15th week of pregnancy what is happening. How does the uterus change at this stage?

The well-being of pregnant women who are carrying two babies under their hearts at once is not much different from the sensations experienced by the expectant mother of one child. However, experts recommend that women with twins be even more careful and prudent. And this is not surprising, because each fetus requires strength and resources for development, which they take from their mother. A woman, together with the supervising doctor, must provide them and herself with everything necessary without compromising their health.

Possible problems

Discharge at the 15th obstetric week

The expectant mother needs to be alert and contact a gynecologist if the discharge suddenly changes dramatically at the 15th week of pregnancy. Signs that should alert a woman include changes in color, composition, and smell.

If yellow or green discharge is detected, an unpleasant odor not previously observed appears, and there is a cheesy consistency, then immediately seek medical help.

The cause may be either a threat of miscarriage, or an inflammatory process, or an infection. The doctor must clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In most cases, if a woman goes to the hospital in a timely manner, the pregnancy is not interrupted.


At week 15, the expectant mother may notice pain in different parts of her body:

  • Moderate and rare pain in the uterine area. The muscles in this area stretch as the fetus increases in size.
  • Pain in the tailbone area is caused by the same reason - the growth of the child. The uterus, increasing in size, puts pressure on the nerve endings in the pelvic area.
  • Unpleasant pain in the legs appears in the second trimester in some pregnant women. Cramps are caused by calcium deficiency.
  • Not often, but still there is pain when urinating, radiating to the lumbar region. This could be a sign of kidney disease and you should consult a doctor.
  • Headache is a common companion for pregnant women. It is not recommended to take medications so as not to harm the child. It is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air and at the same time do not forget about proper rest.

Painful sensations, if they are strong and repeated often, are not the norm during pregnancy. A woman experiencing discomfort in the lower abdomen, severe pulling pains, as during menstruation, needs to be prudent. The best way out is to contact an antenatal clinic if you have any doubts about the baby’s condition. The gynecologist will find out the cause of the ailment and help you cope with it.


At 15 weeks of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy can occur due to serious pathologies in fetal development. Among the most common reasons are facts of induced abortion in the past, abnormal placenta previa, conflict of Rh blood factors, infectious diseases, hormonal or genetic failure. Signs of spontaneous abortion include bleeding and severe pain in the uterine area.

It is important to provide timely assistance to a pregnant woman, since such cases can threaten her life.

Bloody issues

An expectant mother who discovers bleeding should remain calm. Blood from the vagina is a reason to immediately consult a doctor, but it does not necessarily mean that a miscarriage has occurred.

You should know the most common causes of such phenomena:

  • Placental abruption.
    Premature separation of the baby's place from the wall of the uterus can be caused, for example, by pathologies in the mother's vascular system, bad habits (especially alcohol consumption), and autoimmune conditions. In any case, detachment threatens the life of the fetus, because at the same time it ceases to receive oxygen and nutrients.
  • Frozen pregnancy.
    This pathology is most often observed in mothers over the age of 35, as well as in cases where there has been a sad experience of abortions or ectopic pregnancies.
  • Threat of miscarriage due to stress or excessive physical exertion.
    Some mothers who lead a sports lifestyle do not consider it necessary to reconsider their workload during pregnancy. This is the wrong approach and can lead to disastrous consequences. Any doctor will confirm that for a successful pregnancy it is necessary to reduce the intensity of exercise and not lift weights.

There are very frequent cases when, at 15 weeks, a woman goes to the antenatal clinic with complaints of discharge with blood clots, and urgent treatment helps to save the fetus.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound is one of the most informative methods for determining fetal development parameters. It is often prescribed by a gynecologist if there are doubts about the successful course of pregnancy. The doctor, using an ultrasound machine, can tell the mother and father how the baby is feeling and his environment. A photo at the 15th week of pregnancy will show the size and weight of the baby’s body, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the condition of the placenta. If the baby's presentation allows you to see the genitals, some experts call the gender of the fetus.

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by various changes in the body. A woman may notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as crumbling teeth. This is due to the fact that all energy costs and nutrients from the mother’s body go to the development of the fetus.

What happens during the 15th week of pregnancy?

A child in the second trimester of pregnancy needs a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, especially calcium and proteins.

With a lack of these substances in the body of the expectant mother, not only external changes may appear (deterioration of the skin condition, increased fragility of hair and nail plates), but also other pathological processes. For example, the main symptom of calcium deficiency is calf muscle cramps.


Feelings in the abdomen change at 15 weeks of pregnancy. At the fifteenth week, the uterus increases in size even more. It still has a rounded spherical shape, but will soon begin to stretch into the abdominal cavity. The height of the fundus of the uterus is 14-15 cm. A woman can feel it herself by placing her palm on the lower abdomen about 4-5 fingers below the navel.

The uterus no longer puts pressure on the surrounding pelvic organs. That is why in the second trimester the frequency of urination returns to normal. But at the same time, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and problems with digestion and intestinal function remain. To prevent constipation, it is important to properly plan your diet.

The volume of blood in a pregnant woman's body increases by 20%, which puts additional stress on the heart muscle. This is what can cause a slight tachycardia. If a woman has any heart pathologies or failure, regular monitoring and observation by a cardiologist is necessary throughout pregnancy.

The 15th week is characterized by an increase in blood volume and insufficient production of red blood cells, which often causes an iron deficiency condition - anemia. Its main symptoms are weakness, frequent dizziness, the appearance of spots before the eyes, depression and poor health.

There is no need to worry about periodic sensations of suffocation at night. The probable causes are nosebleeds - due to an increase in blood volume in the mother's body. However, in case of serious forms of these conditions, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the following main signs:

  • increase in volume and sensitivity of the breast;
  • nosebleeds;
  • low blood pressure;
  • bleeding gums;
  • headache;
  • heartburn, increased gas formation in the intestines, indigestion;
  • increased salivation;
  • the hips and abdomen increase in volume at the fifteenth week;
  • Pigmentation appears on the skin - freckles and moles become more noticeable, the white line on the stomach darkens.

At this stage, a colorless liquid, colostrum, may already begin to be released from the breast. This is a normal physiological phenomenon associated with hormonal changes. It is also influenced by the individual characteristics of the woman, so some expectant mothers do not release colostrum until childbirth.

Mom's feelings

As a result of hormonal changes in the body, a woman can become absent-minded and forgetful. During this period, some expectant mothers experience an unprecedented surge of strength and energy. But at the same time, it is important for a pregnant woman to observe a work and rest schedule and try not to overwork.

New sensations in the abdomen during the 15th week are associated with the growth of the uterus and stretching of ligaments and muscles, which can lead to unpleasant painful sensations. They should not be sharp and cramping, or cause discomfort to the woman. For any changes, you should consult a gynecologist.

The fetus is still very small during this obstetric week, but the woman can feel its movements. They do not look like tremors, but feel like “fish movements” or “bursting bubbles.” But only a very sensitive or multiparous woman can feel them. Usually, the expectant mother feels the first tremors of the baby only at 18-20 weeks.


In the second trimester of pregnancy, the discharge may be clear, light or slightly yellowish. But if other signs appear, you should visit a gynecologist:

  • unpleasant pungent odor;
  • heterogeneous consistency, presence of bubbles, flakes, pieces;
  • the appearance of smudge marks on underwear;
  • bright yellow or green discharge, admixture of pus;
  • manifestation of burning, stinging, pain and other discomfort.


An ultrasound examination at the fifteenth week is carried out only at the request of the woman or if there are indications, for example, to determine a frozen pregnancy or confirm placental abruption.

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

The size of the fruit at this stage is 94-103 mm, and its weight is about 50-70 g. In size, it is similar to an orange. The fetus has a proportional body and head, and its skin is a thin transparent layer through which blood vessels and capillaries are visible.

The fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is completely covered with a special fluff that protects the waxy lubricant. The fluff covers the eyebrows and the surface of the skull in greater quantities. Hair follicles have already formed in the scalp, which begin to produce an enzyme that determines the baby’s hair color.

What else happens at 15 weeks with the baby? He becomes very active, he can tumble in the uterine cavity, which is still very spacious, clench his fists, stroke his face and umbilical cord. All joints are already formed, so he can easily bend his arms and legs. Half the time he is asleep, and the other half he is awake.

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy:

  • the process of ossification of the skeleton is activated, therefore the consumption of calcium from the female body increases;
  • the child’s eardrums form in the ears, so he can hear all the surrounding sounds well - the beating of the mother’s heart, the movement of blood through the vessels and the seething in the intestines;
  • the baby’s eyes are still closed, but they react to bright light if the sun’s rays are directed at the stomach;
  • The gallbladder begins to produce bile, which subsequently enters the intestines, which is why after birth the baby’s original feces - meconium - have a rich swamp-green hue.

A child at the 15th week of pregnancy actively swallows amniotic fluid, after which he empties his bladder. To maintain the optimal chemical composition and sterility in the amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid is regularly renewed. This process can take place up to 8-10 times a day.


The main physiological problem for a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy is constipation. To soften them, you should not use laxatives, as they can lead to irritation and hardening of the uterus, as well as other consequences. The most serious of them is placental abruption. During this period, it is better to eat more foods rich in fiber and natural delicate laxatives (prunes).

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is usually accompanied by normalization of temperature, but with the penetration of viruses or infection it may increase. This condition is very dangerous for a child, therefore, at a temperature above 38°C, you should immediately take an antipyretic - Paracetamol or.

To prevent possible problems, you should avoid visiting public places and limit contact with strangers. If a sore throat occurs, you can gargle it with chamomile infusions, and if you have a cough, do rubbing and inhalation. You should refrain from using any medications.


A pregnant woman needs to spend more time in the air, take more walks and do low-intensity exercises, and also follow other doctor’s recommendations:

In the second trimester, it is advisable to visit the dentist to identify problems with your teeth, since a lack of calcium can lead to their crumbling, loss and the appearance of carious cavities. If there are any problems, treatment should be carried out in the second trimester.

Nutrition should be proper and balanced, high in protein and calcium. The best products during this period are cottage cheese, milk, cheese, chicken and turkey meat, fish and seafood. You need to eat small portions 6-8 times a day, avoiding overeating.

To prevent the main physiological problem at this time - constipation, you should eat sprouted grains, whole grain bread and cereals. To compensate for the lack of calcium, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese for breakfast, as well as drink up to two liters of water per day, and include berry fruit drinks in your drinking regime during the cold season - this will also be an excellent prevention of colds.

During pregnancy, it is not advisable to take any drugs or medications, including even vasoconstrictor nasal drops;

If the belly begins to grow, a woman should buy special clothes for pregnant women - trousers or jeans with an elastic insert in the abdomen. They will not put pressure on him, and will not cause discomfort to the child.

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Fifteenth week. Now, in addition to the length of the fetus and the diameter of its head (and at this time it is already 28.2 mm), they talk about two more indicators: the diameter of the baby’s tummy and chest. This week these parameters are approximately equal: 28 mm - chest volume, 27.6 mm - abdominal volume. Although the fetus is actively moving, you don’t feel it yet. And for the first time you will feel it closer to the middle of the term - at the 20th week.

The brain continues to develop, and convolutions are already beginning to form. The tiny heart beats at a rate of 150-160 beats per minute, and it pumps almost 23 liters of blood through the vessels. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is not yet sufficient, so blood vessels are clearly visible through the skin. Now, when the rudiments of hair appear, their color is determined. It will be produced by special cells that are responsible for this. And original feces will begin to form in the intestines. This week the bone marrow begins to develop. The load on the placenta is increasing. The amount of amniotic fluid increases. And together with the urine that the child’s kidneys secrete, they maintain an optimal chemical composition.

The thickness of the placenta at this time already reaches 17.7 mm. And the child’s habitat is reliably protected. However, it is worth taking care to avoid contracting infections.
And now, if you haven’t started doing this earlier, you can talk to your baby. Because he is already able to hear your voice. Moreover, he knows how to recognize his mother’s voice.

Now your belly is already noticeable. And in the maternity departments you are welcomed with open arms. There is already more amniotic fluid, the uterus has noticeably increased. At each appointment, your doctor measures your tummy and writes down a mysterious value: the height of your uterus. So at this time this value is 14 cm. The uterus rises higher and puts less pressure on the bladder and intestines.

Now, most likely, you feel an unprecedented surge of strength (although, unfortunately, this does not happen to everyone). It is at this time that a woman begins to blossom. Enjoy your condition - you have never had anything like this before!

You began to notice pigment spots on your face, and a dark stripe in the middle of your stomach. It is already quite clearly visible. This is due to the fault of estrogen and progesterone, which are actively produced in your body.

To bleach age spots, you can use special creams and in summer apply creams with maximum SPF protection to your face and try not to stay in the bright sun for so long.

Of course, amid many plans for the future, you want to feel comfortable and cozy. And the only problem that spoils my mood is frequent constipation. For prevention, doctors advise consuming more fiber. What it is found in: vegetables, fruits, bran bread, cereals.
Beets have a laxative effect, and plums have a laxative effect.

From time to time you have to deal with anemia. Red blood cells do not have time to be formed in sufficient quantities, and anemia during pregnancy is almost inevitable. It causes dizziness, heaviness in the head, and weakness. But in order not to bring the situation to a critical point, take iron supplements if necessary.
In addition to anemia, low blood pressure is also dangerous - hypotension. As a result, blood flow in the vessels and brain is reduced, and due to a lack of oxygen, it can cause problems in the condition of the fetus. Such common conditions for many still need to be treated.

15th week of pregnancy: vaginal discharge

You have known for a long time what healthy discharge should be like, and based on the slightest prerequisites you can guess that you need to rest and bring yourself back to normal in order to avoid exacerbation of thrush. The usual moderate, light discharge indicates that everything is normal again.

Therefore, any purulent discharge should immediately alert you. There are situations when, during pregnancy, women contracted infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, or even more seriously, gonorrhea. Of course, in a family where everyone is responsible for each other, such a diagnosis would be surprising. But in life it happens differently. And it was precisely by the purulent discharge from the genitals - foamy purulent in case of trichomoniasis, copious with pus - in case of gonorrhea - that doctors diagnosed the infection. They are especially dangerous because they are particularly acute during pregnancy due to reduced immunity. And they can affect the health of the fetus.

As for spotting, it is either a sign that there is erosion of the cervix or a threat of miscarriage. And to avoid unwanted consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor. Or call an ambulance.

15th week of pregnancy pregnancy nutrition

Now, even with a balanced diet, it is not easy for you to compensate for all those vitamins that are required for the healthy development of the fetus. More energy is required. At least 200 calories.
If you have stomach problems, it is better to prefer crackers with fresh tea to bread or rolls. When the uterus rises and the baby begins to move more actively, many complain of heaviness in the liver area. To avoid stagnation, it is better to eat more often and, if possible, avoid eating too heavy and fatty foods.

Vitamin C and iron are required in much larger quantities than before - as you remember, they affect the level of hemoglobin, in other words, the formation of blood. Now you will remind yourself of a magician who is trying to patch his caftan with different patches. You must notice everything and be on time everywhere so that the baby’s growing body receives everything it needs. If you've been underweight before, now is the time to eat well. You need strength and energy for two. And in winter, when part of the energy is spent on heating, the calorie content of food should be even higher.

Now on the baby’s face you can see the upper and lower jaw, ears, and eye sockets. The baby constantly changes his position and posture, he sleeps and is awake. And now we can already talk about the first relationship with him - he hears you and actively reacts.

At the 15th week of pregnancy (second trimester), a woman experiences a calmer state, as during this period toxicosis recedes, her mood improves, and her appetite increases. During this period, the belly is not yet large and does not cause much discomfort, which is possible in the third trimester. An ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy will help to see not only the developmental features of the fetus, but also to exclude abnormal or pathological processes at an early stage of formation.

In the second trimester, the woman and fetus feel much better, the risk of complications is behind them. During this period, the baby will need a large amount of nutrients; any lack of vitamins can lead to health problems in both mother and child.

At week 15, due to the release of all important maternal resources, a woman may notice a deterioration in the external condition of her skin, hair, and nails. During this period they are most vulnerable. As pregnancy progresses, the waist will expand, the weight will increase (the gain will be 2.5-3 kg), and the tummy will begin to be clearly visible under clothes. During this period, a woman should take care of changing her wardrobe; spacious, comfortable clothes for daily wear are best suited. Over time, due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity will change, which will lead to difficulties in movement and pain in the feet. The shoes should not compress the foot; the heel is completely removed at this time.

Breast growth and volume gain are noted, nipples darken, and halos expand. A woman will need to select cotton underwear to avoid squeezing her chest and abdomen. Over time, mood swings are possible, which gives way to an apathetic and sluggish state. A phenomenon of this nature during this period of pregnancy is quite normal: in this way, nature protects the expectant mother from stressful conditions. The fifteenth obstetric week is equal to the thirteenth week of gestation.

At week 15, some women may experience the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urination;
  • there is a lack of air due to the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm;
  • hypotension, leading to dizziness and loss of strength.

If you have persistent poor health that causes low blood pressure, you should consult a doctor.
Among the external changes, the following can be noted:

  • breast enlargement, darkening of nipples;
  • weight gain;
  • all previously existing birthmarks or age spots on the skin become distinct;
  • The white line on the abdomen becomes dark.

Often, women during pregnancy experience pain in the tailbone area associated with stress on the nerve endings. To alleviate the condition, you should take a comfortable position, and also sometimes do simple exercises to warm up your body.

At week 15, a woman’s belly becomes visible, the uterus gradually expands, it can be felt if you lower your hand 3 fingers below the navel, and begins to grow upward, pressing on the pelvic organs. An increase in the size of the uterus leads to shortness of breath and heartburn.

What does a baby look like in the womb at 15 weeks?

Ultrasound examination shows the following indicators:

  • the fruit reaches a height of 15 cm, weight - 70 grams;
  • the skeleton is formed;
  • nails grow and take shape;
  • hairs are noticeable on the head, the contour of the eyebrows and eyelashes is outlined;
  • the auricles are formed, the ears take on a distinct shape;
  • the stage of differentiation of the genital organs is completed; if the fetus is in the correct position, the sex can be determined.

Norms of intrauterine development of the fetus by the 15th week of pregnancy

During this period, the fetus reacts to sound vibrations, receptors are adjusted that allow it to understand the taste of food coming from the mother. The embryo's eyes are closed, but it already has the ability to perceive light sources.

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered a turning point, which allows us to determine the development of organs and systems to identify possible pathologies. At this time, the baby feels comfortable inside the mother’s womb and begins to actively gain weight.

Determining the sex of the child

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination can determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl. But it is worth noting that at this time the probability of error is still high. Using ultrasound, chromosomal pathological changes called echogenicity are often detected in the fetus.

If a diagnosis of increased echogenicity of the intestine is made, this indicates the accumulation of stool, which is determined only by ultrasound. It is possible that this kind of pathology will disappear over time.

Diagnosis of a 15-week fetus

In the second trimester, an ultrasound machine can show the development of the embryo and its active movement of the limbs. This stage of development involves increased activation of the fetal muscular system. The baby at the 15th obstetric week remains very tiny, and his kicks will be felt minimally by the woman. The size of the fetus at week 15 is 10 cm and weighs 70 g.

At this stage of development, an ultrasound is performed, during which the fetal heartbeat can be clearly seen. In the female body, the homogeneous state of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus) is assessed using ultrasound; normal values ​​are at 2.5 cm. An ultrasound examination can be prescribed by the leading doctor if there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as if the presence of genetic abnormalities is suspected.

What to take with you to the ultrasound

A woman should take with her a gynecological diaper, a condom for the sensor, napkins, sterile gloves and shoe covers, and an exchange card. It is not recommended to empty your bladder before the procedure.

Drink as much fluid as possible 1 hour before going to the doctor. Before the procedure, you should relax, as body tension will cause uterine tone, which is diagnosed as a threat of pregnancy failure.

Preparing for an ultrasound examination

Entering the office, the couch is covered with a diaper, they lie down on it and expose the stomach. If a vaginal ultrasound is planned, the doctor will inform you about it. The lower abdomen is lubricated with gel for better movement of the sensor, at which time the first picture of the fetal condition is displayed on the screen.

The cost of an ultrasound scan is determined by the quality of the device, as well as the length of pregnancy. For a study at week 15, the cost will be from 2000 rubles. and higher.

A 3D ultrasound during pregnancy at 15 weeks will allow you to examine in detail not only the sex of the baby, but also its cheeks, eyes, and eyebrows.

3D examination makes it possible to completely exclude abnormal development of the child’s nervous system due to the reconstruction of the brain structure. The research process does not involve the use of ultrasound, which is a big plus. The child and his development are determined in real time.

The study produces a two-dimensional photo indicating the length and growth of the fetus. The price of the procedure depends on the purpose of the study, the quality of the device, the urgency of the procedure, and is approximately 3,500 rubles.

Is ultrasound diagnostics harmful at this stage?

The ultrasound machine does not have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman, but for the fetus - the older it is, the less negative impact this procedure has. Ultrasound is performed using modern sensors that are absolutely safe for human health.

  1. At the 15th week of pregnancy, you should not only adapt to your needs, but also take into account the feelings of the child. At this stage of development, the fetus distinguishes taste, light, and sounds. Expectant mothers can sing songs, conduct conversations in a calm tone, and should avoid irritating factors, since during this period the baby’s nervous system is being formed.
  2. You should pay attention to your wardrobe, change tight things to looser ones.
  3. A simple gymnastics routine will help you relax and prepare for the upcoming birth.
  4. A pregnant woman's diet should include foods rich in calcium; meat or fish are required at this stage of gestation. Drinks to replenish the body with vitamins include rosehip decoction, compotes of dried apricots and prunes.

The second trimester of pregnancy (15th week), in addition to being considered a calm and safe period, still requires a serious attitude towards your health. The expectant mother is obliged to control her diet and strictly follow medical instructions. This will serve as reliable protection against dangerous factors for her own health and the health of the unborn baby.

More than three months have already passed since a new life was born in you! Both you and your family have already realized that very soon there will be an addition to the family!

The anticipation of a small miracle has united your whole family!

The proportions of the expectant mother's tummy continue to change, and the proportions of the baby living in the mother's tummy also change; the body is stretched out and against its background the head no longer looks so big!

The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the absence of unpleasant sensations and excellent appetite. But at the same time, expectant mothers may notice brittle nails and dry skin, which, of course, affects their mood.

At this time, the baby continues to develop and prepares for life in the modern world!

Your baby is the size of...

50 grams
93-103 mm
130-170 beats/min

Fetal development

Your baby’s internal organs continue to develop, they improve their work and every day it becomes clearer and more streamlined.

Your baby's legs have already become longer than his arms, and the appearance of the fetus takes on the distinct features of a little person.

The ears are almost perfect, the eyes continue to come closer together, although they are still far from each other.

The baby is active, but you will not feel the first movements until next week. This is favored by the development of bone tissue, the limbs acquire greater strength, and a skeleton appears.

Hairs appear on your baby's body, the baby has a reddish color and the skin is no longer so transparent.

The body continues to improve its organs and systems. The pituitary gland and gall bladder are working, the sweat and sebaceous glands have begun to function. In boys, testosterone is produced and the kidneys are actively working. Your baby is already urinating in amniotic fluid, which has a unique composition. Amniotic fluid is completely sterile, moreover, it is renewed approximately 10 times a day.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid reaches 100 milliliters, and the temperature varies within 37 degrees.

Now the amniotic sac for your baby is food, shelter, protection, comfort, and a training ground. The fetus develops every day and prepares for life outside the mother's tummy. The baby develops the chest, lungs, musculoskeletal system, and intestines.

At this stage of pregnancy, you can already determine the gender of your baby.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks of pregnancy

This is not a mandatory study.

When the procedure is carried out at the fifteenth week, the movement of the fetus with its legs and arms is clearly visible, it kicks, waves its arms, but you do not feel this yet, your baby is still too small for you to feel these kicks, but very soon you will be able to feel the movements of your baby .

The size of the fruit corresponds to a medium orange, the baby can already hear your voice and the beat of your heart. An ultrasound examination at week 15 shows how the baby moves his toes and arms, makes breathing movements, but so far spontaneous, this indicates that he is already preparing for life outside his mother’s tummy. But to live independently, your baby is still small, he still needs a comfortable and cozy house in the shape of your tummy.

Your baby's heart beats 140–160 beats per minute, pumping 28 liters of blood per day. But most importantly, at this stage you can already find out the gender of your baby. The heart has four chambers, just like in an adult. A feature of your baby's heart is the open foramen ovale, which is necessary for the discharge of blood. But with the first breath it will close. There is already a septum between the atria.

An ultrasound scan at 15 weeks also evaluates the condition of the cervix. This is necessary to exclude isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in other words, the inability of the cervix to hold the fetus inside the uterus. The ovaries of the expectant mother are also assessed, but their visualization is difficult due to the growing uterus.

In the structure of the uterus, the homogeneity of the myometrium (muscle layer) is assessed; normally, at the 15th week of pregnancy, the myometrium should have a homogeneous structure approximately 2.5 cm thick.

The placenta during ultrasound examination at 15 weeks of pregnancy may have different locations. It is mainly located along the back or front wall of the uterus. In some cases, the placenta reaches and even covers the cervix; this situation is called placenta previa and requires regular medical monitoring.

In most cases, with placenta previa, the expectant mother will undergo regular preventive hospital treatment. In case of complete placenta previa, bed rest is recommended throughout the pregnancy, in most cases in a hospital. This is necessary in order to eliminate the threat of miscarriage.

What happens in your body at 15 weeks?

The uterus grows and rises into the abdominal cavity, the expectant mother is less and less bothered by frequent urination, but problems with constipation appear, since, rising into the abdominal cavity, the uterus puts pressure on the intestines, reducing its peristalsis.

The fundus of the uterus is already located between the navel and pubis, and you can feel it yourself; to do this, you need to lie on your back and gently place your hand on your stomach.

The formation of the placenta is completed, and it is already possible to evaluate the work of the fetoplacental complex; for this, the level of estradiol in the urine is determined.

The effect of hormones can affect the condition of the gums, so it is worth visiting a dentist.

How you feel at 15 weeks

Due to increased blood flow, dizziness and darkening of the eyes may occur, so it is worth paying attention to vitamin complexes containing iron.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, expectant mothers observe a darkening of the nipple halos, the breasts become heavier and fuller.

The tummy is already clearly visible, which makes sleeping on the stomach much more difficult. Possible feelings of heat, flashes of sweat.

Due to the fact that your breasts are preparing for the upcoming feeding, colostrum (primary milk, or more precisely its predecessor) may already appear; there is no need to squeeze it out. You just need to wipe your chest with a damp cloth and, if possible, take a shower.

Discharge from the genital tract

Homogeneous consistency, moderate, light discharge indicates the cleanliness of the vagina and a normal pregnancy. If you have more abundant discharge, you should not be afraid, this is the work of estrogen. But if atypical discharge appears, for example, purulent or flaky, with an unpleasant odor, it is better to go to see a doctor.

The presence of green-gray, yellow, flaky, curdled or foamy discharge, accompanied by discomfort, indicates the development of an infection. Any infection can get to the fetus and, accordingly, provoke disturbances in its development, so you should start treatment recommended by your doctor immediately.

The reason for urgently seeking help is bloody discharge, accompanied by nagging pain in the abdomen, this indicates increased tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

Photos of bellies at 15 weeks

Risks at 15 weeks of pregnancy

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, spotting may appear, caused by abnormal placenta previa, so if you have even spotting pink discharge, you should immediately seek medical help.

In this case, urgent hospitalization for inpatient treatment is necessary, in some situations it is required until the end of pregnancy.

Examinations at 15 weeks

A change in the ratio of their number may indicate chromosomal pathologies of the fetus; the test results are interpreted taking into account the results of screening carried out in the first trimester.

Other tests are performed as indicated.

Important at 15 weeks

Pay special attention to taking vitamins, especially iron-containing components. Get plenty of rest, avoid stressful situations and overwork.

If you haven’t changed your wardrobe yet, then it’s time to take up this issue; give preference to natural fabrics and loose models.

Pay special attention to the drinking regime, as well as the prevention of constipation.

If you wish, you can start attending special courses for pregnant women.

Nutrition at 15 weeks

In nutrition, it is also better to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not deny yourself boiled meat, as well as seafood, if they were previously present in your diet (you should not experiment with new food products during pregnancy, so as not to provoke allergies in the unborn baby).

To prevent constipation, eat apples, prunes, beets, and dairy products.


During this period, the main regimen is proper sleep and rest, proper and balanced nutrition and positive emotions!

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