it means they remember, it means they want to say something...

About summoning spirits, obviously, you have already heard so many horror stories and nonsense that “your soul freezes.” But all this is absolute nonsense! Spiritual people are smarter than material people - because they saw the world in its true form. We realized that our material world is just a “puppet theater”. And when people, when summoning a spirit, talk nonsense in the form of “.. open the afterlife, come dead souls...” on this occasion the Spirits say: “it is you who live in an imperfect world, in bodies susceptible to diseases, deprived of various opportunities, you surround yourself with difficulties and problems who ruin your life. Your body limits your freedom, etc.” For them, the afterlife is still here! Modern science has collected sufficient material confirming that the body really significantly limits our capabilities. Outside the body, thinking improves, it becomes possible to see and hear what you could not see before. Please note that recovery occurs faster during sleep - which means that the body is interfering here too.

Before communicating with spirits, try to understand that in front of you there is a person just like you, only you cannot see him, because your organs of perception are not developed. The problem is not with him, but with your imperfection. Develop in yourself superpowers and you will see and hear this world. Learn to leave your body and it will become your home. So the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said in the 90s that “... in the futureHard times will come on Earth and people will begin to get rid of bodies. You can live without a body, only spirit, only energy, like the dead.” . As you can see, these skills will be useful to many of us.

Next to us is a huge, spiritual world, with its laws of physics, space, time and its amazing "spiritual matter". A world that contains the wisdom and knowledge of millions of years. The world of wise teachers and our spiritual brothers. This is the world from which each of us comes and to which, in time, each will have to return. To put it even more simply, this is your home - knowledge about which people vitally need. Ignorance of the spiritual world causes many people to make mistakes, the price for which awaits us all ahead...

How to call Spirits. Summoning Spirits is not difficult. However, the session of spiritualism itself must be taken very seriously. First of all, read this book, which explains what are spirits and the spiritual world Perhaps after reading what the Spirits tell about themselves, you will find answers to the questions that interest you.

The simplest spiritualistic experiments are obviously accessible to everyone. I mean those simplest calling of Spirits with the help "ouija board" which many people did, especially in childhood, to predict fate, tell fortunes about the groom and other nonsense - this is how the Spirits themselves evaluate them. Spiritualism should not be practiced by people who are stupid, have a weak psyche, or are easily suggestible, and children too. Although, as they say, in America “Ouija boards” are sold in children’s stores as a game for summoning the Spirit.

How scary is this? The Spirits themselves answer this question like this: “You need to be afraid of living people, they are much more evil!”

The simplest “Ouija board” is made like this: b tear up a large sheet of paper. The alphabet is written in 2 rows on top, the 3rd row is the numbers from 0 to 9. Below they draw 2 circles with the inscriptions “Yes” and “No”. A large circle is drawn between them; the session begins with it and ends with it. A simple “board” is ready. There is no specific type of “board” - it just needs to be convenient both for you and for the “spiritual person” who comes to communicate with you. To show letters, they usually take an inverted saucer with an arrow drawn on it. If you are going to communicate many times, then gradually improve your "communication device".

When preparing for a communication session, try to be more serious - perhaps the spirit with whom you will communicate is already next to you - watching what is happening, what you say and think. How you treat him is how he treats you!

When the “ouija board” is ready, it is placed on the table. Two or more people sit around the table and touch the saucer - as the Spirits explain - at this time they seem to control the energy emanating from you, which allows the saucer to move.

During the session, you can turn off the light, light a candle, or use any other “props” that will help you get into the “role” and focus on the session itself. Don’t try to think about all sorts of devilry - don’t force yourself and your spirit into it.

Place the saucer in the empty circle. Say several times: “I call upon the spirit of “this one.” Then ask: “Is the spirit of “that” you here?” If no one answers, then call another spirit or repeat again. If he has arrived, the saucer will move towards the “YES” circle. Ask if they want to talk to you - because sometimes this happens against their will. If he agrees, then you can ask him the questions that interest you. Try to write them in advance so as not to ask random questions and not seem worse than you really are.

The invocation mechanism itself is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Please note that when you pronounce the words of evocation, they are inaudible even in the next room. But they can be heard perfectly over vast distances, in a different density, on the other side of the planet. Cases are described when the spirits of people embodied on other planets and in other civilizations come to the challenge. Another interesting mechanism in evocation is that sometimes they appear against their will. That is why you should always ask if the spirit wants to talk to you.

The evocation mechanism is based on telepathy and operates not only in the spiritual world. So, you probably noticed that if you want to see a person, then after a while he either calls or appears - this is also a calling, so it can be used in everyday life. It occurs as a mental attunement to the person you need.

Who to call . You know that in communication there is a “law of sympathy”, that is, equals communicate with equals. In the spiritual world we will use this law even more. Spirits do not communicate all in a row - they gather in groups according to affiliation, excellence, interests, etc. This happens, obviously under the influence of some law of physics - since it also manifests itself in simpler forms of life.

Based on this law, callspirits “The spirit of Pushkin” - which they so love to evoke - will not come to you - you are not Lermontov! However, if your occupation is poetry, you can call upon the spirits of poets. If an artist - the spirits of artists, etc. Do not forget that the spirit is also looking at you - are you an interesting interlocutor - will you understand his reasoning. Wouldn't communicating with you be a waste of time, etc.

If your thought is not yet sufficiently formed, it is better to call the house spirits that live in your house. Kam, more than they, knows all your desires, problems, affairs and affairs. Moreover, most likely these are spirits that sympathize with you. Next are the spirits of relatives and acquaintances with whom, naturally, you had good relationships during your lifetime.

Another example that often happens is that they call upon the spirits “Cheburashkas, Vinipukhs, spirits of death,” etc. If you remember, there were no such personalities in history, which means there cannot be spirits after them. The lowest spirits of homeless criminals, drunks and other “Cheburashkas” will respond to your invitation. These live by their own law - “if you get dirty yourself, get someone else dirty.” Therefore, the “spirit of Winipuh” can swear at you - this also happens sometimes. If your spiritual interlocutor is below you, try to make him feel your spiritual superiority. This is a guarantee that your home will not turn into a gathering of low spirits in the future.

If something incomprehensible is already happening in your house, then do not panic - it’s just that a spiritual entity wants to draw your attention to itself. Try to first understand what they want from you. Perhaps they want to tell you something or warn you about something.

When asked how to get rid of such a neighborhood, the spirits themselves give the following advice: you need to become smarter yourself! If smart spirits leave your home, it means look for the reason in yourself, in your life. Change your thoughts and good Spirits will return to your home - your friends and helpers.

In our world, the worse, angrier, more aggressive a person is, the more weight he has in society. Since the soul of these “humanoids” is small, it cannot influence the lusts of the body. The larger the soul becomes, the more strength it gains and the more moral restrictions it places on the person in whom it resides.

In the spiritual world, wise and kind spirits have great weight and great opportunities. It seems like simple physics, but this “mechanism” makes it possible for higher worlds to become purer.

What questions to ask. You can ask any questions. True, spirits cannot answer some questions - obviously, there are some prohibitions for our own good. Usually, for some reason, spiritualism is confused with fortune telling about grooms. Spiritualism (from the word spirit - spirit) has nothing to do with fortune telling . The task of spirits is not to entertain, but to educate, because they are higher than people. Below we can offer an approximate list of topics that may interest you:

● Spiritualism is communication, as we have already said, with spiritual people who are in the spiritual world and have enormous knowledge and capabilities in understanding the world. You are practically communicating with people who have found themselves on another planet. Probably everyone is interested in the world into which each of us will sooner or later end up - that is, issues of world order.

● Another interesting topic could be questions about identity of spirits- that is, ask who the spirit with whom you communicate was - his name, surname, where he worked, whether there are relatives now, whether they have a telephone number or address, whether he wants to tell them news about himself. Many people, when they die, leave many unfinished questions. The inability to settle them torments the spirits in the next world. As you probably read, the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga helped convey messages from dead people to living relatives. Do a good deed - help both.

●Another group of interesting questions – search for missing people. Hundreds of thousands of people disappear around the world every year – many die unknown. You could try to find them with the help of spirits.

● The following is crime detection. In every house where a crime was committed, dozens of “invisible eyes” watched everything. Spirits could not only help solve, but also prevent crimes that have not yet been committed.

As you know, many murders remain unsolved. The police arrive, record something and leave. But if we could see what is invisible, we would see that the spirit of a murdered person, after the murder, is always near his body. He tries to tell, but he can’t! Help him and you will rid the world of crime.

●Perfume, as we have already said, is a big source of knowledge, including scientific ones in the field of chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy. Recently there was interesting news on TV - a group of chemist scientists from some Siberian institute, summoning the spirit of D. Mendeleev, asked him to help in solving some scientific problem. Which is what was done. Further, the spirit of Mendeleev said that not all of his works are known to people and even named the shelves in the archives where these works are stored.

● Many socially significant people who were the face of our era are leaving our lives. In fact, they have not gone anywhere. They are all alive, are next to us and could, with the authority they had during their lifetime, help living people in a new way, take a look at our lives. You can call such “spiritual people” as: Yuri Gagarin, Vladislav Listyev, Vladimir Vysotsky, Viktor Tsoi, Igor Talkov, academician Svyatoslav Fedorov, etc. As the spirits themselves say - the worst thing for them is oblivion– people’s good memory contributes to their spiritual growth.

In order to better focus on connecting with the spirit, find a photo of a person on the Internet and try to find out as much as possible about him - so as not to ask unnecessary questions. It’s better to ask them what we are doing wrong in our lives and what awaits us ahead.

●In the world many mysteries of history– somewhere lies the “Amber Room”, “Library of Ivan the Terrible”, “Treasures of Napoleon”, etc. Perhaps Stepan Razin and E. Pugachev will not show you their buried chests. But many large valuables were transported and hidden with the help of prisoners of war and slaves, who were then killed. It makes no sense for them to remain silent. Ask them - maybe they will help you.

The secret here is that there are many legends that in the last years of human life, people will many secrets from their history have been revealed. This is why so much knowledge has recently emerged that was previously secret.

●As we said above, in the house of a person who is engaged in traditional medicine, spirits usually gather to help him in this. As you know, there is even a separate section of traditional medicine based on conspiracies and prayers - that is, on the help and participation of spirits.

●Another equally interesting topic – communication with aliens. As we have already said, the entire Universe communicates using telepathy. It is technically impossible to create anything more perfect than this! Therefore, when you call upon spirits, both spirits from higher worlds and aliens may appear. Although both of them use a more advanced form of communication with people - channeling - that is, the transmission of thoughts through a cantacter. However, if you are a worthy interlocutor or your problem is of interest to higher entities, they can also contact you through a “ouija board.”

As the spirits themselves say - they are always reluctant to answer questions regarding a person’s personal benefit. There were also instructive cases. So at the beginning of the 20th century - when spiritualistic seances were in fashion - for one merchant, spirits helped him play on the stock exchange, telling him which stocks to bet on. At the same time, there was a condition that he had to give part of the money to the church and to poor people. The man became quite rich, but one day he lost everything - the spirits asked him to build a church - but he refused...

Other types of spiritualism . Above we looked at the simplest option for communicating with spirits, available to every person - even children. Many of you have obviously already tried this communication mechanism in your youth for fortune telling or fortune telling. Another simplest communication option is using a “pendulum”. A circle with a diameter of 15–18 centimeters is drawn on a small sheet of paper. The letters of the alphabet are written in a circle. Inside the circle are the words “yes” and “no”. Attach the needle to a thread 40 centimeters long. Take this pendulum by the end of the thread and hang it over a point in the center of the circle. Then you call as usual - the needle, deviating from the center, will begin to show letters. Conventionally, all mechanisms of communication with spirits can be divided into the following:

Spiritualism- this is when spirits control the movement of an object. An object with an arrow on it can show the letters that make up the text. People learned experimentally that a movable object, such as a board with a pencil attached to it, can write letters by moving. Subsequently, we realized that we could do without a tablet - holding a pencil in our hands. The spirit, controlling the human hand, writes the text itself. This is how automatic writing appeared.

Automatic letter - this is when spirits control your hand. Such communication gives a great advantage, since the speed of communication increases. People who write under the influence of spirits - mediums - are, as it were, their translators. In this case, the spirit does not enter your body at all, as is sometimes said, but simply controls your hand.

Automatic writing was discovered in the mid-19th century, greatly simplifying communication with spirits. This made it possible, even at that time, to obtain a large amount of information about the spiritual world.

Controlling a person’s hand allows the spirit not only to write text, but also to play musical instruments, draw pictures, etc. d History knows many examples when mediums, with the help of spirits, painted paintings by old authors, with both hands, on two canvases at the same time.

Automatic writing is used by more mature spirits. Evocation occurs in exactly the same way as in spiritualism. To begin with, try asking the spirit during spiritual communication whether he can write with your hand. If he says that he can, take the pencil in your hand, put it on a piece of paper and relax...

Channeling – the most perfect version of communication in the spiritual world. If "spiritualism" and "automatic writing" were invented by people, then channeling This a natural mechanism of communication throughout the Universe, based on the telepathic transmission of information through the consciousness of a being. It's not just contact with any non-human intelligence. Channeling is the organization of a stable channel of communication with higher intelligent beings - both spirits and aliens.

Word channeling- English. Comes from the wordchannelthat is, "channel". The people involved in channeling are usually called simply "channels", and those who convey information to them are called mentors or teachers.

Channelingnot only a means of communication, but also a kind of information system, somewhat similar to our Internet. By becoming a “channel” you gain access to the knowledge of “mentors” throughout the Universe. As we have already said, helping others is one of the most important tasks of the intelligent world, so mentors are always willing to share the information you need.

Not only information, but also energy is transmitted through channels. So, the “reiki” healing system you know, which is now becoming increasingly widespread, is nothing more than channeling, or rather only a part of it, since only the possibilities of energy healing are used.

Here it is reasonable to assume that the “system of channels” is the very mechanism that unites the entire cosmos and all of nature into a single whole, making it look like a “single organism”

In our lives, we don’t even realize that we very often use this “information system,” calling it “spiritualization.” Many creative people know this state when, having tuned in to some information, it suddenly begins to flow into their heads. You just need to have time to write it down, sketch it, remember it, etc. This is the simplest channeling. Be careful and you will learn to use it.

We are very often surprised at the genius of some people - Pushkin, Mozart, Repin, Mendeleev, Einstein - these are the channels through which the necessary information entered our civilization. Here it is also necessary to recall that prophets are also channels. All teachings and prophecies are written with the help of the Spiritual world.

Summoning spirits or aliens in channeling occurs in much the same way as in spiritualism. However, if you want to call someone specifically, as the aliens explain, you must be able to tune in to the vibration of that Being, or that Civilization with which you want to communicate.

Hypnosis.An interesting version of the study of the spiritual world is described in the book "Journey of the Soul." book author Dr. Michael Newton famous American hypnotherapists our time. His book is structured in the form of dialogues with patients whom Dr. M. Newton, using his own methods of regressive hypnosis, introduced into a superconscious state, during which they remembered what happened to them between physical incarnations, where the soul goes after the death of a person, how it works and what spirits do in that world. Probably there would be a book too incredible, if everything were not so simple - in every city there is at least one hypnotist who can test everything described in this book! By paying a small amount you can find out all the ins and outs about yourself - what bodies and worlds you incarnated in, how you lived and how you died, why exactly your life is going this way and how it will end... but will you want to live after this?

How to see a spirit . When a person communicates with the Spirit, he lacks the ability to see or feel his interlocutor. It is on the invisibility of the spiritual world that skeptics base their denials. However, each of you can, if not see, then at least feel your interlocutor using ordinary metal frames, if you have some dowsing skills. We already talked about how to do this in the previous chapter. With the help of frames, you feel not just the spirit itself, but its habits - it becomes for you, albeit invisible, but a real living being. A day later, it could be felt without limits by the density of its material and chill. Using the same framework, you can ask the simplest questions - “yes” - move, “no” - move apart.

You've probably read more than once that sometimes perfumes are captured on photographic film - sometimes as a blurry white spot, more like a technical defect. Sometimes, in the form of a blurry image of a person. So in recent TV news it was shown that in one of the Baltic stores, security cameras recorded a translucent image of a person moving between the rows with goods.

Most often, such images of white spots are recorded on film near religious buildings, near icons, in cemeteries, etc. If you have a camera or video camera, then you can do some experiments yourself to find spirits.

Very often you can hear or read stories from people who have seen manifestations of spirits in the form of “white ghosts”, “black ghosts”, visible bodies, etc. - we have already said that the matter of which their bodies are made allows them to take any form , as well as becoming denser and becoming visible. This does not happen so often because, as the spirits themselves say, they are not allowed to interfere in the lives of people without the permission of higher spirits.

Such manifestations are obviously necessary so that people do not forget about the existence of the spiritual world and God! Pilgrims rush to the places where they saw spirits, they become “saints” and some miracles, healing, etc. actually happen there. Behind all this there are good spirits who serve people and with whom until recently you may have lived in the same house.

Hello dear reader. Today I want to tell you about the phenomenon of electronic voice (or electronic voice phenomenon). I will briefly outline what it is and how. People can talk to spirits using audio recordings. Let me give you an example: a voice recorder is taken, the recording is turned on and questions are asked, while waiting for the expected answers, silence is observed for some time. Afterwards, the resulting audio recording is transferred to a computer and processed in a program (for example, Adobe Audition), the volume is increased and checked for the presence of extraneous voices. We took up this topic relatively recently, but have already collected some material. So, the above example is not the only one, I talk about some of them in this video:

I dare say that I have not outlined all the methods, but only those that are achievable and do not require much effort. Next, my companion did several tests:

And then we came to the method for which this was all planned. This is a radio method. It consists of turning on a channel on the radio that is not clogged with anything, placing a microphone in front of them and asking questions; all this, of course, is recorded.

I can’t help but throw out the suggested frequencies that I dug up in some manual on EHF. Here they are:

● Frequencies (the times at which the tests were carried out (not by us) are indicated in brackets):

1100 kHz - Good connection, quiet. 10 a.m;

63.1-63.4 MHz - Good connection, long replies... There is practically no noise. Around the clock;

28.03 MHz - Stable connection. After 22 pm.

Transfrequencies according to Zenkovsky:

150 - 160 KHz;

1.1 - 1.3 MHz;


The frequencies are not given exactly; variations up or down are possible. Try it, maybe some of this will work. The best results in the radio method have so far been shown by short waves and VHF, if you move slightly to the side of the transmitting station. A quasi-speech background is necessary; against the background of “white noise” the result is unsatisfactory.

I can’t help but share our experience with the radio method:

And frequency surfing, which was recorded just in case, looking ahead, I’ll say that it’s not in vain:

In conclusion of this post, I want to say that radio and other tests will continue, perhaps we will find a way to conduct a dialogue with voices from the subtle worlds, because we have a near-dialogue and monologue, we would like better results. I’m posting the playlist for convenience and pleasant viewing.

The topic of communicating with the souls of the dead always arouses great interest. But why do we need this? Now few people can answer this question. Although in ancient times people knew that deceased ancestors could convey a lot of valuable information from the other world and provide assistance. For example:

pass on traditions;
influence natural phenomena;
warn of danger;
give advice in solving life situations;
assist in healing.

There are different ways to communicate with the other world. One of them is Spiritualism. Spiritualism is communication with the souls of the dead, summoning them using various techniques, including through mediums.
But for the Spiritualistic seance to be successful, a positive attitude of all participants is necessary. It is also very important to properly contact and choose the spirit with which you are going to communicate. Since there is very little psychic energy in the world of spirits, and during a session the participants release psychic energy, many different spirits are eager to make contact, and not always positive ones. Only if the mood of the participants and the leader is correct, only then will there be communication with exactly the spirit who is being called. If there is fear, disbelief, or other negative emotions, then low-level spirits come to such energy. Because of this, the ritual participants themselves may suffer. Surely many have heard stories about unsuccessful sessions, where objects flew, the spirit cursed, or that after the session one of the participants never recovered.

A spiritualistic seance can be carried out with a saucer, with a pendulum and in other ways. Also part of spiritualism is mediumship, when a medium comes into contact with the spirit. And thanks to his ability to feel and see the world of spirits, a person becomes an intermediary between people and their deceased relatives.

But the oldest and most natural way of communicating with the world of the dead is through shamanic rituals. The shaman himself is the person who always communicates between the world of people and the world of spirits. And, of course, he sees and hears the souls of the dead. With the help of a shamanic ritual, a shaman can:
- communicate with the dead;
- restore, revive and strengthen the family;
- the shaman also accompanies the souls of the dead to another world, when for some reason they did not find peace and did not go to the world of their ancestors

If the soul of the deceased did not go to another world, but remained in ours and returned to his loved ones, then most often this brings a lot of inconvenience and destroys the life of the living. When the soul of the deceased is near his relatives in this world, they, feeling his presence, begin to think about him, worry, and suffer. The souls of the dead feed on this energy and remain in this world due to it. As a result, the living person suffers, and the soul cannot go to another world.
For example, if the soul of a deceased spouse is next to a widow, then no other man can be near her. He will subconsciously feel that the place next to her is occupied.

If something like this happens, then you need to urgently contact a shaman.

In my practice there was such a case: My student Katerina from the Urals, her husband was killed. She was left with two sons, wonderful boys, 4 and 7 years old. At first, Katerina herself was very upset about the loss of her beloved and only man in her life. But thanks to spiritual practices, she quickly coped with her serious condition. And after a while she discovered that her children constantly began to catch colds. At first I didn’t pay attention, because all children get sick, especially if they went to kindergarten. But one evening I accidentally heard my youngest son talking loudly to his father. And when I listened, it turned out that the child sees his father and communicates with him. The soul of the deceased father did nothing bad to his son, but through communication the child’s energy flowed to his father, so the boy began to get sick. This story ended well, we performed a shamanic ritual and helped the soul of the deceased husband return to another world. Now the children are not sick.

You can also talk to the soul of the deceased through hypnosis. This method is more suitable for people who have not yet practiced trance states much, or who experience fear, or who only need one-time communication with the soul of the deceased. Of all the types of hypnosis, hypnosis according to the Gyud system is most suitable.

The greatest number of contacts with the other world among ordinary people occurs through dreams. Often a person is afraid of such dreams and tries not to tell anyone about them. This fear is due to ignorance. It is important to know that dead souls cannot do anything bad to us.
A person is safe in a dream! But if you want to understand what they are telling you in a dream, then you need to tune in correctly. Before going to bed, place a notebook with a pen at your head. Lying in bed, completely relax, on the inner screen imagine the face of the ancestor with whom you want to communicate. And imagine it until a feeling of a living presence appears. This means that contact with him has been established. Then formulate a question and ask it mentally, clearly, respectfully, and go to sleep. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, write down the entire dream in detail. Don’t put it off for later, the memory of the dream fades very quickly.

If you want to constantly receive the help of your ancestors, you feel that you need to work with your family, then you need an amulet. This is a special amulet for communicating with the other world, which protects its owner. The spirit living in it will protect you from other spirits and souls that may try to contact you in the hope of receiving energy.

The book “SECRETIES OF THE DEAD” was recently published - this is the rarest and only work about the world of the dead! This is where you will gain maximum knowledge about the other world.

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