How to painlessly survive your husband’s betrayal: key advice from a psychologist. How to forgive your husband's betrayal? Advice from a psychologist I can’t forget and forgive betrayal

“I can’t forget my husband’s betrayal,” almost every women’s forum is replete with desperate cries of unhappy women. When thinking about how to come to terms with infidelity, remember that most people have been through this. This means that it is possible to survive any test.

How to accept betrayal if you can’t calm down? You need to give free rein to your emotions: cry, talk to your friends. Listening to sad music has a kind of therapeutic effect. Go for a brisk walk, go to the gym. Physical activity will support the psyche in a difficult situation. Holding onto negativity eats away from the inside. So try to keep your hands busy with something useful. You need to give vent to your anger. The main condition is not to show the outburst of feelings to the culprit.

The advice of a psychologist states that speaking out is useful. However, by reproaching your chosen one, you risk moving away from him more. Therefore, it is better to use the “empty chair” technique. Imagine your lover sitting on the chair opposite. Speak to empty space. The feeling of resentment finds a way out through spoken phrases, and the level of risk of conflict escalation is reduced.

Accept the fact of what happened

Letting go of the pain is the only right way.

There is no way to change what happened. Betrayal has happened, it is impossible to return the past. All that remains is to create a happy future. Try to fill the following days with exclusively positive emotions.

Make the offender repent

Cheaters usually try to blame their wives. Sometimes the root cause of male betrayal is indeed the coldness of the chosen one. However, often the unfaithful person tries to justify himself: to arouse pity by blaming his wife. You cannot allow yourself to feel guilty. Shifting responsibility is a childish act. The cheating spouse is a fairly mature man.

How to forgive your husband for cheating when the traitor refuses to admit the mistake? Sincere repentance is the only correct way to improve relationships. Immature individuals who avoid responsibility usually try to evoke pity. Before you say, “I can’t forgive my husband’s betrayal,” make the culprit learn a lesson and sincerely repent. Otherwise, there is a risk of repeating the act.

Straight Talk

Cheating on a husband is sometimes provoked by the behavior of his wife. Try to find out the real reason for the cooling. Discuss the problem with him. Frank discussions will restore mutual understanding and restore sincerity to relationships.

Listen carefully to your loved one. Stay calm and try to control your emotions. An aggressive attack will provoke the adoption of a defensive position, and it will become difficult for the culprit to open up his inner feelings. Only peaceful negotiations can resolve the conflict.

In addition to understanding how to forgive your husband after cheating, understanding the real reason for the betrayal can subsequently qualitatively improve the union.

Remember the joyful moments

Remember the happy moments of marriage. Try to experience old feelings again. Renew your sense of joy, trust, respect. Reliving happy family events will help you gain peace of mind. Memories of the past will make you afraid of losing your lover who has stumbled.

Celebrate your spouse’s strengths and say it out loud. A hint on how to forgive your husband for the pain caused will arise unconsciously. A generous, friendly attitude will bring out the positive qualities of a marriage.

Live separately

A temporary break will create conditions for thinking about the events that have happened and comprehending the value of marriage. Thinking over the problem in private will help you regain independence; the decision on how to forgive your husband’s betrayal will be the most correct. After parting for a while, you will understand what to do next. Perhaps the temporary absence of his beloved will make the chosen one feel bored and try to return his beloved. Definitely, spending time alone helps restore inner peace and find spiritual comfort.

Find new hobbies

Find an interesting hobby. Take full advantage of your free hours. The depressed state will gradually cease to bother you. Play sports. Physical exercise relieves stress and produces happiness hormones. Yoga will help you find harmony. Embroidery, photography, remodeling an apartment - any activity will distract you and give you positive emotions. Monotonous hand work is especially soothing.

Take care of the children

Children protect your sanity and give you strength to get through difficult times. Organize walks together, communicate more often. Pay special attention to your child. Sensitive children always notice the spoiled relationships of their parents. You need to try to carefully explain to your child the reasons for the removal. But it is necessary to remember: you cannot punish the father by prohibiting him from communicating with his offspring. Adults need to solve problems on their own.

Boost Your Self-Esteem

How to forget your husband’s betrayal and, most importantly, how to accept betrayal, really understand it only by regaining your self-esteem.

Insecure women have a hard time dealing with betrayal. Confident people, on the contrary, know the value of female attractiveness.

Men like women who are a little confident. Therefore, communicate, have fun, attract the attention of men. Update your wardrobe, visit beauty salons. Increase your own self-esteem.

Remember compliments: loved ones, employees, especially boyfriends. Ask your lover to describe your strengths. Better write it down, re-read the notes. Betrayal is a challenge to self-esteem. Regain your own admiration for yourself.

Try to rebuild trust

Her husband’s betrayal, which happened once, can happen again. It is always difficult to regain lost trust. Explain to your lover the reasons for your anxiety. Late home, unreasonable delays, frequent calls can cause unpleasant thoughts for the spouse, because they can be signs of repeated infidelity.

Let the culprit work hard to win back trust again: fulfill requests to come home earlier, pick up the phone on time, share experiences. If the chosen one values ​​his wife, he will try to gain trust again.

Don't let jealousy

After a husband’s mistake, no matter how hard you try, it’s hard to trust a person again. Jealousy can completely ruin all attempts to establish harmony. However, try to find the strength to forget the offense. By checking your phone, computer, email, and endlessly interrogating, you risk unfairly offending your loved one. There may simply be no reason to be jealous. Jealousy can eat away at a lover from the inside. You need to realize: regaining a trusting relationship requires the efforts of both.

Take help from a specialist

Expert advice helps solve the problem of how to forgive your husband’s infidelity in the most correct way. When assessing a specific situation, a family issues consultant judges impartially. Sometimes deceived wives make the wrong decisions: they get divorced, take revenge on their mistresses, and stay with their constant womanizers. An outside opinion from a specialist will provide a beneficial service.

The advice of a psychologist assures that any difficult situation can be overcome.

Especially when both spouses are committed to making an effort. Many couples refuse to listen to outside advice. However, it is the specialist who will suggest methods for restoring trust, regaining respect, and helping to gain confidence. It's better to contact two people. However, if your spouse refuses to attend sessions together, come alone. The consultant will help you work through negative emotions - anxiety, resentment, pain, uncertainty, low self-esteem, depression.

Wait it out

You need to endure a certain period in order to finally let go of the offense. You shouldn’t pretend to be happy when there’s pain inside. Pretending to be happy will only make the problem worse. Give yourself time to figure out how to forget your husband’s betrayal and find the strength to move on.

Try to sincerely leave behind past grievances. You cannot remind your chosen one of old misdeeds. Constant reproaches will only intensify the conflict. Having decided to return your lover, forgive the betrayal forever. Endless reminders will push your chosen one away, causing additional irritation.

Sometimes such situations only strengthen the union. A kind of test of the strength of the marriage may be useful. Having tried another life, an unfaithful spouse often becomes convinced that there is no one better than his wife. Remember this when your lover begs for a second chance.


How to forgive your husband’s betrayal and move on if you don’t believe in the best? It is possible to survive any difficult situation. Bad periods in life go away, good ones always come in return. We live to experience the variety of human emotions. Sometimes you have to feel bitterness. There are many options for solving difficult problems.

Intending to save your family, try to sincerely forget and let go of the pain of betrayal. Accusations, reproaches and quarrels can only destroy the union. Endless searches for reasons complicate the situation. The marriage will survive thanks to positive emotions, support, and affection. Everyone deserves a second chance. Give yourself the opportunity to be happy first of all.

Betrayal by a loved one is the hardest blow for any woman. In one second, the world turns upside down and is filled with black colors. The woman is overwhelmed with a new range of emotions: pain, rage, resentment, disappointment. In this state it is easy to “break a lot of wood” and make irreparable mistakes. But stop, pull yourself together and think, is it possible to forgive betrayal?

"A Sound of Thunder!"

Every woman is different. Some have long suspected the faithful of all sins and finally find convincing evidence of treason. Others find out about everything thanks to a random SMS, and for others, the news of betrayal comes as a complete surprise. In any case, this awareness is a huge stress for a woman, which she does not always manage to cope with.

Post-traumatic mental disorder

On the Holmes and Ray stress scale, betrayal is equivalent to the death of one of the spouses. It is precisely these emotions that overwhelm a deceived woman. Before she regains the ability to think clearly and make informed decisions, she must go through five stages of accepting the situation:

  1. Shock. At this stage, it seems to the woman that everything that happened to her is someone’s ridiculous fiction, and even direct evidence of betrayal cannot make her believe in her husband’s betrayal.
  2. Deal. At this stage, women make the most mistakes. They begin to take many mutually exclusive actions in the hope of returning everything “to the way it was before.”
  3. Aggression. The anger caused by her husband's betrayal must inevitably have its way out. At this moment, noisy scandals begin with breaking dishes and mutual accusations. It was during this period that a deceived woman communicates with all her actions: “You betrayed me and it hurts me!”
  4. Sadness. This stage is characterized by long and painful memories of a happy past before the appearance of a rival. The woman becomes inert, looks at photographs for a long time and reacts painfully to her friends’ stories about her marital happiness.
  5. Reconciliation. The woman comes to terms with the situation, and the first thoughts begin to occur to her about whether she should forgive her husband’s betrayal. She begins to weigh the pros and cons, trying to somehow plan her future life. It is at this stage that you can begin negotiations with your husband and try to establish a life together.

How long does PTSD last?

Professional psychologists advise not to make radical decisions until you have gone through all five stages. For each woman they last for a different period of time. It depends on the age, upbringing and social status of the lady. On average, the path from “shock” to “reconciliation” takes about three months, which is best spent away from your unfaithful husband. Extra quarrels and scandals will only worsen the already difficult state of affairs. You should not approach major changes in your life guided by grievances and emotions.

Love and betrayal: a female perspective

Psychologically, it is very difficult for a woman to understand the reason for betrayal, and she plunges into the abyss of soul-searching in search of the culprit. In this process, she may make many mistakes that will significantly affect her self-esteem and future life. So, what happens to a woman who knows about her husband’s betrayal:

  1. A woman with irresistible force strives to get at least one glimpse of her rival. This should not be done under any pretext. Visualizing a rival will only aggravate the state of depression and melancholy in which the deceived wife is immersed. Think about it, if your rival turns out to be younger, more beautiful and more successful, what kind of blow will this cause to your pride? Psychologists note that the image of a rival is practically imprinted in a woman’s consciousness, and she begins to cultivate shortcomings (explicit or imaginary), causing pity for herself on the part of her husband and friends. To get out of this state, she will need many months of careful work on herself. Most likely, you will need the help of a professional psychoanalyst.
  2. The woman blames herself for everything that happened. Most often, this reaction occurs in women with a victim mentality. The deceived wife strives to correct the situation and become several times better than her rival. She extinguishes the anger caused by betrayal and activates the functions of mother, mistress and mistress, bringing them to almost perfection. Unfortunately, this path cannot help a woman survive her husband’s betrayal, and after a while she comes to the stage of aggression. In particularly difficult cases, suppressing anger can lead a deceived woman to the clinic of neuroses; quite often neuroses provoke the appearance of other diseases, such as ulcers and cancer.
  3. Overly emotional people throw out all their pain on a man. They see only him as the culprit for the betrayal that happened and in every possible way remind him of what happened. Unfortunately, a woman is not able to think rationally at such moments, and with her behavior she pushes her husband away. After some time, when emotions subside, the woman may understand that the family is already lost and the man has made the final decision by choosing a rival.

It is worth noting that any reaction of a woman to her husband’s betrayal is a normal and natural attempt to survive the situation. The main thing is that the woman allows herself to throw out negative emotions and approaches the solution of the problem with a sober head. If for six months she cannot cope with her emotions and her husband’s betrayal still causes her uncontrollable anger, she needs to contact a specialist who will help her approach the stage of “reconciliation” with the betrayal that happened.

Why is he cheating?

A clear understanding of the mechanism of male infidelity plays a big role in solving the problem of betrayal. For a woman, love and betrayal are absolutely incompatible things. A loving wife will always remain faithful to her man and accept him with all his shortcomings. The male psyche is structured differently, and various factors can serve as the cause of betrayal.

After analyzing the situation that caused the man to betray her, the woman can begin to find a way out of this difficult conflict. Most often there are only two ways:

  • acceptance of the situation and continuation of life together due to character, then be prepared for a repetition of the situation, but a single betrayal provoked by problems in the family will most likely never happen again);
  • preparation of documents for divorce.

Whatever the reason for the betrayal, before you say “You betrayed me!” and make a fateful decision, you need to consider the problem from several sides.

News of betrayal

Before deciding to divorce, it is worth analyzing how the news of the betrayal came to the family. Of course, it is necessary to begin such an analysis after all emotions have subsided, and only if the woman has come close to the moment of making a decision. There are a great many ways to find out about betrayal, but two of them clearly indicate that a man does not want to ruin his family and break off relations with his wife:

  1. Deliberately ostentatious evidence of treason. In some cases, men deliberately do everything to get caught by their other half. They leave pages on social networks open, put a phone with intimate correspondence or a receipt from a store in a visible place. All these actions have only one goal - to show the spouse that her urgent intervention and changes in the family are required.
  2. Conversation with a rival. Many women learn about their husband’s betrayal from their rival herself. She can call or come to a meeting to tell the details of her whirlwind romance. You should not show your emotions and immediately break off relations with your husband. Most often, this is exactly the reaction that the opponent hopes for. As practice shows, she is driven to such an act by the fruitless expectation of decisive action on the part of her lover. A man refuses to leave his family and continues his relationship with his wife, so the decision to open his eyes to betrayal becomes the only way to provoke his wife to divorce her unfaithful husband.

If you found out about cheating in any of the above ways, then you have every chance to save the marriage and start all over again.

Preparing for an important conversation

A conversation with an unfaithful husband requires maximum preparation and stress on the nervous system from a woman. Keep in mind that during the conversation there may be some pitfalls that you need to be prepared for:

  • cheating on a husband is not always a betrayal (many men do not consider physical betrayal a compelling reason to destroy a family);
  • denial of guilt (quite often men instinctively shift responsibility for what happened onto the shoulders of their wives and mistresses);
  • refusal of a serious heart-to-heart conversation.

Remember that an outburst of negative emotions will have a detrimental effect on communication with your husband; try not only to express your grievances, but also to hear his explanations. Don't try to play any role, it will not lead to a good result. Talk about your hurt, pain, disappointment, but do it calmly and as detached as possible. Don't be afraid to ask your husband questions and hear the answers. Perhaps this conversation will clarify many points in your family that you did not even notice before. Ideally, an honest and open conversation should tell you how to live after your husband's betrayal.

The beginning of the recovery from the crisis

If a heart-to-heart conversation took place and you still decided to save your relationship, then be prepared for long and difficult work. First of all, listen to your feelings. What would you like? How do you dream of building your life? What needs to be changed? husband and start all over again? Most likely, you will not find answers to these questions right away. And, believe me, you will never find it alone. You need to be in close contact with your husband, voicing all your emotions and desires. Many couples who successfully survived this stage noted that they had never before been as close to each other as after the betrayal. For most of them, the appearance of a mistress became an incentive for serious and positive changes in family life.

How to get rid of your rival?

Usually, after accepting the situation and deciding to save the family, the woman expects that the situation with her rival will resolve itself. But, unfortunately, the homewrecker does not disappear anywhere, and the woman finds herself in a new circle of grievances and claims. Many wives give an ultimatum and every day remind their husband of his nobility and his guilt before the family. This situation brings the couple to a new round of conflict, which often leads to separation of the spouses. How to behave in this situation? How to trust your husband after betrayal? How to make sure that your rival disappears from your life forever? Carefully observe your husband's behavior; most often he will compare two women in order to make a final decision. You shouldn’t be perfect and fearfully wait for a new day. Take care of yourself and stop worrying about your husband cheating on you. A woman who often leaves the house, takes care of her appearance and leaves free time for some activity that develops her personality, always arouses the interest of a man. Feel free to leave your children with your husband and ask him to spend time with them. The more time your man devotes to his family, the more negativity he will receive from his rival. As a result, the decision to save the family will seem to him the most faithful and the only correct one. Of course, trust in your husband will not be restored in a few days or even months. But here, visiting a family psychologist, reading special books or buying audio lectures can help you. You will be surprised how many women have faced this problem. Each answered the question of how to trust her husband after betrayal, and found her own ways to forgive her husband.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say with confidence that cheating is not the end of a relationship. According to statistics, many families become even closer and stronger after surviving betrayal. To save your family and find yourself again, psychologists advise you to carefully listen to the following recommendations:

  • be calm and self-confident, men cannot stand tears and violent hysterics;
  • analyze your spouse’s motives that pushed him to cheat;
  • your main weapon in the fight against your rival is humor; such a woman always remains above competition;
  • throw out all your negativity, but only when your spouse is not around;
  • Forgive your husband, even if you decide to break up with him, it will ease your soul and make you stronger;
  • know how to bear responsibility for the decision made (if you are keeping the family together, then exclude accusations against your spouse);
  • ask your husband for help in overcoming he always strives to be a knight and will do everything possible to regain your trust in him);
  • improve as a woman (every day strive to be better than yourself yesterday);
  • learn from your interlocutor (don’t just nod and agree with your husband, but really perceive his problems and troubles).

Be above the situation, and then betrayal will not become the element that in an instant will completely destroy the family you have carefully built.

Cheating is a frequently used word that is on everyone’s lips, and many of us are familiar with this concept firsthand. For example, betrayal of one’s homeland, betrayal of one’s principles, betrayal of a man. Such betrayals are more easily experienced compared to cheating on you. Especially when the legal spouse cheated. How to forget your husband's betrayal? Psychologist, to whom you turn is unlikely to give an answer more accurately than we do.

Statistics of male infidelity

Believe it or not, up to 95% of men have cheated at least once in their lives.

Only a small percentage of men have never cheated on their wives

The most surprising thing is that in a legal marriage this figure is much higher than in a civil marriage or simply in a relationship without cohabitation. Paradox? No. An elementary female misconception - once we got married, it means he is mine forever, unconditionally, and irrevocably.

And women’s logic works in the wrong direction: “Since we are married, he will not dare to cheat on me. Now, if we didn’t live together, then he would…” And the woman, hidden or open, never tires of reminding the man about this. Such a burden of responsibility puts pressure on the generally weak male psyche. I want to open the circle of restrictions. And the forbidden fruit was always sweeter.

Women's mistakes

At the same time, women themselves often forget about their responsibilities. By switching completely to a man, they forget to take care of themselves. Where do bitch wives come from?

After marriage they turn from beautiful, kind, gentle loved ones. Meanwhile, marriage is not the end, but only the beginning. As they say: “Watch yourself, not the man. And then the man will watch you.”

Don't think that you are the only one relaxing after marriage. Many men are also sure that now you will not go anywhere, and even betrayal will not be a reason for your leaving.

But they are already afraid of losing a well-groomed, strong, stylish and confident woman. However, there is a fact of male polygamy. Some skillfully hide infidelity, caring in some way about their wife.

The infidelity of others can be described as “you want it and you want it.” When a man cheats, but at the same time does not know how to do it unnoticed by his wife. And some people don’t think about their soulmate at all, guided by the motto “endure everything.”

Such husbands often talk about infidelity themselves, removing the burden from their conscience and shifting the pain of information onto their wife. And how, in this case, can one forgive, and most importantly, forget betrayal? Especially if the faithful does not want to leave the family. How to behave with your husband after his betrayal?

If you are sure of an isolated case of betrayal and do not want to make it public, in order to avoid a scandal and to save the family, then be prepared for insomnia and strained relationships.

In any case, everything secret becomes clear sooner or later. It’s better to share your experiences with your husband in a timely manner and discuss the current situation. After all, problems that roll up like a snowball will be more difficult to resolve.

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Intentional and regular violation of marital fidelity is acceptable only in those couples where such behavior is normal and does not hurt the feelings of the other partner. In families with a traditional view of things, a man’s affair on the side is the reason for the breakdown of a marriage and the destruction of the relationship of lovers. However, casual relationships on the side (forced, provoked) also happen, and under such conditions there is a chance to save the marriage. But how can you forget your husband’s betrayal and preserve a trusting relationship in the future?

Options for adultery

When deciding how to forget about your husband’s betrayal, women don’t think about whether the betrayal is physical (sex with another woman) or psychological. However, the consequences of both cases are different. In case of physical infidelity:

  • provocation, seduction without the desire of a man is possible. Excess alcohol, an aphrodisiac (a drug that stimulates sexual desire), a drug, an altered state of mind as a result of other reasons - and a faithful partner has sex with another woman, without controlling himself and not understanding what he is doing;
  • probably a frivolous attitude on the part of the spouse. He does not consider sex on the side a violation of obligations to his wife;
  • a man distinguishes between physical and emotional relationships. While loving, appreciating and respecting his wife, he is attracted to another partner and does not understand his wife’s resentment about this;
  • the husband is looking for variety in sex, not satisfying his needs with his wife (sexual perversions, intimacy with several partners at the same time, homosexuality, etc.);
  • a man wants to receive sexual release when intimate intimacy with his wife is impossible (complicated pregnancy and the postpartum period, illness, long-term absence).

Emotional infidelity has a different background:

  • the absence of a sexual relationship on the side does not prevent a man from emotionally distancing himself from his wife, ceasing to pay attention to her, or demonstrating in society his disdain and affection for another woman;
  • While continuing intimate relationships in marriage, the spouse satisfies all emotional needs on the side.

Combining physical connection with another partner and emotional distance is the most difficult case. At the same time, a woman should not think about how to forgive and forget your husband's betrayal, but to decide whether the relationship is worth saving.

Is it worth forgiving?

A one-time casual relationship with a stranger can be the result of a man’s mistake, carelessness, or emotional breakdown. If the spouse is ready to accept him after this, the marriage may well be saved.

If sexual relations with several (outside) partners in a married couple are the norm and are not perceived as a violation of fidelity, we are not talking about infidelity. Freedom of relations allows this option of marriage, subject to the voluntary consent of the spouses (partners in an unregistered marriage).

A woman who is emotionally independent of her husband will easily survive his betrayal if it does not infringe on her interests and rights. Example: an arranged marriage is formalized in such a way that the spouses are not obliged to remain faithful; third-party relationships are permissible, provided that external decency is observed.

You should not think about how to forget your husband’s infidelity and listen to people’s advice on this topic if infidelity creates incorrigible psychological discomfort. In the case when third-party connections of a marriage partner humiliate a woman in the eyes of children and relatives, close people, violate her marital and property rights, bring pain and cause illness (emotional breakdowns with severe psychosomatic manifestations) - you should think about how forget your husband after cheating.

Women's attitude towards a man's infidelity

The range of emotional reactions is large, but the main typical options stand out:

  • Adultery is betrayal, regardless of the reason. You cannot continue to live with a traitor. If divorce is not possible, marriage becomes a “battlefield”;
  • an accidental violation of fidelity - for the first time, unintentionally - can be forgiven, a constant and conscious connection - not;
  • the spouse made a mistake, we need to help him forget the mistake and not reproach him;
  • Sex on the side is dangerous, there is a high risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease or an illegitimate child. Let him “walk”, but the health and presence of children must be monitored;
  • if sex with another woman, one-time or permanent, does not in any way affect the attitude towards the family - why not;
  • Let him sleep with whoever he wants, what's the difference.

The attitude changes from complete rejection of infidelity to an indifferent attitude.

The behavior patterns of betrayed wives are associated with emotional reactions.

  1. Parting with a deceiver without the right to restore the marriage.
  2. Tossing between “I can’t forget my husband’s betrayal, what should I do?!” and constant attempts at reconciliation until immediate divorce and severance of all ties. The final result depends on external circumstances and the behavior of the man.
  3. Preserving a family for a period of 1...5 years with conflicts and jealousy. Usually this is the result of a situation where you cannot forget your husband’s infidelity.
  4. A thoughtful analysis of the reasons for extramarital sex, a serious conversation with your husband, maintaining a marriage without quarrels and conflicts. In this case, the advice of a psychologist on the topic “How to forget your husband’s betrayal and not reproach him” will be very helpful.

Algorithm of actions if you want to save your family

Appeals to psychologists on the topic “Help me forget my husband’s infidelity” and analysis of situations from the lives of married couples helped to develop a set of actions to help understand the situation and preserve the family and a favorable climate in it.

  1. Collection of information and analysis of the action. Considering that information about infidelity can be unreliable (reported by an envious woman, a fellow competitor, ill-wishers), it is necessary to check the data received. First-hand information is also important - from the man himself.
  2. Analysis of your own attitude to the problem.
  3. Developing a solution - saving the marriage, “probationary period”, separation. The spouse's opinion is also taken into account, but the main decision is up to the injured party.

If you decide to give the man time to correct the mistake or save the couple without conditions, you must:

  • discuss with your spouse the reasons and consequences of his action, make sure of his desire to change the situation and save the marriage;
  • increase the spouse’s share of participation in family life - raising children, solving financial issues, and household affairs;
  • do not refuse physical intimacy, meaning sex and tactile communication at all levels;
  • reconsider your own behavior, attitude towards your partner and life - perhaps the reason for infidelity does not lie in the man.

If the husband considers adultery to be normal and intends to change his mind, but for the wife the situation is unacceptable, divorce becomes the only way out. If it is necessary to preserve the marriage for financial, material and other reasons, a warning about an impending divorce forces the spouse to reconsider his attitude towards adultery, learn to hide it, or abandon it in order to continue the marriage.

How long does it take for psychological adaptation?

The phrases “I can’t forget my husband’s betrayal after a year” or “is it possible to forget my husband’s betrayal in a few months” signal: the emotional trauma for a woman is great and requires a long period of “healing”. Marital infidelity destroys a wife's self-confidence and lowers her self-esteem. It takes several months or years to restore previous psychological attitudes, depending on how difficult the breakup is and the character of the spouse. It will be good if during the recovery period a course of consultations with a psychotherapist is carried out or there is an activity that completely absorbs attention and energy.


No matter how much a woman worries about her partner’s third-party relationship, emotional stability and self-confidence can be restored. To do this, you need to remain calm and self-possessed, follow the reasonable advice of psychologists on how to forget your husband’s infidelity and calm down.

The main thing is to remember: life does not end with the infidelity of a spouse, sometimes it just begins with it.

What to do if your husband cheats? Many women at one time or another in their lives experience their husband’s infidelity. Married life cannot be called smooth; questions always arise in it that require close attention. You can’t just take it and let the situation take its course. A woman must, first of all, take care of her internal state, and only then decide on her further actions. Otherwise, you can make a lot of mistakes that can hardly be quickly corrected later. What to do after your husband cheats? How to forgive your husband's betrayal and move on? Let's try to understand these difficult issues.

Analysis of feelings

A woman who has encountered such a dramatic experience in life must definitely sort herself out. In most cases, thoughts about one’s own female inadequacy and unattractiveness immediately begin to come to mind. If such thoughts appear, you need to pay attention to them and work through the situation.

Does a woman feel sexy and in demand? Do you feel affection from your spouse? All this is very important, not a single aspect can be ignored. How to forgive your husband after cheating? Many women, without understanding their own feelings, immediately begin to think about whether they should forgive their husband’s infidelity.

You don’t want to lose your family, especially when the relationship has been built over the years and strengthened over time. In addition, a woman is often afraid of being alone. For this reason, she is ready to turn a blind eye to betrayal and pretend that she does not know about it.

Of course, such an approach will sooner or later cause the deepest internal conflict. The inability to open up and show your feelings can significantly complicate life and completely ruin your relationship with your spouse. This is why it is so important to be able to take care of yourself.

A situation of humiliation and neglect should not be allowed when a woman simply endures the situation for years and continues to live with her husband after his infidelity. The woman cannot forget her husband’s betrayal and suffers greatly. The opinion of a psychologist is usually aimed at restoring mental balance, at seeing some way out of the situation. The priest’s advice will also help you come to your senses and calm down.

This is the first thing you should try to get back after your husband’s betrayal. As a rule, pride is hurt if the husband cheated. The wife does not know how to behave, how to live further, so as not to destroy her own attitude towards herself. Respect for your person is what you need to take care of when it comes to adultery. If a woman stops respecting herself, she should not expect the same from her partner, since a man will always treat her the way she allows him to. What to do if your husband cheats? The advice of a psychologist helps to concentrate on what is truly important for a woman.

Self-respect begins with accepting your own strengths and weaknesses. Such a woman will never look sloppy in front of a man. She always cares about how she looks and what impression she makes on others. It is impossible to achieve respect for oneself if one allows situations of self-humiliation. At the moment when it becomes known that the question of how to survive your husband’s betrayal comes to the fore, you need to focus as much as possible on your feelings. The advice of a psychologist in this case will be very useful. You cannot ignore your own feelings, as this can lead to a complete misunderstanding of what is really happening. The feminine essence does not allow humiliation at all. That's why it's worth fighting to feel better. Then you won’t have to think about how to survive betrayal and divorce.

Free yourself from dependent relationships

Very often, representatives of the fair sex find themselves in situations where, for one reason or another, they are afraid of losing an unfaithful partner. Finding themselves in such a situation, they are not even thinking about whether to forgive their husband’s betrayal, but about how to survive their husband’s betrayal and save the family. The most important thing for them seems to be the physical presence of the one they call their loved one. However, few people seriously think that a truly close person will never resort to betrayal or hurt their soulmate.

Undoubtedly, cheating can destroy a relationship so that it will never be the same again. If you suspect your husband of cheating, you need to know what to do next. Otherwise, you can completely lose self-respect. Such women need to seriously think about whether it is worth forgiving their husband’s infidelity? Perhaps it is better to protect your own spiritual comfort? After all, no one will return a woman’s own happy sense of self, or bring her happiness, if she herself does not know how to be happy.

How to survive your husband's betrayal? It is unlikely that throwing a tantrum and wringing your hands will help in this situation. You need to find the strength to express your surging feelings. There is no need to remain silent and hope that everything will somehow return to normal on its own. What to do if your husband is constantly cheating?

How to forget your husband's betrayal? Psychologists advise taking him out for a frank conversation. Of course, this must be done delicately, without allowing any humiliation. A frank conversation will help you really understand the existing problem. When there is no mutual trust and agreement between spouses, they stop sharing intimate experiences with each other. The psychological component here is of great importance. If the husband admitted to cheating, then the conversation was not in vain. It will be possible to save the marriage only if both partners want to restore the relationship.

When a wife finds out that her husband is cheating on her, her entire inner world turns upside down. It becomes quite difficult for her to talk about familiar topics; she does not know how to live after her husband’s betrayal. This situation requires not just special attention, but also additional moral strength. Because if at such a moment there is simply no energy to cope with the situation, then it may drag on indefinitely. After all, there are indeed often cases when a husband cheats constantly, and a woman cannot forgive the betrayal.

As a result, it turns out that after some time the wife cheats on her husband herself. Such an act should be regarded not just as weakness, but as an inability to influence anything in the relationship. This is an unhealthy relationship where a woman makes herself completely dependent on her partner. For the sake of preserving imaginary values, she is ready to sacrifice everything, including her youth, beauty and optimistic outlook on life. Of course, with systematic repetitions of the situation, there is no question of any internal self-respect at all.

It’s better to experience betrayal and divorce from your husband once than to constantly rush around in fears and doubts. You should definitely try to call the man who cheated on him to account. If he is under no circumstances going to correct his mistake, divorce may be a worthy way out of the situation. When a husband constantly lies and behaves inappropriately towards a woman, she should think about whether she would be better off away from him. In this case, it is simply necessary to forget the person and calm down. This can only be done when he is far away.

After leaving the life of your other half, you can try to think about forgiveness. But you shouldn’t get ahead of events. How is it possible to forgive your husband’s betrayal before you forgive the one who cheated? If a husband cheats with enviable consistency, forgiving and forgetting becomes an impossible task. After all, it turns out that he intends to continue to lie, and is not going to change for the sake of a further happy life. No useful recommendations or advice from a psychologist on how to live after her husband’s betrayal will work if a woman does not work on herself.

Sincere repentance

Such a case occurs when adultery occurred by accident. For example, it can be a response to an insult or be a consequence of alcohol abuse. In this case, it becomes quite appropriate to think about how to forget your husband’s betrayal, and how to live after your husband’s betrayal. If a man sincerely repents of what he has done, then, of course, it would not be the best decision to immediately throw him out the door. The psychologist's advice will be useful to those who are thinking about how to forgive their husband's betrayal.

You should not multiply your suffering. However, a woman often does this unconsciously, completely unaware that she is thereby forcing herself to experience a traumatic event over and over again. How to forgive your husband's betrayal and move on? The main thing to understand is that you cannot force yourself to do anything. When a woman commits an act that contradicts her inner state, she loses her vitality. The energy begins to leave her. Absorbed in the question of how to forget her husband’s betrayal, she stops thinking about herself. And this cannot be allowed.


How to live after your husband's betrayal? Any woman can help cope with mental pain by taking care of her own beauty. Having transformed outwardly, it will be easier to survive the spiritual emptiness. First you need to restore your peace of mind, and then decide whether you need to forgive your husband’s infidelity.

Thus, the psychologist’s advice is addressed to those women who do not know what to do if their husband cheats. It is very difficult to survive when your husband cheats. Here you need to look at the situation, consider the problem from different angles. Is it possible to forgive your husband's betrayal? Yes, you can. But only if he himself repents of it.

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