Afrikantova before and after losing weight. Diet of Marina afrikantova

A participant in “House-2”, Marina Afrikantova, before her amazing transformation was no different from many other girls who were prone to being overweight, pretty, but, alas, unremarkable. It took the girl a month to transform from a well-fed lady into an elegant and slender beauty.

Mono-diets are not a solution

Afrikantova before and after her transformation are two different people. Marina admits that she had to work hard to achieve such stunning results. In 4 weeks the girl managed to lose about 25 kg! If earlier her weight was approaching 90 kg, now it is stably maintained at 56 kg.

Attempts to lose weight were made more than once, but ended in complete failure. The mono-diets that Marina used to lose weight caused a rapid loss of fluid and muscle mass, and a protective reaction was triggered in the body: it saved the energy obtained from foods for future use in cases of such stressful situations.

Returning favorite foods to the daily diet led to the addition of lost kilograms in a short time. Apart from worries and wasted nerves, nothing could be taken from the experience of the past. Before and after losing weight, Afrikantova’s figure did not change.

Physical training and a balanced menu are the main key to success

But the “House-2” participant was firmly committed to losing weight quickly. Marina Afrikantova understood that eating style cannot be a short-term measure, and the menu must include food that provides the body’s energy needs in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The girl reduced portions to a minimum and, to speed up the weight loss process, consolidated the results with daily 20-minute runs.

A balanced diet and physical training in the fresh air, as well as regular exercise for all muscle groups, led to the fact that fat reserves “melted” like cotton candy. Photos of Marina Afrikantova before and after dramatic changes in appearance clearly demonstrate this. Before following the new diet, Maria Afrikantova severely limited herself in food. Now, while losing weight, she allowed herself to eat:

  • vegetable salads seasoned with lemon juice;
  • apples;
  • a small piece of lean beef once a day;

The girl used healthy herbal infusions and green tea as drinks. Thus, the body received a whole range of useful microelements and protein necessary for the formation of muscle relief. The efforts were not in vain, and Marina Afrikantova made the participants of both the television project and fans of “House-2” gasp, again continuing to participate in the filming.

The amazing transformation of Marina’s facial features – plastic surgery or natural weight loss?

After losing weight, the girl not only changed her figure, but also her face. The round cheeks disappeared from her plump and pretty face. Eyes and lips became more expressive. The final touch to the new look was the choice of a beautiful hairstyle. Blonde, slightly curly locks favorably emphasize the refined features of the face and the beautiful line of the neck. Before these changes, Maria Afrikantova did not have much success with men, but now her circle of fans is growing every day.

The girl willingly gives television interviews, talking with journalists on various topics, but does not give clear answers to questions about facial plastic surgery. One can only guess about the reasons for the external transformation. Either her cheeks disappeared due to general weight loss, or Marina found a way to get rid of allergic swelling on her face, which she has suffered since childhood. In any case, the new feminine and very beautiful image suits the young TV star very well.

Before participating in the project, Maria Afrikantova was confident and continues to believe now that every person can achieve success in life if they go towards their cherished goal, overcoming their own laziness and doubts. This doesn't just apply to weight loss. People complain about fate, get angry, envy people they know who have achieved something in life for only one reason: lack of faith in their abilities, talents and strengths. And they have to blame themselves for their failures.

Until recently, one of the most intelligent participants in the television project “Dom-2” had very immodest figures. It is unknown what caused the excess weight - separation from Yegor Kholyavin or a hormonal imbalance in the body. The girl did not make official statements about this. Even after Marina recovered, she could not be called fat. However, Marina Afrikantova gained a lot of weight on her face, stomach and hips, which for her, as a former model, was a real disaster.
But in just a few months a miracle happened: the Dom-2 participant managed to return to her former form. Marina returned to the project having lost 10 kg. Judging by the girl’s radiant skin, hair and excellent mood, you can’t say that she tortured herself with starvation diets and painful workouts. So, how did Marina Afrikantova lose weight?

Balanced nutrition is the key to success

It is simply impossible to lose weight without changing your diet. No miracle cures will help if you don’t adjust your menu.
In one of the interviews, Marina said that she lost weight thanks to calorie restriction and daily twenty-minute jogging. The blonde admitted that she tried many “miracle” diets. But none of them brought the expected result. Marina was helped to get rid of the hated kilograms by simply limiting her daily calorie intake and giving up fatty and sweet foods. Daily running accelerated the process of burning fat deposits and consolidated the result.
Marina Afrikantova's diet includes eating fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish and hard cheese. There are no strict restrictions, the main thing is to exclude flour products and fatty foods from the diet. The method of preparing dishes also plays an important role - no frying, only steaming and baking. You need to eat often and in small portions.

Golden rules for losing weight by Marina Afrikantova

Marina Afrikantova’s diet has borne fruit - now the girl weighs 53 kg with a height of 177 cm. The girl admitted that she lost weight thanks to daily control of calories. Daily caloric intake should be from 1000 to 1300 kcal. This is how you can force your body to burn its own fat. Foods with a high percentage of fat content, baked goods, sweets and pickles were under an iron ban. Marina completely gave up sugar, only occasionally adding a little honey to her tea.
According to nutritionists, the method that Marina chose to return to her previous shape is correct and does not harm the body. But the strict restriction regime should be observed for no longer than a month. When your weight returns to normal, you need to slightly increase your daily calorie intake, but only through healthy foods.
To prevent extra pounds from returning in the future in the form of legs and “ears” above the hips, we must not forget about physical activity. Running, dancing, walking the dog - the main thing is to give your body enough stress. With the right approach, Marina Afrikantova’s diet will help you lose from 5 to 15 kg.

How Marina Afrikantova lost weight: the main secret

Fans are wondering how Marina managed to lose weight in such a short time? Some believe that Marina had plastic surgery, others believe that she underwent liposuction. But none of these statements are even close to the truth. The girl’s new figure is the result of proper nutrition and regular exercise. But even these proven means will not bring such tangible results in such a short time. The girl admitted that she had a little helper - effervescent tablets.
Composition of tablets – Eco Slim- can not be called outlandish. It contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and pumpkin fiber. Together, these components dull the feeling of hunger and cravings for sweets. But most importantly, the complex promotes the production of dopamine, the pleasure hormone. With a reduced appetite and a good mood, losing weight is much easier. Together with a proper diet and physical activity, the calorie blocker gives wonderful results - Marina Afrikantova’s new figure is proof of this. Fat is broken down more intensively, and the process of losing weight goes faster without harm to the body.

A participant in the popular television project “Dom-2”, Marina Afrikantova managed to become a recognizable person not so much because of her relationships on the project, but through drastic changes in her appearance. During her first stay on the TV set, Marina did not have a slender figure - the girl had about three dozen extra pounds, which spoiled her quite pretty appearance.

Marina's return to the project amazed the presenters, spectators and participants - a slender person with the seductive figure of a real fashion model appeared before their eyes. Let's figure out what path Afrikantova went through in an effort to lose weight, and what is her secret to success in achieving a dizzying physical shape!

How Marina Afrikantova has changed: photos before and after losing weight

The path to losing weight

Like any girl who strives to lose dozens of kilograms, Marina has tried many popular methods that promise miraculous weight loss. At one time, Afrikantova adhered to the following rules:

  • Hollywood weight loss, excluding sugar and flour;
  • ate only cabbage and seafood according to the precepts of Japanese models;
  • followed the Brazilian diet based on vegetable soups;
  • arranged unloading, drinking only non-carbonated mineral water;
  • I ate buckwheat without salt or butter.

However, only the first 5 kg went with a bang, and the rest sat in place as if nailed down. Another girl might despair and give up on fruitless attempts to lose weight, assuring herself that her “wide” bones and unfavorable genetics will never allow her to achieve a slim figure. But not MarinaY And so, having returned to the Dom-2 project, she proudly demonstrated forms that any fashion model could envy.

This event caused many rumors. Many did not believe that it was just a matter of diet. Marina was suspected of plastic surgery, gastric resection, and the use of special clips and Thai diet pills. Afrikantova, having decided to dot all the i’s, reassured the public by sharing her secret. As it turned out, it consists only of a low-calorie diet combined with light cardio exercises.

The diet that Marina offers is designed for a twenty-day period, during which high-calorie foods are prohibited. For a faster process of burning calories and toning your body, you should also run or walk very quickly for 20-25 minutes every day. That’s the whole secret that allowed Marina to cope with almost three dozen kilograms of excess weight.

Light cardio exercises allowed Marina to gain a toned body

Among the products that are prohibited for consumption, Marina lists:

  • bakery products, sweet pastries, noodles, pasta and confectionery products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • potatoes of any type and method of preparation;
  • any foods high in fat;
  • sweet sparkling water.

Afrikantova warns that after three weeks of a low-calorie diet, the body will not receive many important microelements, so it is important to take fortified complexes. Taking multivitamin supplements is a must, otherwise you may end up with unpleasant health problems or, at the very least, find that your hair has become dull, your skin has become dry, and your nails have become brittle.

How to eat?

Marina’s diet is a cyclical diet, that is, a certain set of foods will be repeated sooner or later. In this case, the products recommended by Afrikantova are distributed over 6 days, after which the cycle is repeated two more times.

Girls who find such a low-calorie diet too difficult can add several snacks to their daily routine, consisting of a portion of vegetables or light fruits (for example, apples). However, Marina warns that the effectiveness of the diet may suffer from this, although it will be much easier for you to tolerate. The most difficult, according to Afrikantova’s reviews, are the first few days.

Low-calorie cyclical diet - Afrikantova’s secret to losing weight

Marina Afrikantova's menu by day

We'll write out the menu for every day.

On Mondays:

  • breakfast consists of a glass of low-fat kefir and a piece of dark bread;
  • lunch includes 200 ml of milk and toast from dark bread;
  • dinner involves a green apple and 400 ml of low-fat kefir.

On Tuesdays:

  • Breakfast is offered with 200 ml of tomato juice and black bread toast (can be replaced with a cup of coffee with milk and a spoonful of honey);
  • have 250 ml of tomato juice as a bite with a slice of dark bread;
  • have dinner with a liter of unsalted tomato juice.

On Wednesdays:

  • breakfast consists of a slice of dark bread and a piece of low-fat cheese;
  • for lunch it is suggested to eat 200 ml of broth and a piece of steamed fish;
  • for dinner you can eat 120 g of boiled chicken breast.

On Thursdays:

  • for the first meal you should give preference to steamed oatmeal with a spoon of honey;
  • in the second - chicken breast broth and a piece of dark bread;
  • in the third - two boiled eggs and 450 ml of low-fat kefir.

On Fridays:

  • for breakfast you can eat a couple of green apples and drink 250 ml of vegetable juice;
  • Vegetarian soup with vegetables, cucumber, and tomato are allowed for lunch;
  • for dinner you can eat a salad of grated carrots, shredded cabbage and half a cucumber (you can replace it with 110 g of boiled chicken breast and a glass of kefir).

On Saturdays:

  • for breakfast you can eat a couple of oranges and drink a cup of green tea;
  • for lunch, eat 200 g of vinaigrette and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • For dinner, a fruit salad dressed with low-fat natural yoghurt and 700 ml of kefir is offered.

An express diet will help you get in shape for an important event!

When six days on such a diet have expired, you need to repeat the nutrition cycle two more times, however, it is not recommended to adhere to this menu for longer than 18-20 days, as this threatens a serious disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet can be carried out once every 60 days.

There are already quite a few reviews online from girls who have lost weight using Marina’s method. Some of them say that in twenty days they managed to get rid of 20 hated kilograms, and twenty minutes of running helped keep their body in good shape, avoiding unsightly sagging skin due to sudden weight loss.

I managed to try a lot of methods and techniques for losing weight before I found ones that really worked and were effective. And here are the best of them:

  1. Natural complex for weight loss. Allows you to quickly burn excess weight, fight cellulite and eliminate pimples and blackheads. Then I found out that some domestic stars also use it.
  2. Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition. You can find reviews and instructions on other diets and nutrition systems on the pages of my website
  3. Active lifestyle.
You can get the rest of the secrets to successful weight loss for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Marina Afrikantova was born on October 14, 1987, in Moscow. Her parents are respected and intelligent people; the girl’s father built a great career in the field of archeology. We raised our daughter like a queen. She had everything: gorgeous dresses, many dolls and travel to many countries of the world.

By the way, the girl’s last name is not a far-fetched name, not a pseudonym, as most believe.

Since childhood, Marina has been involved in swimming, as well as sports dancing, and went to the school of the famous teacher Alla Dukhova.

She completed two higher educations and received a profession as an engineer and TV presenter. The girl is young, but has achieved a lot in her life, but she believes there is no limit, and there is always something to strive for. The girl likes to do photography. She also studies perfectly, knows French and English.

Afrikantova became famous after participating in the television show “Dom-2”. Marina Afrikantova is an old friend of Rustam Kolganov, a participant in the Dom-2 project. Since 2007, the young lady likes Andrei Cherkasov.

Not surprisingly, Afrikantova immediately expressed her interest to Cherkasova; he was glad that this gorgeous woman sympathized with him. Marina says that she and Andrey are supposedly perfect.

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Currently, the girl earns money in the modeling business: she participates in various beauty contests. Marina Afrikantova has a lot of experience in this matter, because she took her first steps on the podium while still studying at school. In 2012

Marina Afrikantova won " Miss Perfect" And " Best Figure" in the competition " Miss Moscow" In 2013, she took part in the competition “ Beauty of Russia" And again successfully. The girl was given the opportunity to master the next step on the career ladder by winning the International competition " World Russian Beauty", held in 2014 in New York.

Photos before and after the diet

Her method of losing weight and diet

Marina Afrikantova has turned from a plump woman into a spectacular woman in front of millions of people, it is not surprising that the Internet and fans of House-2 put forward different assumptions.

The most common of them:

  1. monastery tea
  2. pills
  3. slimclips clips that help you lose weight.
  4. magnets on fingers
  5. green coffee
  6. Goji berries
  7. lay in soda baths for days

But in reality, these are all tricks of swindlers and imaginary sellers of useless goods.

As Marina herself says, she went on many diets:

  1. Hollywood Diet. It excludes sugar, bread
  2. Japanese diet. Mainly includes seafood that is cooked without adding salt
  3. Brazilian diet. Based on vegetable broths
  4. Cabbage diet. Most foods in the diet come from cabbage
  5. Buckwheat diet. There are no restrictions; you can eat buckwheat in any quantity.
  6. Diet based on blood type
  7. Diet excluding carbohydrates
  8. Kefir
  9. Tried fasting

Marina has become a very good specialist in diets, so much so that her knowledge would be enough to write a book or could easily host a program.

Fans are wondering how the “House 2” participant with the sonorous surname Afrikantova lost weight in such a short time. Many believe that she resorted to plastic surgery, others claim that a diet came to her aid. The last statement is true.

Only in addition to the diet, the girl visited the gym. How much did Marina Afrikantova weigh before losing weight? As much as 78 kg, but she managed to reduce her weight to 53. At the same time, the girl’s height is 177 cm. The main secret of the star’s diet is limiting calories and, naturally, fat, due to which weight loss occurs at an accelerated pace. Metabolism also accelerates. Now everyone can see what Marina Afrikantova looked like before and after losing weight.

The advantages of losing weight by Marina Afrikantova

  • You can lose weight in a short time.
  • Good cleansing of the body.

This technique is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

There is a lot of information on the Internet that Marina lost weight thanks to a special spray. The girl was also credited with rapid weight loss due to the consumption of green coffee, chia seeds, and goji berries. In fact, these are tricks of sellers, and the recipe for losing weight for a reality show participant is quite simple.

The girl regularly went to the gym, devoted 20 minutes to running, ate only vegetables and fruits, and on holidays she allowed herself a slight increase in daily caloric intake.

The secret of Marina Afrikantova's rapid weight loss

If you want to lose weight like a popular star, cut your diet by 1200 kilocalories. Break your meals into 5 meals to speed up your metabolism.

The weight loss menu is as follows:

  1. For breakfast you need to drink tea with two teaspoons of honey. After an hour, you can eat cheese with a low fat content;
  2. For lunch - cabbage and apple salad dressed with lemon juice;
  3. For dinner you can have boiled beef with a vegetable salad.

When you have severe hunger pangs, you can eat a green apple. Marina’s lazy diet helped Afrikantova effectively lose weight.

Menu for effective weight loss from Marina Afrikantova

The first 2 days on the diet menu are the hardest. These days you can only drink low-fat kefir, tomato juice and no more than 2 pieces of black bread.

The third and fourth days are protein days. At this time, you can have a cup of coffee with milk for breakfast, eat toast with black bread and butter. For lunch they offer meat broth and boiled fish with whole grain bread.

Dinner should be divided into 2 meals. The first includes half a glass of milk with honey. After 2 hours, you can eat 100 grams of boiled meat and a glass of kefir.

On the fifth day you can eat only vegetables and fruits. For breakfast – 2 apples, an orange. For lunch - lean soup and vinaigrette without potatoes. For dinner there are also apples and oranges. Later, a salad of cabbage, beets and carrots, as well as a piece of bread and a glass of tea with honey.

If you experience discomfort after eating while on a diet, do not stop immediately. You can simply supplement your diet with low-fat foods - vegetables, fruits, berries. Don't forget to go to the gym.

Diet recipes - Marina Afrikantova’s secret to losing weight

Salad. To do this, you need to chop the cabbage and grate the apple. Mix everything and season with lemon juice.

Recipe for monastery tea. To do this, you need to mix the inflorescences of black elderberry, honey, dandelion and chamomile, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink throughout the day.

Vegetable soup. To do this, you need to chop green onions, bell peppers, and herbs. Boil and add a little seasoning.

During the entire time you are on a diet, you can get rid of 15-20 extra kg, as well as normalize your metabolism.

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